ncis fanfiction tony adhd

The guy had just shown up, stowing his gear at Tonys desk as if hed belonged there, looking strongly like Gibbs, only a decade younger. He didnt know how to communicate with DiNozzo on this new level. And even though Tony doesnt want to be a part of NCIS anymore, he is still sucked right back in. What do you want? Tony asked, closing his eyes. The night had passed in a haze of bourbon, recriminations, and loneliness. ncis; zivadavid; mcgee +4 more # 12. Until you know something about it, stay the hell out of my life. Gibbs whirled, arms crossed as he glared at his brother. My First Smut. Even his favorite foods were cleaned out, dumped in the trash as if none of it mattered, as if they hadn't been a unit for so damned long. Check out the community at AO3: here and LJ here. But for now Vance had done what he needed to in order to keep Gibbs in line, with SecNavs cheerful approval. Hes never seen her even remotely close to being in this much pain, even after broken ribs. Not doing this in front of your brother., Then come outside, Gibbs said in a barely there growl. Even by Tony Stark's subterranean standards, setting himself up as a public cumdump is a bad life choice. Thats it, Tony confirmed. Bruised kidneys. Too tired to go home, and too stubborn to sleep in my bed. He paused. Still worry, Tony said, feeling his shoulders droop. Polyamorous Tony Stark; ADD/ADHD Tony Stark; Summary. . Tony had been at this for twenty minutes now and Gibbs couldnt give him the reaction DiNozzo wanted. Tony DiNozzo. "No," I said. Why? This was a do or die moment, and Tony wasnt even expected for a while. That had been the plan, but it didnt hurt to confirm. Theyd had a weird friend/enemy chemistry. Gibbs knew he had to look like hed been sucker punched. He rolled his shoulders and tilted his head up toward the sky. So what's the case?, Drug dealing. If Tony had hoped that the terse tone would warn her off, he was wrong. Excuse me? The man asked. The guy had a military career, had washed out after an accident in Iraq, looked exactly like what he wasa ten years younger member of the Gibbs family. "I killed the kid and his old man, too," Daemon added. While on Vacation with his relatives in Washington D.C. Harry watched the car crash that killed Shannon Gibbs and the agent in charge of protection. Too many years and too many war wounds lay between them. Tony, you're an expert in undercover work. When they finally broke away, Gibbs saw acceptance rather than wariness in Tonys eyes, and something broke away. Even the bottle of top-end liquor Gibbs had offered him hadnt swayed him. Fanfiction for NCIS. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here. Work Search: Series. Ziva hadnt come back to NCIS after Somalia. Not hungry. Tony could only watch as Jethro strode to the basement door and pulled it open. Through pain, tears, and many, many late nights, the learn to believe that maybe the world is an okay place. He was leading his team in a different way, with shoulder pats instead of Gibbs tough love. What? Gibbs snapped. Site Maintenance. I'm posting Ducky's Pain online. ", thus bringing his group chat idea to fruition. Theyd had been estranged for a long time. The thought of Tony made him wince, and he cleared his throat, looking away, glancing down at the paper and nodding. Dont, Gibbs. Tony pressed his back against the wall. Tony stood, pacing, watching Gibbs, who was looking at him impassively. Gibbs didnt suffer fools and always encouraged their way off the team as soon as possible. "Don't care," Alex shot back, voice full of authority. Their conversations are full of snark, complaints, tales of parenting, and sometimes even vulnerability. Tony stared into Gibbs eyes for what seemed like forever. Add to library 82 Discussion 4 Suggest tags. One Week by LivyTheVampireSlayer. She leaned forward, and he realized he was going to have to talk to her about something, and the case was probably the safest topic. He would pull out all the stops to stop Tony from his self destructive path. You should read these chapters independently since they arent part of a completed story. He needed to decompress. So, you may be wondering: What is Exploring Abandoned Mines and Unusual Places's net worth?. The wall between them was growing. He was a good shot and methodical, but even when he pressed, Tony couldnt get more details from Abby and McGee, and the personnel file hadnt revealed anything important either. Even though this is a very strange collection of stories, it is still very fun to read. The Ike is coming into port, and we have reports that someone on the ship has been dealing some drugs. Can be kid Tony, or adult Tony, or just act like father and son. Alex would study and recognize every signalhis brother knew him too well. Dont, Gibbs shot back. Ziva receives an unexpected Valentine's gift and tries to work out what it means. Tony Stark Has ADHD. From what he could tell, Gibbs hadnt emerged for hours. Riftan has been forcing himself to hold back, but his throbbing member kept on poking Max's back, screaming, touch me Maxi . You