retreat activities for college students

Thanks to companies like Shutterfly, Puzzle You, and Collage, you can turn any photo into a puzzle. Walk of Faith. Third, students interpret the learning by stating what did the experience make them think? Have a silent disco Source: Peerspace A silent disco is a unique breakout session idea that can give your attendees an energy boost without requiring a live band or party venue. 16. 3. Take that further by showing students how to make. Course type: Online (synchronous or asynchronous), blended, in-person. Type of site: Camp/Conference/Retreat Center. xYYoF~7d0JQ7nZN"jFr@;KJ2i1SL.e90dXNjo*qd:[dtZQ.'qLQ8#OGV O$w?5%#DL}Bz|D~)HE,W9_H4g5|k8pE51VS=~q2tE+ZPjMUJW8k5dLS)Pvf%Y~,?9eQL You can award a prize to the winner. Shark Tank, College Style 3. . !E5m)6PL3)by,p]hHK/)aQe^Xj1j@ 5OM'is/YA6"b`"nX0j3r\8^mMz'k"Lng`^(`uK08qkYK^653Z L'>yB.J7##J)W.EeSkr5(~p? Next, come up with a list of the attendees favorite songs and watch the singers sing their hearts out. The booklet 100 Ways to Energise Groups is one great starting point. A final debrief activity to extract the key learning points and a commitment activity to identify action steps can wrap up a retreat nicely. Building Card Towers. I have some ideas 20, actually. For instance, if player one beats player two, then player one will proceed to play with player three. If you would rather have someone else besides yourself or a student lead a centering exercise for your group, your institution may have a mental health counselor, social worker, or religious minister who can offer their expertise and ideas. Everyone loves compliments, right? The importance of crafting an intentional opening for the retreat cannot be overstated. Planning a retreat for student organization leaders can be a daunting task. This is a classic for a reason. Retreats are famously (or infamously, depending upon who you ask) used for setting goals. You can seize this spirit by trying out an adventure sport together. Also, add refreshments, including cocktails and non-alcoholic beverages for attendees who do not take alcohol. However, the discussion does not have to be too formal. For Show and Tell, you can either ask everyone to present on their item and what it means to them or shuffle the items up for everyone to guess each owner before the big reveal. Students are asked to develop as many answers to the question as they can by considering all political, social, economical and psychological angles. 9:00 PM Snack provided by Refreshing Mountain (Cookies and Milk) 10:00 PM Free Time. You do not have to make hiking competitive. Vocational retreats are open to all Sophomore and Junior students. April 3: Find a Rainbow DayHave students wear every color of the rainbow to school. Have each person contribute ideas. This is a great activity for mild or warmer fall and spring weather and is a great way to get students to exercise or to introduce new students to the entire campus. Activities that require more emotional risk should be left for later, when students feel more comfortable sharing increasingly personal aspects of themselves. Guess The Country: A player names things peculiar to a particular country like a movie, celebrity, or flag description without mentioning the exact name of the country. Try framing budgeting as essential to, not enough students receive training on how to, ensure equal opportunity for participation. When everyone is physically and mentally back from the break, you could use an energizer to prepare everyone to get back to work. There are workshops to design, food to order, and so many other components needed to make a retreat a, Fortunately, finding ideas for workshops to include in a retreat can be pretty easy thanks to the plethora of sample agendas available online. , When we dare to break that silence, or when we dare to see, and we create conflict, we enable ourselves and the people around us to do our very best thinking.. All items at the party were lemon themed. to identify which ideas the group wants to pursue the most. If most people on your team already know their StrengthsFinder results, then you can skip straight to discussing these attributes and the resulting team dynamics. that can help students identify their leadership styles are a good place to start. TED Talks are no longer niche, hidden gems. You could even pair this with the soundtrack of our lives activity by having each person reveal which song was their pick by performing it! Then other players try to figure out which statements are factual and which one is false. Split up into teams, plop down with puzzles, and let the race begin! You can play several games all at once or pace the tournament out for refreshing breaks throughout the retreat. Then, during the retreat, each person can share their favorite quotes from their assigned talk, summarize it, or share a particularly inspiring clip. A retreat is a meeting that is typically designed and organized specifically to facilitate the ability of a group to step back from their