air force base contaminated water

The Air Force recently awarded the Tennessee-based Shaw E&I Group, which previously helped plug groundwater wells around the Toxic Triangle, a $37.5 million, nine and a half year contract to . Drinking water laced with high levels of poisonous chemicals may be to blame for cancer and other chronic disease among veterans and families who lived at Wurtsmith Air Force Base in northern Michigan, according to a new federal health report draft. Negotiators from the House and Senate are hammering out a final version of the defense spending bill. Last year, the DoD examined 524 installations for two of the most prevalent PFAS chemicals in aqueous firefighting foam, perfluorooctane sulfonate, or PFOS, and perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA, and found 401 with some level of contamination. The militarys firefighters use aqueous film-forming foam, or AFFF, which contains extremely high levels of PFAS, in training exercises and emergencies. Cancers, Thyroid Problems Caused by PFOS and PFOA, List of Military Bases with Contaminated Water, hardly ever break down in the environment. I like to remind us all that we are a kind of animal there are now hundreds of epidemiology studies showing associations with a wide variety of effects, including cancer, liver effects, kidney effects, effects on development and reproduction, growing evidence for effects on neurodevelopment, growing evidence for effects on type 2 diabetes Its kind of like the more you look, the more you begin to find associations with this very broad class of chemicals., Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. If you run a study now (of Wurtsmith veterans), youll prove there is a relationship. Benzene levels found in groundwater ranged from 197 to 1,000 parts per billion, far exceeding theEPAmaximum contaminant level standard of 5 parts per billion in drinking water. This interview aired onThe Conversationon Feb. 24, 2023. Through research, advocacy and unique education tools, EWG drives consumer choice and civic action. Its an issue not just in New Hampshire, but at military installations across this country, said Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-New Hampshire. The focus area for sampling was approximately a three (3) miles radius surrounding the Base property boundary within which 13 community water systems were sampled. WASHINGTON - Drinking water supplies at two Washington state Army installations are contaminated with extremely high levels of the toxic fluorinated chemicals called PFAS, according to Department of Defense data obtained by EWG under the Freedom of Information Act. At military bases, however, they are concentrated in the foam used to put out aircraft fires. The Air Force has numerous initiatives ongoing towards protecting people from exposure to PFOS and PFOA in drinking water at levels above EPA's lifetime health advisories. You may not realise it but you have an intimate relationship with PFAS. PFOS and PFOA are chemicals that were used in many industrial and consumer products, such as nonstick cookware, stain-resistant fabric, some food packaging, and specialized foam. Denka Performance Elastomer LLC makes synthetic rubber, emitting the carcinogen chloroprene and other chemicals in such high . Even at low levels, PFAS can cause a number of adverse health effects and have been linked to low birth weights, cancer, immune system problems, thyroid hormone disruption and increased cholesterol. There was no factoring in of cleanup levels, no factoring in of technologies, it was just a general [estimate]. The concentration of PFAS chemicals for McChord was 303 ppt and for Fort Lewis, 144.8 ppt. It also is tasked with finding a PFAS-free firefighting foam or funding the development of one. TheAgency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry(ATSDR), a federal public health agency within theU.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this week released new conclusions about the impact of Wurtsmith veterans exposures to unsafe levels of the degreasing solvent trichloroethylene (TCE) and the fuel byproduct benzene in the bases water supply in the 1970s. Some Defense officials have argued for cleanup and screening levels that are less protective of service members and their families than those proposed by EPA. The story of that education stretches from kupuna to keiki. Mitchell said the military has not allowed Japanese officials to enter the base and investigate the contamination themselves. They do not break down in the environment. 2 at 800-504-2650. It costs nothing to speak to one of the attorneys we work with, and youre never obligated to take legal action just because you talked to someone about your rights. In New Mexico, the Air Force recognized in 1999 that jet fuel had contaminated groundwater below Kirtland Air Force Base and surrounding neighborhoods. Those groundwater sites will be added to the departments long list of environmental cleanup responsibilities it has at each of its more than 2,900 facilities around the world, and will prioritize that cleanup based on risk. Peterson Air Force Base (PAFB) is in Colorado Springs, Colorado. 