established a pattern., Not true. Gibbs winced as the glass shatteredthe third tonightand looked away. You and Tony need me and Alex to get dinner elsewhere? his father asked, and Gibbs felt his cheeks heating again. The guy everyone says you should have kicked off your team years ago. Closed the case.. Most of the chapters are rewritten versions of episodes from NCIS. "Banged up," Gibbs admitted with a resigned shrug. Dont, I have to, Tony choked out, his own pain bubbling to the surface. And with a new team, he had a huge learning curve anyway. And that worried and bothered Gibbs more than he could put into words. He had to do this. He turned away from his father, looking out the window into the back yard. Gibbs had a new probie as well. are the property of their respective owners. Maybe it was a culmination of all theyd been throughZiva, and Tony being afloat and all of it. Written for r/Fanfiction Prompt Challenge35 and with the prompt "berry", Zine Description:Note: Book 3 of Reemergence series, color cover, 316 pages (c) 2015Written by LRH Balzer. people never saw him as anything other than "howard's son", "stark's greatest creation". They seemed to know how to work him. to see if I still feel "Someone has to," he shot back, every word delivered angrily. Tony tamped down his annoyance, nodding. It was always Hatori and McGee, always Alex. Community: NCIS Fanfiction Addiction. He couldn't put his finger on why and how, despite having a rough idea of what Tony was mad about. He knew hed made the wrong step when Tonys expression shuttered and he crossed his arms over his chest. But with their Uncle figure and their newfound father figure(Bruce Banner) maybe, just maybe, things will get better for them and their little brother. When you stopped talking to me, maybe. Gen, friendship/family with a healthy dose of angst. He and Alex hadnt discussed some of these more mundane things and Tony kinda hoped they would, once he and Gibbs had figured out what was going on with them. Alex was taking over the Cold Cases division soon, and the team was trying to cull some of the cases as a subtle training for Alex. He supposed his team was okay. He took a quick shower, washing himself mechanically, staring at the wall and letting it wash his agony down the drain. Can an old dog like Jethro learn new tricks and be happy? Gibbs hadnt ever been a talker and it wasnt as if he could change just like that. Take her to the ER.Im fine, she argues, and now hes angry, because shes obviously not. Its not going to be easy, Alex pointed out. I focus on the pain When Tony is given a promotion, he stands to lose the most important thing in his life. I hope this article has helped you find some great NCIS fanfiction! Gibbs tried to act as if he wasn't interested, but in reality, his mind was completely attuned to McGee's conversation. Pairing: Beckett/Caldwell, Gibbs/DiNozzo, McGee/Ziva, Sheppard/McKay. Incredible in terms of plot, yes, but also incredible in terms of pure length alone. And you didnt give them a thing, Gibbs.. Word . Gibbs had locked him out! Theyd functioned so long for boss and senior agent, even though that had never come into their home life, such as it had become. When their commander shows up, things get even more interesting. He wrestled for the count of one hundred, trying to tamp down his rising anger and fury, but that Italian temper got the better of him. Why cant you fight for me? Tony raged, hurling another glass at the mantel. He'd tried sleeping in the basement the first night, but somewhere between his fifth and sixth jars of bourbon, he'd ended up in the bed, his head buried in the pillow, drowning in Tony's scent. They were equals now in a very unequal way. And to serve that end, he's going to make sure that those that he trusts--Tony, John, Rodney, Teyla, Ronon, Elizabeth, Major Teldy, Radek, Miko, Kyli and others--have the power to combat anyone who tries to take Atlantis from them. How he'd screwed up. There was a dangerous finality about that. He was tired and he was raw. Getting blown up, thinking youre fine, and then looking down and seeing a hunk of glass sticking out of your body is one of those things. Wind brushed Tony's skin, causing him to shake uncontrollably, something that fortunately went unnoticed by Ziva, who was standing in the middle of the crime scene listening to something. Know what? Gibbs knew his voice sounded weary. Gibbs turned to look at Tony, letting his eyes drag up and down his lovers body. Tony is angry and disappointed in Peter, and Peter just wants to prove himself. When Fornell notices a lacking in Tim's training and general care for his well-being, he steps into the roll, unbeknownst to anyone. wait this is kinda pre-slash for them huh? "No, you're not," Tony insisted. He finds out he has been in coma for a while and everything was just a dream he had. This wasnt Tonynot the Tony he knew. Who it turned out had been following Alexs career after Alex had done him a favor some years ago. Paul Tassi In addition to writing for TVOvermind, Paul has contributed to major publications such as Forbes. KELLY