does batman become the joker in arkham knight

Strange dismissed the entire story as a fabrication to avoid responsibility for his real actions, smugly assuming he had complete control of the clown's situation. Each victim displayed and took on a different aspect of the Joker's personality. After Batman shut off the pumps, Joker sent down a Titan Henchman as a token of his displeasure.Batman defeated the monster and escaped the sewers. He openly did not think much of humanity, believing every man, woman and child were as equally insane and sadistic as he was in the inside and that to deny this was purely madness. As more and more inmates were transferred into the prison city, the twisted device served as a sadistic recruiting method to weed out the gang initiates with the best reflexes (those that jumped from the coaster before the death plunge). Joker began to rant and pace around the room and said he'd make more of her, make them wear her skin, which caused him to fantasize about how perfect and creamy her skin was. Batman turned off the power to the electrified path, and used the vent to get around the block. Fittingly, both versions of the Joker were voiced by Mark Hamill. Pitying his long time nemesis, Batman grimly picked up and carried Joker's corpse out of the Monarch Theatre. The relationship between Batman and Joker has changed his personality and views drastically, this can be specifically seen during the events of Arkham Origins. Now THAT'S charisma.One Joker's thugs thinks about J's leadership. Contents 1 History 2 Incident Reports Joker couldn't believe that she had moved on after everything he did for her. The real Black Mask then rushed from behind and tackled the Joker straight through his props, but the Joker rallied, overpowering Black Mask and restraining him. And so I'm home in the Asylum. The Azrael sidequest in Arkham Knight is a reference to the Knightfall comics storyline where another version of that character became a more vicious version of Batman. Still sick and nearing death, Joker aimed his gun at Batman next, and demanded him to hand over "his cure". However, the only record of this could be found in Sharp's Spirit of Arkham Diaries, and it's possible that he may have hallucinated the incident. The Joker's exact origin is a mystery, barring that Batman was somehow involved. The PC version told the player to "tilt the mouse" instead. Are your pointy ears burning? A world where the only person you have to answer to is yours truly.Joker's intercom message. While this can be dismissed during the first playthrough as playful banter, this little bit actually reveals the plot twist very early on. With the aid of an incredible, militarized force under the control of a new figure in Gotham, known only as the Arkham Knight, whose goal was similarly to destroy Batman for unknown reasons and purposes, Scarecrow and his allies managed to conquer all of Gotham and use its resources to manufacture more of his toxin, among other weapons, to cover the entire East Coast in chaos. He escaped via elevator, which was filled with several crates of the Titan; this left Batman to deal with his new Titan Henchmen. The Joker was dying. Attack them and use counters. Joker will warn you if you try to blow the weapon caches while being too close to them !! Using a series of tunnels that connected to a panic hatch in the Warden's Office, Joker captured Warden Joseph. Batman refused, and used the only antidote injection on himself, which Titan-Joker found hysterical. Unnamed Bank Manager: Used laughing gas on her. The vigilante's anger has been left unchecked leaving criminals to fear him. Hello, valued guest.The Joker reunited with Batman. You've been through it all. Cure.Joker demands his life-saver from Batman. The Joker stayed in touch with Batman through rigged TV sets and the hotel's P.A. Knowing that Batman had gotten into the Aviary, Joker created a puzzle to keep the Dark Knight busy. His showdown withBatmaninArkham Asylumhas left him humiliated, angry and thirsty for revenge. In Arkham Asylum, Joker was dressed in his trademark purple tailcoat and white gloves, with a yellow buttoned shirt and a green bow tie, with a flower attached to his tailcoat jacket, the tailcoat itself had a few rips on the jacket's shoulders and didn't seem to have been fixed or washed for quite some time. During the escort, the Joker made shrewd remarks to many of the Arkham Staff including Warden Quincy Sharp, Officer Aaron Cash, and Dr. Penelope Young before he was taken down the elevator. Joker quickly awoke and mutated into the most horrific Titan monster of all (possibly being his backup plan the whole time), while he still retained his intellectual faculties. The crime lord's trademark mask would make for the perfect disguise and his steel mill, a front to manufacture drugs, came with all the resources needed to cook up deadly toxins and explosives. Theneverythingwentblack. The Joker kept Sionis alive to access the bio-metric locks of the Gotham Merchant's Bank and take the fall, if Joker didn't feel like killing him first. Keep shooting until you will be able to activate the special attack (The Killing Joke) which is Joker's version of suppressive fire. If the player visited Scarecrow's Penthouse between Barbara Gordon's "death" and the Arkham Knight/Jason Todd battle at the Militia Headquarters, Joker would be seen lying dead and then commenting that someone should talk with Commissioner Gordon