day-to-day demands and activities for an extended period of concentrated discussion, dialogue, and strategic thinking about the organization's future or about specific issues. Pretend one team is your staff and the other is a round of budget cuts that you have to creatively survive. The Chaplains' Office also offers a number of retreats available to alumni. For example, for activity no. Anton Villado, an organizational psychologist, says that the best icebreakers do three things: But a weak icebreaker likely wont produce these benefits. <>>> While many types of retreats may not be appropriate for boards, a well-planned working retreat can be an effective way for trustees to: (1) really get to know one another and the backgrounds, skills . You should ask the group members if any of them has food allergies. Here are some sources for teambuilders to inspire your planning: Setting goals for the upcoming semester provides students with a way to identify their priorities. The Social Justice Toolbox, Diversity Toolkit, and Diversity Activities Resource Guide have facilitation directions for several activities related to social identity, power, privilege, and oppression. A fully realized culture deck takes time to create, but a retreat is a good time to lay the foundations for such a worthy endeavor. Bonus points if their article somehow relates to your course material. But a group retreat can be the perfect excuse to try out this fad. Also, one of the ways you can make the experience smooth is to divide responsibilities among your group members. 20 Unique Activities to Mix Up Your Next Staff Retreat, 75 Fantastic Program Ideas for First-Year Students, 22 In-Person Activities Students Can Enjoy While Maintaining a Social Distance, 12 Ways for Urban Institutions to Engage Students on Campus and Beyond, How You Can Help Student Orgs Thrive Under Social Distancing Measures, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, What Were Learning from Online Education, How to Stay Calm When You Know Youll Be Stressed. Then enjoy planned or spontaneously-decided activities and games with your group around the fire. Head to the woods, the mountains, the beach, the park, or if youre not near any of those any spot youre eager to explore by foot. If your group is already energized after their break, feel free to substitute an icebreaker activity. Sara Keinath, Youth Leadership Educator at Michigan State University explains the value of team-building activities for students: Guiding group members through intentional games can help them improve their communication skills with each other, which will transfer to their work or club projects later. There is truly something for every age group here at Cho-Yeh. You may decide to have a fancy lunch outdoors in a buffet style. Benefit Mindset examples Activity 3: Creating cultures of contribution. 50 fun work retreat ideas Here are 50 fun work retreat ideas to consider for your next retreat: 1. Cooking together can help your team recognize leadership dynamics, prompt you to discuss beloved cultural traditions related to food, and challenge you to problem-solve together. If you have a large budget for the retreat, then you can go for a private camping trip at a luxurious resort. Learn about Online Office Games. 3. Or, if most people need to take (or retake) the test, set aside a half-hour for them to do so, ideally in a quiet, solo space that fosters reflection. Retreat Theme Ideas Based On: Specific Bible verses Specific worship song Fruit of the Spirit A specific culture or people group Gifts of the Spirit/Spiritual Gifts Personality tests Having time for silence Communication Friendships Self Esteem Making Choices They're collaborative activities that help develop critical thinking, writing, and media literacy skills. Check out more outdoor team building ideas. Enjoy the great outdoors. Some closing activity ideas are, When all is said and done, thank the students for attending the retreat and remind them to, to help you improve future retreats. Its a great way to bring in fresh voices and ideas without draining your budget. Now that everyone is centered, the group can get to work! NET Ministries conducts retreats for 6th - 12th grade aged youth. When students are feeling anxious about an upcoming paper or test, taking deep breaths will help them calm down so they can focus on the task at hand. If you need a host for the activities, then you can also make a reservation before the retreats day. Do your research on the kind of fishing you are doing, which can affect your choice of gear. can provide you frameworks. Park: 20 minutes. A yet another exciting classroom activity that enhances interactivity in colleges is the use of the simulated press conference. Staff can either pick their own favorite episode to spotlight or you can issue assignments. As the name suggests, the matrix helps your group decide how quickly certain objectives should be accomplished. One great presentation method to consider is a gallery walk. 20 Unique Activities to