LIVES! Derek Morgan. He figured Jackson had mentioned his brother to Tony and was glad Tony never questioned him about it, even though a small part of him always wondered why not. I know how you are. Gibbs didnt know the details, only that he couldnt expect any help from the Secretary of the Navy, who was a huge fan of Alexs and wanted Gibbs brother to succeed. Youre the communicator. Work Search: Is that all you think this is? Gibbs asked, shocked. He was jealous of the teamHatori and probably Alex. God, she wishes Gibbs had made Tim be the one to bring her, but of course thats not her luck. His trust in his team is shattered when his expected rescue never appears. A shitty vent fic with no real plot about the support they wish they had! Oddly, Wraith give Colonel Sheppard the exact same name., Back to the Beginning by LeonaraChris 147,013 words, What if his whole life working with Gibbs had been nothing but a dream? it's a quick fun lighthearted read! She (or really Samas prefers to be called a he) remembers the onac before the corruption of Ra, and he tried to lead his people back to a life in the water. Charlies having a busy week, or, five times Charlie had to share Tonys attention, and one time she refused. The team still worked in the office, doing backups, preparing reports Gibbs had let slide, even looking at some cold cases, himself. So even though it isnt a very long story, it is a fun change from the standard fanfics. Is this a second chance or will he run away this time?, Knight Maneuvers Book Three by Tibbsian159,933 words, As Gibbs and Tony get settled in KnightShade and adjust to life with Jax Theron and the M31 men, each man finds they are forced to confront issues theyve kept hidden for years. You good with that? Gibbs asked, stroking Tonys hair, fisting his shirt and tugging him closer. Tony had tried to press McGee and Abbyand even Ducky and Palmerabout Gibbs team, but outside of the love fest for Alexander Remington Mini Me Gibbs, the team had nothing for him. Or if he even had the strength to try. Coming? Tony asked, one eyebrow quirking upward. Tony didnt know the details of why Gibbs hadnt mentioned Alex, and it may have come down to Gibbs just being Gibbs. No, were not, Gibbs insisted. Not Henry. Wasnt good, Tony. Tony only looked at the mess blankly, blinking and shaking his head. Were on work hours, Alex said, falling into line beside Gibbs as they strode toward the coffee shop. His life was as empty as it had been many years ago in that horrible time of loss. So I have a list of thirteen potential suspects and exactly one of me to track them all down and figure out who is dirty., You have your teammates, the therapist said quietly. The house had rarely felt colder or darker. Also, can be Tony as an abused child, or adult. Let you in, he said mildly, blood dripping into his eyes from a deep gash in his forehead. Tony gets a visit, and long-held secrets come to light. Thought it was time we met, Tony said with a shrug. Gibbs looked up, eyes locking on a pair just as blue as his. The responsibility was immense and after the Renny Grant thing, Tony didnt trust himself, not entirely. Not tonight. Tony stared out at some point over Gibbs head, and Gibbs didnt dare break the silence. Join them as life throws one spanner after another at them, as Tim and Kelly begin living together. Part 4 of 4 - Fanfiction for the Manwha, Under the Oak Tree. but I remember everything Turning point here, Leroy. But you and me. "Hey," Tony said quietly, patting the bed. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Dont! Tony said, backing off. Gibbs could feel the tension melting away in degrees and let out a sigh when Tony pressed his face against Gibbs hand. This community is for all the stories that show Tony as a deep caring person. and sure, people like IRON MAN, but tony ISN'T iron man, when will people realize that the same way he realized it the hard way a long time ago? He failed. But some things are worth fighting for.. The first time DiNozzo had been away from the team for a long time, hed barely been back and Kate had been killed. Tony didnt want to go to the Pentagon. That the reason for the distance?. In that, it was his closest ally. McGee didn't give as much away as Gibbs hoped, but it was clear this wasn't case related. He reached up, a fingertip trailing over Tonys hairline. Gibbs couldnt exactly come clean to SecNav and explain why he needed DiNozzo on his six, though hed beggedhed actually beggedstating that Tony was the only one who could and should inherit the Major Case Response Team, that Tony had paid his dues many times over. However, thousands of years later, one gunnery sergeant on a suicide mission stumbled into a South American river, and Samas found he had another chance. But by bringing in Garcia, he ultimately brings in her entire team of the BAU. Making love with long strokes of his hands down Tonys body. And when Gibbs returns to work without acknowledging what has happened, Tony needs all the help he can get. Dont, Tony.. Maybe he could disarm Gibbs with some charm and a visit to the diner. Come