with "tampering" with a crime scene, and that he should be ruled a suspect. The night was almost over and "BatDeaths"were"coming in far below projections". He must be stopped. Joker soon took the opportunity to break free at Harley's signal. He often belittled others over their shortcomings, such as toying with Aaron Cash, during his incarceration back into Arkham Asylum over his fear of Killer Croc and, after being rescued, announces to give Cash "a hand", following with "he could use one". He arrived at Gordon's house, and shot Barbara in her spine, which caused her to be paralyzed from the waist down, and unknowingly ended her career as Batgirl. Batman: Arkham Knight Game Guide & Walkthrough by, Batman: Arkham Knight Game Guide & Walkthrough. Jason was so under the Joker's control that he was fully prepared to give away Batman's secret identityat which point the Joker shot him, revealing the entire thing, capturing, torturing and remodeling the Boy Wonder, had simply been one long cruel attack on Batman. Joker could also be rather macabre, as he found other peoples' death, the threat of death and his own quite amusing. Hey, Sharpie, didn't she get my permanent record?Joker upon Dr. Young asking him to be serious. He could make you you cry, giggle and bleed at the same time. In Arkham Knight, Joker lingers as a figment in the mind of Batman. The Batman: Arkham Knight villains promise to be sicker and deadlier than ever. Some form of disease is spreading over the Joker, ravaging his face and body. This behavior was displayed when he stated to the corpse of an Arkham guard whom he had just choked to death, "the choke's on you", pretending to be electrocuted and dying after attaching himself to a heartbeat-powered electric chair and repeatedly alluding to his impending death throughout the. When Batman shows again, shoot at him few times. He then jumped off the oil rig and opened a parachute as he descended. I can't believe I didn't think of this before! An unknown person hijacks the Arkham Knight persona and tries to taint the Batman legacy in Bruce's absence, leaving the "Gotham Knights" to try and stop him. Katie Burke was used as the first test subject for Project Titan, though the project was a failure, as Katie's condition got worse, and she suffered a painful death. Young refused, but didn't go public with the revelation to save face. With Joker's presence gone, the remaining members of Batman's rogues' gallery had a much easier time working together without the Clown Prince of Crime upsetting the balance and were silently working together for the past year to unleash an elaborate plot to destroy Batman and conquer the city that he vowed to protect. Joker learned this criminal's techniques, and, months later, set his scheme in motion by causing a power outage. Once you take control of Batman, focus on attacking Joker who will be basically helpless. On more than one occasion he presented numerous opportunities for Batman to take his life, if only to prove that deep down everybody was like him. There were multiple disparate elements to Batman: Arkham Origins' plot, but it succeeds in telling a comprehensive tale about Batman's first encounter with supervillainy.Joker - although arguably saturated as a villain in the Batman: Arkham series - was a natural choice to focus on, given his potential roots as a Gotham mobster prior to becoming the Clown Prince of Crime, and Troy Baker does . Using the sewers systems and tunnels that Joker's crew had made over the previous months, Joker's followers infiltrated Penguin's territory and began claiming it for themselves. Yet, there was a Joker smile on the, Unlike the other inmates, Joker didn't appear to have an identifiable or decorated cell in Arkham Asylum. The Joker, waiting at a table, casually shot the double through the heart on sight. With Clayfaces vast and nearly unstoppable abilities under his command, the Joker knew he would all but conquer Arkham City with everyone fooled by his double, including Hugo Strange. However, Henry revealed his hand and, after he cruelly took Harley hostage, murdered the rest of the Jokers with a gun, and believed them to be shams of the original Joker. ClassicalBark5 - 3 years ago - report. Those tunnels proved to be the perfect entry points into the other villains' territory in order to conquer their turfs and claim them as his own. WE BOTH EXIST BECAUSE OF THEM! Washed out of the plant he removed his disguise to find they had disfigured his entire body, giving him chalk white skin, green hair and his face a clown like appearance. After they arrived in Arkham City, the Joker and Harley Quinn were eager to explore their new stomping grounds. But so what? His white skin, green hair and blood red lips belied the chaotic nature that underlay his cartoonish appearance. After years of death, misery, and tragedy, the Joker, the Clown Prince of Crime, and Batman's greatest threat and arch-nemesis was gone at long last. Not only that, but it seems The Joker has a grudge against Batman, since he's working with the villain he's just defeated. Time passed and still Batman failed to come for him. This didn't sit well withthe Jokerwho openedfire on Bane's escape chopper with a machine gun. She pointed out Deadshot who was dressed as a cop, taunted Joker again, and asked him if he was jealous, a claim that he poorly denied. Making contact with Harley, the Joker had her prep things for his return; he also sent threatening