2, which includesOscoda County, applauded the new ATSDR conclusions. Explore the latest news, articles and features, This new version of quantum theory is even stranger than the original, Island-hopping cougars swim kilometres through icy water off US coast, Were starting to understand how viruses trigger chronic conditions. In July the House passed its version of the act, with several PFAS amendments, including one that woulddesignate PFAS as hazardous substances under the federal Superfund law. The facility was closed as an Air Force base in December 1992, but the poisons are still present. But DOD waited until 2011 to warn service members about the risks posed by PFAS. UPDATED MAP: Suspected and Confirmed PFAS Pollution at U.S. Military Bases, Roses are red, candy is sweet, avoid these additives in your Valentines Day treat, This Valentines Day, give the gift of fragrance without the danger of toxic chemicals, Wildlife warning: More than 330 species contaminated with forever chemicals, Forever chemicals in freshwater fish: Mapping a growing environmental justice problem. Two low-cost innovative sampling procedures for characterizing trichloroethene (TCE) contamination in ground water were evaluated for use at McChord Air Force Base (AFB) by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force McChord Air Force Base Installation Restoration Program, in 2001. But Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Environment Maureen Sullivan said Thursday that was "really a wild guess" based on rough calculations during congressional testimony. Public interest science has only just begun to wrap its head around PFOS and PFOA, decades after they were first produced, and so there is little chance it will ever catch up with manufacturers, who can tweak an existing molecule, rename it, and have it on the market in a fraction of the time it takes to establish a body of evidence to demonstrate whether or not it needs regulating. This Polar bears have a PFAS problem: Pollution from the forever chemicals known as PFAS contaminates polar bears, tigers, monkeys, pandas, dolphins and fish and has been documented in more than 330 From coast to coast, and in almost every state in the U.S., high levels of the forever chemicals known as PFAS contaminate freshwater fish. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) set an advisory health standard of 70 ppt for PFOS and PFOA, two types of PFAS used in the foam, though that may soon be lowered, and some states have already set much lower standards. The more than 5,000-acre former Wurtsmith base began operations as an airfield for military aircraft in 1923. Veterans stationed at these bases may have been exposed to a number of toxic substances through contaminated water, which may have led to serious health effects. In the UK today, of the thousands of PFAS in use, only PFOS and PFOA are subject to regulation. Its estimated that, given the widespread use of PFAS and the ubiquitous presence of some of them in the environment, almost everyone on the planet has PFAS in their blood at some level. For more information on the Air Force's response to Reese visit: Residents and servicemembers are now taking action for the harm they suffered, so read on for more about the link between military bases and water contamination, as well as whats involved in filing a lawsuit. Aside from chemicals manufacturing plants, any site that has regularly used PFOS-laden aqueous film-forming firefighting foams, such as airfields, military bases and firefighting training grounds, could in theory contaminate soils, air and water in the vicinity. Reports suggest that when the foam was washed away following training simulations, it seeped into the ground and nearby streams, contaminating the tap water base residents and locals used for drinking, bathing, cleaning and more. During a hearing earlier this year, DoD officials said the cost of the cleanup may be as high as $2 billion. The man-made chemicals, which can be used to make items heat or water resistant, are found in everyday household, food and clothing items, even take-out food wrappers. For example, at Peterson Air Force Base, in some water sources the PFAS/PFOA count is as high as 7,910 ppt. In Flanders, the government has advised people living in the neighbourhood of a 3M PFAS factory to stop eating eggs and vegetables from their hens and gardens, and a study by the Technical University of Denmark National Food Institute and the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration found that organic eggs in Denmark are contaminated with high levels of PFAS. Some PFAS have been linked at very low doses to cancer, reproductive and immune system harm, thyroid and kidney disease, and other health problems. McMahon said the task force has generated 40 recommendations and goals, from short-term fixes to long-term solutions to address PFAS-related issues. Congress should also do more to alert active and retired service members and their families about their exposure to PFAS and the health