along as Tim meets his new team, explores more of the world and continues learning about life, love and family. He was used to dealing with the physical much more than he was this kind of pain and anguish. Perhapswith the help of friends., Lions and Guides and Igigi, Oh My! Any of tony good with kids(not his own) no tiva even slightly, have no interest with anything focused on ziva unless it's bashing her. No. God knew what the night might bringgood or bad. He was coming to the conclusion that Hatori wasnt that memorable, though he had to be good if he didnt wash out. This story really is about friendship but also team building. How would you rate this article? :). They were drifting further and further apart every day, and Tony didnt know how to save it any more. Tony woke up and said "I'm going to cause problems on purpose. His head hit the wall with a thunk that made Gibbs clench his fists and swallow down the sudden rush of bile that flooded his mouth. And McGeethey had the brotherhood theyd had when Ziva had been in Somalia, but it was different; they were more equals now than ever, even though Tony was a team leader now. No species is all good or all evil. Gibbs was aware of a stillness in the air as everyone around them stopped what they were doing. He doesn't come back to NCIS.. It was quiet enough that he could let his mind drift and it didn't matter so much that he was drinking every night, barely eating, never sleeping. That was a lot of pressure Tony wasnt sure he couldor even wanted todeal with that right now. He had to find a way to make this better, to get them back on solid ground, but words were so hard for him even at the best of times. Want to move on to the coffee mugs? Gibbs asked, trying to make a joke. NCIS is a hugely popular show that consistently dominates the ratings for CBS. Just what the title says different characters losing bets that end in a bare bottom Spanking. I cant get kicked any more. He pulled in a shuddering breath, wrenching his gaze away from the other man. You can use the words, use the hands, the actions. Things were spiraling out of control faster than he could keep up with, and Tonys emotions were getting more and more erratic. That was a different story entirely. Every waking moment was spent trying to figure out what had gone wrong. It was obvious Tonys tactics were working, and Gibbs had to try not to give in, but now that his emotions were rising, he had to concede Tony was winning. We talk, I guess. Dana Scully, when he receives a call that NCIS has a case. Hell, hed tried, though he couldnt let Tony know that. What happens when you have an autistic, mentally ill teenager with access to the internet who likes Marvel and is in a toxic household? The call to SecNav had made with numb fingers and acid burning Gibbs gut, but SecNav had made his mind up. From the lack of lights and the sixty-five degree temp in the house, it was clear that Tony was the first one home, at ten pm. McGee hung up the phone, cocking his head and regarding Gibbs. Never a last name. Tim hates heights. Why?, Best damned agent Ive ever worked with, Gibbs retorted, his voice tight. goes away in the end They were his teamhed worked with them for eight years, longer than any place. And it wasnt as if he wasnt familiar with every creak and sound in the house. And Gibbs wasnt entirely sure if they could get it back when it was gone. Tony had his own responsibilities now, and those didnt include worrying about a former boss, and his former team. This was not working out. Gibbs was studying him out of the corner of an eye. It was the reason Gibbs hadn't discussed Alex with Tony. It was a different matter though, when late into a Tuesday morning, two grim-faced SEAL's in dress blues got off the elevator, heading towards the corner of the bullpen that housed NCIS' finest. Completed. Ya gotta tell me, Tony., I dont know. Instead of Tonys usual masks, his expression was open, stark, agonized. He could handle this and he was more than capable. They join forces and confront the people they care about with the issues at hand. This isnt really a crossover, but as the writer said, some characters from other shows make a guest appearance. Jackson, okay. Reminds me of you as a teen. He wasnt a bad guy, Tony had come to realize. Having Tony as an equal should have been even more relaxing than having him as a senior field agent, but Gibbs couldnt shake the twisting and turning of his gut, something that kept him on edge at work and unable to sit back and relax in the evenings. They had never been close growing up, the age difference and Gibbs years in the Marines, the Alex time at Annapolis and his time in the Navy, keeping them apart. So basically, these are a lot of short stories with a very original take on the characters and storylines. Hed tried that years ago and it hadnt been fair to him, to the team, to Gibbs. Didn't Gibbs care? A change he wasnt sure heor the teamhad been ready for. Why? Gibbs asked, struggling to sound neutral around the fist squeezing his heart. A few days to think about it, Gibbs, and then we hash it out once and for all.. Bucky finds the file of one John Doe and pushes Steve into taking the unnamed Little in. Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. Tony had to squelch his urge to knock on the dooror call Gibbs on his cell phone, which at least had been taken down there into wood central. This story is a combination of a lot of fandoms. Unable to meet his brothers eyes, aware that his brother was a junior agent under his watchsomething Gibbs had never expectedhe only shook his head and walked away. And he isnt sure if he can still do this job when JJ shows up. Steve is a recovering war vet and up-and-coming artist, living in a four-bedroom apartment with his friends and Little. Please check back soon. Hed been half tempted to do just that when Vance ordered him off the Yard and home, telling him to get his head together, for himself, for his team. "Bruised ribs?". While taking voice prints for a case, Special Agent Tony DiNozzo stumbles across a kidnapping. Authors Note: This starts during the NCIS episode Dead Air. There wasnt really one. "Brother do you wish to travel to Midgard with me?". Why? But that doesn't mean you're getting a chance to talk about what you need to talk about., I don't need to talk about anything. That wasn't true, but that was the lie Tony was sticking to, Then let's talk about the case you're on., Tony narrowed his eyes. It was clear in the way he moved, the way he held himself stiffly, the way his posture had changed and slumped slightly, as if he was curling around himself, protecting his internal organs. I liked Kate, Ziva, and Palmer so I decided to add them to this AU. Tony had no interest in talking with her againtheir relationship had been complicated at best, and conflict had dogged their time as partners. Gibbs turns slowly to face Tony, and the Italian man gasps at the look in his eyes, harsh and unforgiving, with a dark edge of lust. Take a chance with Tony. McGee had grown into his role of senior agent and Gibbs was proud. Gibbs winced as the glass shatteredthe third tonightand looked away. The more he thought, the more he frowned. However, the Wraith are still a threat. Not only was Alex pushing into his work life, but his home life too. NCIS is a hugely popular show that consistently dominates the ratings for CBS. For so many years, hed allowed himself to exist, to barely exist, because of some need for punishment. Design by Alley Digital, Hi everyone. It is one chapter long, but it is a very long chapter with over 49,000 words. And Gibbs had two broken ribs. At least hed finished the beer, though he didnt consciously remember doing so. Show him, Gibbs repeated, trying to keep his mind out of the gutter, but failing. Thanks to kaylashay for the gorgeous graphic! He hadnt been raised in Stillwater, but State College, where his stepfather was a professor at Penn State. . the story contains 32 chapters in total. What about Keating, Lee, McGee, Blackadder, Kate, Ziva, Cassie Yates., Cass doesnt count! Her only real weakness was the fact that she flinched when she shot, so Tony was taking extra time with her at the range to make sure her shots didnt go wide. You done breaking my glasses? That resonated. Scully gives him a ride to where the two Marines have been killed, and to her shock . Gibbs didnt deserve an explanation, not after hed pushed Tony away for months now. Youve been with every new probie youve taken on. Gibbs would never have expected it, but McGee and Alex had formed a good-cop/bad-cop bond fairly quickly. He is sucked into a whole mess with alternate worlds and has no idea what to do with it. what have I become? Tony had always been doing something, whether it was chucking paper at McGee, or playing on his phone, or fidgeting in his seat. Every chapter tells a story about a new woman and the things Tony did with these women. Better, Alex admitted, a little grimace on his face that melted away into a small grin. It follows a few episodes from the first season of NCIS. I suspect that you could talk to anyone and figure out the right things to say. What happens when Tony, after finally having had enough of the team and NCIS, wakes up in hospital bed. You mad hes a boss now too? his father continued. It was close, but it wasnt Gibbs team. Sent McGee home with him last night.". He stared at his workbench, adjusting his stool and cupping his hands around the jar of bourbon hed kept topped up all night. They were killing themselves and each other doing this dance of whatever the fuck it was. Can also be Team friendship fics too. Third story, following The Project, in the series that began with The Thought. With Tony dressed like that. It had been many years, hed tried, though he couldnt let know! Thus bringing his group chat idea to fruition, '' Alex shot back every. Wasnt entirely sure if he could n't put his finger on why how..., Blackadder, Kate, Ziva, and he cleared his throat, looking out the window into the yard. N'T ncis fanfiction tony adhd, but State College, where his stepfather was a professor at Penn State promotion, was... 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