Mix Up Your Next Staff Retreat, is a planning tool that can be used to classify goals into four categories: Achieve, preserve, avoid, and eliminate. Each team is then instructed to come up with questions about the topic that will be discussed. Team sport is an excellent option for group retreats as participants can destress and have fun while keeping fit. Then plan the menu and other activities to entertain the attendees. They calm participants nerves about being in a new situation. Here are some icebreakers that you could use: A retreat is a great time to review the student organizations mission, vision, and values. Also, having a break between workshops that cover different topics lets students absorb the ideas of the last workshop before focusing on the next one. You can set up a campfire to spice things up. Find purpose throughout your life and create meaning through self-reflection and intentional discussions. Students certainly learn a lot of career-readiness skills on the job while leading their organizations, but hosting skill-building workshops during the retreat ensures that they have a foundation to build off of. Optionally, you can embrace your full student affairs nerdiness while laser tagging by roleplaying adversarial scenarios. Wed love to hear your ideas @themoderncampus and @JodiTandet. Keep the directions simple enough that they dont need to be repeated multiple times for participants to understand and play along. It is a good idea to divide a large group into small teams while playing to encourage full participation from all the group members. Or, to really mix things up, one team can represent student affairs staff and the other can be academic staff, who all shock the system by working together to score the most total points. Split students into small groups and have them develop a product, logo, brand name and marketing strategy before presenting their idea to a panel of sharks (those who will judge their ideas). You can download a card online with prompts that suit the groups choice, print out the cards and distribute them to the players. And it doesnt have to involve awkward activities such as a trust fall. Engaging, relevant team-building activities for students can energize your classroom and take learning to a new level. Other leaders blindfold all the youth and tell them that one at a time they are going to be lifted on the board, which will be about 3 feet off the ground, and see if they can walk across the board from one side to the other. Remember. 6 community-building activities 1. In this method, each group receives its own piece of easel paper to write their ideas on, then everyone hangs their paper up in the same room. Learn how we can help get your students involved. Group members can open up and feel comfortable among themselves by playing these games. Consider asking questions such as How can this idea be combined with ________ to create a more complete or comprehensive understanding of _________? Then, students can discuss these questions in their small teams (or online breakout room) in order to learn more about one anothers experiences inside and outside the classroom. After you have come up with an Idea for your event lets get to the essential planning components. 2 Maintain a Gratitude Journal However, if your group is on a tight budget, then you can camp on a public or dispersed campground. During the period when you are planning for a retreat, find a place that intrigues the group. Whats harder is picking or designing the right activities to use in those workshops. We have to be willing to have proactive conversations about race with honesty and understanding and courage, not because its the right thing to do, but because its the smart thing to do., Angela Lee Duckworth Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, Grit is sticking with your future, day in, day out not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years, and working really hard to make that future a reality. Ask students to prepare for a discussion by reviewing a course reading or group of texts and coming up with a few higher-order discussion questions about the text. The Plan 1) Lodging Where are you going to stay for your retreat? Distance from Univ. It's invigorating to see students energized by your programming and learning from each other. The idea is to think ahead to what those failures might be,to put systems in place that will help minimize the damageor to prevent the bad things from happening in the first place. Wed love to know! from start to finish, including setting up a timeline, reaching out to co-sponsors, negotiating a contract, are available to them on campus is only the beginning. To do this, consider leading a centering activity. Our next retreat will be in October 2023 - dates to be confirmed. You should also check in with your office of diversity programs or multicultural affairs to tap into their expertise. A welcome party is particularly great for a group with members from different geographical locations going on a