risks they face as a result. Direct exposure can also come via cosmetics, sprays or dust from consumer products, but little is known of the impacts through these pathways. Sullivan estimates the groundwater perfluorinate cleanup will add about $2 billion to the $27 billion previously identified cleanup projects for which the department is responsible. Did You Get Sick from Contaminated Water? Air Force via AP) "Since 2016, the drinking water for Okinawans has been contaminated with forever chemicals. Exposure and digestion of the water can be harmful. For Wurtsmith veterans who have long contended their health problems were likely tied to their toxic exposures on the base, the new findings provide some validation. SECURITY - A multi-million dollar lawsuit has been filed against the federal government because of groundwater contamination from the use of firefighting foam at Peterson Air Force Base. Copyright 2023, Environmental Working Group. The OU 1 plant treated the highest levels of groundwater contamination, what was then a so-called "hot spot," an area that initially . Toxic Forever Chemicals: What Are PFAS? Thats why most PFAS health scandals in the US and Europe have been related to contaminated drinking water supplies. In January - March 2020, DHEC sampled and analyzed community drinking water wells near Shaw Air Force Base (AFB) in Sumter, South Carolina for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Someindependent studiessuggest 1 ppt or lower as a safe level of exposure, which is endorsed by EWG. Surface water contamination includes strong evidence of deicing compounds in Cooley Brook, which discharges into . It is not known whether wells near those sites have been contaminated. The information submitted on this page will be forwarded to Cohen, Placitella & Roth who has sponsored this investigation. Newly obtained DoD data provides updated details about PFAS contamination at the previously known sites. There are lots of potential sources of PFAS pollution. We work closely with class action and mass tort attorneys across the country and help with investigations into corporate wrongdoing. Thyroid disease (hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism), Joint Base San Antonio, Lackland, Randolph, Fort Sam Houston and Camp Bullis, Texas, Seymour Johnson Air Force base, North Carolina, Wurtsmith Air Force base (Oscoda), Michigan, Past and future medical expenses, including prescription costs, surgery, medical treatments and doctors visits, Loss of marital benefits (care, comfort, sex, etc. may have been caused by toxic chemicals in your drinking water. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's maximum contaminant level for TCE in drinking water, above which long-term exposure could be expected to harm health, is 5 parts per billion. But Faber said the military has known about the threat for decades, and they are only alerting neighbors because Congress ordered them to do so. The Marine Corps is eliminating the scout sniper program as part of the service's big Force Design 2030 overhaul. Companies that manufactured AFFF with toxic chemicals include, but are not limited to, the following: Before filing a lawsuit, your attorney will ask you questions about your work history, places youve lived and how your health has changed since being exposed to contaminated groundwater. Americans are exposed to dozens of PFAS every day. Because PFAS never break down and they build up in our blood and organs, they are often known as forever chemicals.. The military services' track record for recognizing and admitting environmental exposures on its bases in combat has not been good, from long-standing problems at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, with contamination of the base's water supplies; to mass spillages of industrial solvents at the now-closed Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, California; to hundreds of sites across the U.S. that are contaminated with military munitions. Harvard University public health scientists say .001 ug/l of PFAS in our water is potentially hazardous. Catherine Cruz is the host of The Conversation. In all, 25 Army bases; 50 Air Force bases, 49 Navy or Marine Corps bases and two Defense Logistics Agency sites have tested at higher than acceptable levels for the compounds in either their drinking water or groundwater sources. Fort Lewis Logistics Center The U.S. Air Force (USAF) opened Westover Air Force Base in Chicopee, Massachusetts in 1942. "The military helped create PFAS-based firefighting foams and has understood the risks for decades," EWG Legislative Attorney Melanie Benesh said Wednesday in a news release. All rights reserved. A specialized substance designed to extinguish fires caused by petroleum and other flammable liquids, AFFF is known to contain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), a group of toxic chemicals. While the EPA did not make the guidelines enforceable, DoD decided to test all of its locations and work toward complying with the new standards. The MichiganDepartment of Environment, Great Lakes and Energyand