e-mails to Dr. Young, hoping to shake her up enough that she would let it slip where the TITAN was made. Arkham Origins showed a much younger Joker in the prime of his youth, with a full head of hair and a younger looking appearance overall, along with a thicker and messier painted smile on his face. Welcome. Do this about a handful of times. With these items in his possession, Joker gained access to the Sionis Boat House, which was just next to his base, where he stored his most valuable weaponry, equipment, and plans; away from the prying eyes of Hugo Strange and his TYGER operatives who remained completely ignorant and blissful of the true magnitude of Joker's own operations. By the time he died, Joker's face was now completely covered in a huge rash and thick veins, and his trademark white face was completely gone. Throughout the Arkham Knight Incident, as his personality manifests throughout the five victims of the Joker-Infection, including Batman, and he slowly becomes these people, he appears to constantly have the upper hand over his enemy, continuously antagonizing and manipulating his mind by taunting him over his parents deaths, Jason Todd's torture, Barbara Gordon's paralysis, Talia al Ghul's murder and the constant allusions that he will kill every member of the Bat Family after taking full control of his body. Sometimes, while on a building, the Joker would mention that he had figured out who the Arkham Knight was and mentioned several unlikely candidates, with an odd explanation behind how they could be the Knight. "Boss?" Harley pounded on the door, certain that Cobblepot would let bygones be bygones. He then proceeded to begin taking over the west side of Arkham Island. Would love that if Gunn were to do a Gotham Knights film. Interestingly, during his incarceration into Blackgate and therapy session with Harleen Quinzel, he was able to lie and tell the truth at the same time, using the situation to make it appear he was talking about her so he could plan his escape but was in reality expressing his newfound feelings regarding Batman. When commentating on the enemies trying to fight Batgirl and Robin in the beginning of the DLC, he shouted: "Where's Gordy?!" Batman: Arkham Asylum - The Road to Arkham, Joker's sense of humor, whilst chaotic and sadistic, was also prone to bouts of dry cynicism, sarcasm and deadpan, as it was largely hinted that his background was that of a failing comedian. That's when the Dark Knight remembered that Poison Ivy was immune to the Fear Toxin. Multiple kindergarten children: Murdered and mutilated, possibly to provoke Jason Todd. Though Jason initially stayed glib, confident that Batman would rescue him, the Joker's torture began to physically and mentally wear him down to the point that the clown was even able to learn his name from his constant pleas for rescue. Robin stated they would track him down later as Harley was arrested by the G.C.P.D. The glass being bullet-proof, Harley instead shot through one of the air holes in the cell until she ran out of bullets, and almost killed Joker. Oooh, a joke. Joker soon realized that something must have went wrong and resorted to an alternative, and knew that he needed to have his gang under the impression that he was cured in order to motivate them to attack the rest of Arkham City and Gotham. A new Batman. Multiple Blackgate staff on March riot: Killed in various ways. Over the preceding months he shared insights and secrets with Quinzel, many of which he most likely made up, and soon had her believing that he was the love of her life. The obsession he felt for Batman caused an intense hatred for anything he believed that they held him back or interfered in their life-long battles, namely his sidekicks. Joker told her it was pretty and that he was willing to be her friend. Batman followed Dr. Young's prints to the library, where he found and destroyed the notes. A darker, more oops. So exactly as portrayed there. Despite the city's best efforts he would go on to continually escape, committing crimes and causing chaos until Batman would stop him in what seemed to be a twisted running gag at Gotham's expense. To that end, Joker began placing explosives all around the perimeter walls, which were ready to be detonated when the rest of his plans were in place. Joker's only regret is that people aren't so easily toyed with and replaced. He serves as one of the main antagonists of the Batman: Arkham Series. He may also have chosen Black Mask because of Sionis Steel's reputation for shady theme park construction appealing to his twisted sense of humor. You stick right in front of him; right under his big, pointy nose. Time nemesis, Batman grimly picked up and carried Joker 's corpse out of the Joker 's regret... Be rather macabre, as he found and destroyed the notes to hand over his... While this can be dismissed during the first playthrough as playful banter, this little bit reveals... `` his cure '' Reports Joker could n't believe i did n't go with... Over `` his cure '' very early on at him few times banter this! 'S charisma.One Joker 's thugs thinks about J 's leadership be sicker and deadlier than ever 's Joker! Again, shoot at him few times through rigged TV sets and the hotel 's P.A plot twist early... Break free at Harley 's signal later as Harley was arrested by the G.C.P.D as! Victim displayed and took on a different aspect of the Joker, his! 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