retreat. This retreat gives participants an opportunity to enjoy the results of news and developments in every academic department, as well as a sense of the state of sabbaticals, and a view of the college future as presented by the faculty and the dean. Both of these competencies can ground your leadership workshops in research-based topics. But, do you enjoy running activities with your staff? Read this for many more tips on this nifty technique. Course type: Online (synchronous), in-person. Assign students a case study or reading to discuss with a partner, then have them share their thoughts with the larger group. But what about word clouds? Senior Instructor June Adamson will lead the retreat. Then connect with an expert host or a coach who will guide the lesson. Ask them to write down a list of questions about the source material they are viewing or respond to a discussion prompt related to the course material to generate conversation. First, decide if the tour will be outside the country or locally. It can be a piece of jewelry, a funny shirt, a family heirloom, their childhood diary, a copy of the resume that got them this job truly anything. This term I am teaching a group dynamics course. q=L%u|Vi|I{&qSKYv&Tb1P47,(bl) ,8._MA+N:|Q'eq\zn0wi[\] 0Xt+($tMj@PM~rKg#PTp3V]v-zuMtU&TsmnNwW&X2LA@m!}3R9a{.5OM`zO9HN8. These activities help them exercise physically, which builds their mental sharpness. We do so by slowing down our breathing so that we feel more of whats going on around us. You can do this in the office or outside on a company retreat, but either way, you're going to develop your communications skills and one of the more elusive leadership bonds trust. You can have a workshop dedicated to trust activities with an extensive debrief, plus you can sprinkle in shorter activities such as problem-solving games between other workshops. You can also rent a karaoke venue like a club or private lounge without going through the stress of setting up the machine. This method of expectation-setting is more empowering for students than having the facilitator merely set out rules on their own. For projects that make the final cut, the students could create a. to identify everyones roles and establish accountability. These three things should guide the students goal-setting and event-planning processes. Its invigorating to see students energized by your programming and learning from each other. But no peeking! Decorative Advent Cards. You gotta eat during your retreat anyway. The closing of the retreat is just as important as the opening. When their time is up, a participant from each group presents their list and explains the logic behind it. Some of the best large group retreat games include volleyball, bingo game, and icebreaker games. Sometimes, we as facilitators get so caught up in designing the activity that we forget the original purpose. There is no cost for attendance, however if your plans change . 3. Becoming centered is a way to find peace within the chaos that might be surrounding us., Neil Fiore, a psychologist who specializes in productivity, recommends this. Dancing, jumping, racing, and birthday parties form a large part of every high school student'ssports and recreational activities. Group agreements are a set of behavioral expectations that are co-created between the facilitator and the participants. Let the team sit around the fire while keeping a distance from the fire for safety purposes. She's a proud graduate of Emory University, where she majored in Creative Writing, and of Nova Southeastern University, where she earned her master's degree in College Student Affairs. A retreat is a great time to review the student organization's mission, vision, and values. Creating connections in your classroom will ensure your students are engaged. After the special guest may have addressed the group, there should be a question and answer session where attendees can open up on unclear areas. The first day of class is an ideal time to help students get to know one another and share why they are eager to take the class. An Advent Calendar for the Entire Group. We do so by slowing down our breathing so that we feel more of whats going on around us. The special guest you choose to host will depend on the kind of impact you want the group to get. Prizes can range from bonus points on a recent assignment to a short extension for their next paper or report. Other early April events include: April 2: International Children's Book DayCelebrate ICBD 500 by calling attention to children's books. If you're having a one-day retreat, this game could take place first thing in the morning. One of the ways you can make attendees come out of their shells during a retreat is to host a welcome get-together party. (Achieve), What is it we have and want to keep? Wed love to know! Connect with us on Twitter @themoderncampus and @JustinTerlisner. Our retreat center is planted right in the middle of serene nature and can host retreat groups of various sizes, up to 800. 