theAir Forcehave worked on the cleanup of various contaminants in the area ever since those late-70s findings. -- Patricia Kime can be reached at "We are committed to ensuring that we have a safe place for our people and their families to live, work, play and pray," McMahon said. The Base served as a Strategic Air Command facility from the mid-1950's into the early 1980's when its mission shifted to USAF Reserve. PFAS chemicals are linked to birth defects, infertility, developmental delays and some cancers. Davis-Monthan Air Force Base (DMAFB) is located within the Tucson basin, a northwest trending alluvial valley. I will tell you up front, we know there's probably holes in the data," he said. McMahon said part of the task force's job will be to coordinate with the Department of Veterans Affairs to "understand what the relationship should be" regarding any health effects but stopped short of saying the DoD would seek to establish a service connection for any rating or military occupational specialty with frequent exposure. I will continue to work with my colleagues inCongressto protect service members from VOC chemical contamination at military bases.. Read more: Former Camp Pendleton Battalion Commander to Face Domestic Violence Charges. Suite 1000 This means those with continued exposure to the chemicals are particularly at risk for adverse health effects. What isnt sweet are the potentially harmful food chemicals that may be hiding in your Valentines Day candies. ATSDRs new conclusions need to trigger a presumptive service connection, Arvo said aVeterans Administrationdetermination that certain disabilities were caused by military service, for which veterans can be awarded disability compensation. Contact her at The growth of Hawaiian language immersion schools has exploded in recent years. Clean beauty in 2023 is one of the fastest growing categories in the personal care space, so you may want to give or hope to get clean fragrance this Valentines Day. In 2018, the U.S. Department of Defense announced that activities at 126 military bases had contaminated groundwater with PFAS. This means you only pay if they win your case. TCE levels were found at a high of 46,800 parts per billion at one on-base monitoring well in the late 1970s. In 2016 the EPA established a new, lower guideline for acceptable levels of PFOS or PFOA levels in water supplies: no more 70 parts per trillion. Other studies have reported that PFOS and PFOA can affect the immune system and that by depressing immune response, they can make vaccines less effective. In mid-September the DOD released shocking new figures that identify the scale of PFAS contamination in 95 installations from 35 states and Puerto Rico. All of that falls short of the concrete help veterans of Wurtsmith and other contaminated military bases need in getting their health problems addressed, Arvo said. While he could not say how many military personnel and their families live in communities where the municipal water supply or well water is contaminated with PFAS, he added that, in those cases, the Pentagon plans to be part of the solution. Both were eventually banned or had their uses restricted under various European and international laws, but being forever chemicals, they have not gone away. The water was contaminated by firefighting foam used at the former Pease Air Force Base. In a March report provided to the House Armed Services Committee, the Pentagon for the first time publicly listed the full scope of the known contamination. It's going to be somewhere in that vicinity," Sullivan said. EWG is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, EIN 52-2148600. Attorneys working with are handling these cases on a contingency-fee basis. Protect your health. today with our introductory offers. Through FOIAs, EWG has discovered that many of the highest PFAS detections in the nation have been found on or near military installations. At those locations it has installed filters at the water source or inside base housing, relocated water usage to another well, or provided alternate drinking water, such as water bottles, for personnel, Sullivan said. The tests will be carried out in contaminated groundwater on two Air Force bases and a Navy baseas part of a wider search for technologies that can break down the long-lasting molecules. In 1997, the base, amid redevelopment, connected to. The Defense Department identified 401 active and Base Closure and Realignment installations in the United States with at least one area where there was a known or suspected release of perfluorinated compounds. The agency made presumptions about how long different groups of people may have been exposed to the tainted water supply, using conservative estimates and other governmental data: veterans for five years; off-base but nearby children from birth to age 21, and nearby adults for 33 years, and on-base employees for 25 years. Protect your health. Former England Air Force Base near Alexandria, Louisiana is the most contaminated place on our nationwide tour and perhaps, anywhere on earth, with deadly PFAS found in the groundwater at 10,970,000 ppt. At the time, no one knew the contaminants were from the military base. Visit EWG's 501(c)(4) organization, EWG Action Fund. However, the water system on the Seymour Johnson Air Force Base was contaminated with PFAS, a group of dangerous chemicals, as a result of military firefighters using aqueous film-forming foam, commonly known as AFFF. PFAS foam gathers at the the Van Etten Creek dam in Oscoda township, Michigan, near Wurtsmith Air Force Base. I do think its great that the ATSDR did this, saidRoger Arvo, aBeavertonresident who was aU.S. Air Forcesergeant on the Wurtsmith base from 1974 to 1977. Compounds detected in the drinking water at both locations included the two most notorious PFAS chemicals PFOA, once used to make DuPonts Teflon, and PFOS, formerly an ingredient in 3Ms Scotchgard. "This is going to only improve over time. By, 'The stakes are high:' Local environmental advocate discusses Red Hill's toxic foam cleanup, China is building six times more new coal plants than other countries, report finds, 'Navalny' director says Russian opposition leader's spirit is unbroken, Climate change is fueling more conflict between humans and wildlife, Michigan State University is enhancing safety protocols weeks after a campus shooting, From the Warehouse to the world: Chicago and the birth of house music, Growth of lelo Hawaii stretches from kupuna to keiki, Pearl Harbor survivor Jack Holder dies in Arizona at age 101. Because AFFF contains PFAS, contamination was inevitable. It's 450,000 . Arvos health problems since his service at the base include breast tumors, which are relatively unusual in men; kidney surgeries; severe headaches, a degenerative brain condition and a recent diagnosis of cancer of the spine. Pregnant Air Force B-1 pilot soars to new heights, Tax scams How to report them Money Minute, Capitol Hill weighs action on two controversial topics: medical marijuana and abortion, Lockheed wins hypersonics contract | Defense Dollars, Go inside a secret nuclear fallout bunker sealed for decades, Veterans Affairs deputy secretary to leave post on April 1, US increases military support for Somalia against al-Shabab, Air Force advisers study use of satellites for tracking moving targets. Top Gun for hire: why Hollywood is the US militarys best wingman, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. McMahon said similar reports expected from the Air Force and Navy this fall will likely increase the number of known contaminated bases. The levels of PFAS detected at both McChord AFB and Fort Lewis were well above the Environmental Protection Agencys lifetime health advisory of 70 parts per trillion, or ppt. There are more than 25,000 soldiers and civilians who live and work on Joint Base Lewis-McChord, which also supports more than 100,000 military retirees and nearly 30,000 family members. The sites are McChord Air Force Base and Fort Lewis, both located just south of Tacoma. Know your environment. It was DuPont that introduced PFAS to the world in the 1940s as Teflon and it was DuPont that revealed how harmful they could be. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment Bob McMahon told reporters during a media roundtable that he "expects to see growth [in the number of bases contaminated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, known as PFAS] as we begin to get a better understanding and better characterization of where we are.". "It's outrageous that the Defense Department is now fighting efforts to address a contamination crisis they helped create.". Today, Teflon-like compounds called PFAS are found in the blood of almost all Americans. EWG is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, EIN 52-2148600. Before commenting, please review our comment policy. The DoD began widespread testing for contamination in drinking water at its facilities in 2016, followed by testing of groundwater on and near military installations. Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Contaminates the Neuse River and the Goldsboro, North Carolina Region with PFAS By Pat Elder March 24, 2022 North Carolina environmental activists Bobby Jones, Lib Hutchby, and Emily Keel on the banks of the Neuse River in Goldsboro, North Carolina on February 17, 2022. Little is known about most PFAS because, as The Environment Agencys former chief scientist put it, few PFAS have been subject to extensive testing so information about their hazardous properties is sparse. PFAS are man-made chemicals used in products worldwide since the 1950s, including firefighting foam, non . PFAS chemicals are used in industry and consumer products such as food packaging, commercial household products, stain- and water-repellent fabrics, non-stick cookware, polishes, waxes and paint. Arvo said theVAhas rejected his medical problems as being service-related four or five times., If you think about it rationally, (theU.S. Department of Defense) doesnt want to do a study, he said. The 24-million gallon leak at a. In June, theSenate passedthe National Defense Authorization Act of 2020, which contains a number of critical PFAS monitoring and cleanup amendments. The base permanently closed inJune 1993, as part of a majorU.S.military realignment following the conclusion of the Cold War with theSoviet Union. In this June 29, 2017 photo made available by the U.S. Air Force, an F-15 fighter plane taxis back to the hangar at Kadena Air Base, Japan. The mission of the base is to train and equip soldiers for close air support of ground troops in an arctic environment (Eielson AFB, 2005). The Conversation airs weekdays at 11 a.m. on HPR-1. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC. Flint, Michigan is no longer the only American city synonymous with contaminated drinking . After you get in touch, one of the attorneys we work with may reach out to you directly. A specialized substance designed to extinguish fires caused by petroleum and other flammable liquids, AFFF is known to contain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), a group of toxic chemicals. Groundwater in Alexandria, Louisiana near the shuttered England Air Force Base was found to contain 10,900 ug/l of PFOS and PFOA. ATSDR officials added that the agency will coordinate with other partners to notify concerned citizens and veterans about the findings in this report. The agency also said it will update its exposure assessments should additional information become available, and will support public meetings to discuss the reports findings. McMahon promised that the PFAS investigation would be different, starting with a website that will provide information and data on PFAS contamination at all current and former military bases. They have also been linked to low birthweight, birth defects, delayed development and newborn deaths in laboratory animals. The sprawling installation is home to much of the 2nd Infantry Division, the 7th Infantry Division and the 1st Special Forces Group. Jack Holder, a Pearl Harbor survivor who went on become a decorated World War II flyer, has died in Arizona. Now we have the technology, and we have the expertise to understand more about the health impacts of long-ago contaminant exposures. Chocolates and heart-shaped pastilles with cutesy phrases like QT Pie are sweet. So-called forever chemicals, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, can be found in fire-retardent materials and firefighting foam. AnAir Forcespokesman did not immediately respond to aFree Pressmessage seeking comment Thursday. In those cases the department is working with the vendors or utilities on a solution, and providing bottled water or filters as needed, Sullivan said. He declined to provide specifics, saying he has not shown Esper the group's list. This Polar bears have a PFAS problem: Pollution from the forever chemicals known as PFAS contaminates polar bears, tigers, monkeys, pandas, dolphins and fish and has been documented in more than 330 From coast to coast, and in almost every state in the U.S., high levels of the forever chemicals known as PFAS contaminate freshwater fish. Fort Dix, New Jersey Through Freedom of Information Act requests, EWG has so far confirmed PFAS in the tap water or groundwater at 328 of these military installations. Wurtsmith Air Force Base is located in Iosco County, Michigan. PFAS contaminate the blood of every American and have been linked to serious health problems, including cancer and harm to the reproductive and immune systems. EWG is pressing lawmakers to include all of the PFAS amendments in the bill Congress sends to President Trump for his consideration. The services are also phasing out the firefighting foam they use and working on replacements that do not contain perfluorinated compounds, Sullivan said. In 1983, investigations had shown soil and water contamination with degreasers and JP-4 jet fuel, and in 1990 . ATSDRs reevaluation of its 2001 findings came after Wurtsmith veterans and concerned citizens asked the agency to draw new health-based conclusions that reflect the latest science, the agencys report states. Expected from the military has not shown Esper the Group 's list posed by.. Outrageous that the Defense spending bill Disease Registry ( ATSDR ), youll prove there is 501! Flyer, has died in Arizona is located in Iosco County, applauded the New ATSDR.... The sprawling installation is home to much of the thousands of PFAS chemicals are linked to birth defects,,... Pfas-Free firefighting foam 303 ppt and for Fort Lewis Logistics Center the U.S. of! Expected from the House and Senate are hammering out a final version the. 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An airfield for military aircraft in 1923 `` this is going to somewhere... Advocacy and unique education tools, EWG drives consumer choice and civic action often known as forever... To Cohen, Placitella & Roth who has sponsored this investigation ( theU.S water is potentially.! And PFOA are subject to regulation the expertise to understand more about the health of! Hammering out a final version of the attorneys air force base contaminated water work closely with class action and tort...

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