4. SQ[ws*W This activity allows students to see where their peers stand on a variety of different topics and issues. Sample activities include having students draw an emoji or write one word to describe their current mood, or placing a sticker dot on a bullseye to represent if they think that the workshop is helping the group meet its goals. There are tons of activities you can do on a group retreat. You probably struggle to remember the difference between cirrus, cumulus, and stratus clouds. If your group is already energized after their break, feel free to substitute an icebreaker activity. , then the following ideas can help you with the nuts and bolts activity-wise. , it still pays dividends to have some workshops dedicated specifically to leadership development. People dont buy what you do; they buy why you do it., When we work from a place that says, Im enough, then we stop screaming and start listening. Many team-building activities incorporate such skills as active listening, questioning assumptions, giving clear directions, problem-solving or learning how to ask effective questions.. As they engage with all their senses, the attained knowledge makes a strong imprint in their minds. Allow five minutes of planning time, so teams can strategize how they will transport the object as a group; if it falls to the floor, they must start over. Finally, Jennifer says that silly rules that are supposed to make icebreakers fun can take the focus away from learning. Remember, an energizer is an activity to wake people up and get them excited to begin or get back to the workshop. Similar to leadership development topics. The first person to laugh leaves the game. Team building isnt just for the corporate workplace it can also be used in the classroom to encourage collaboration, problem-solving and decision-making. This activity will get everyones heart rates up while helping you release energy and embrace your silly sides. Invite campus departments and student-led groups to set up booths or games & activities to help promote their organizations in a fun, lively atmosphere. For both of these activities, write the goals on sticky notes so that they can be moved around if students change their minds about what quadrant a goal belongs in. If a workshop is longer than 90 minutes, consider building in a 15-30 minute break to help everyone refocus. Not only does this test their problem-solving skills, but it also helps them differentiate between the needs of the individual and the needs of the collective. Is restorative anyones top strength? Try this free knock-off. Start right at the beginning of the retreat by inviting students to share their personal pronouns during icebreakers. This activity can help students build on their leadership skills. I cant promise that all of these activities will be new to you but, hopefully, youll spot some original gems that will get you pumped for your next retreat. You and your group can walk on foot around interesting sites at the retreats location. Join more than 10,000 educators. Both of these competencies can ground your leadership workshops in research-based topics. If a tribe is united only by agreement, as soon as times change, agreement has to be reestablished., Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie The Danger of a Single Story, Show a people asone thing, as only one thing, over and over again and thatis what they become. When it comes to stimulating breakout session ideas, lightning talks are among the most versatile. Help your college students connect and collaborate. There are several variations on this, such as building a pyramid with paper cups, but the idea is to promote communication and collaboration in a leadership exerciseand provide a little incentive as well. Mellody Hobson Color Blind or Color Brave? And, if youd like to foster personal reflections, ask everyone to hike in silence for a bit, paying attention to the soft sounds of nature and their own thoughts as they roll in. Karaoke is one of the entertaining team building retreat activities to add to your groups plan. Then the players with the first two numbers will start the game. So, rather than the same ole uninspiring goal-setting exercise, why not mix it up? You would want to avoid serving any food or refreshments at this time to avoid choking on both laughter and food. 3 0 obj Sports Trivia for College Campus. Virtual Scavenger Hunt 2. 1. A flat hand represents paper, while a peace sign turned horizontally represents a scissors sign. The lunch can also be as simple as snacks accompanied by refreshing drinks. Good Deeds Chain. Enhance individual relationships with peers, staff, and faculty. Here are some worth checking out as a team, as recommended by my colleagues, my friends, and my own eyes and ears. Or challenge your students to count to 20 as a group with one person saying each numberbut no one is assigned a number, and if two people talk at the same time, everyone starts again at one. Teams of students must then categorize these objects on a piece of paper or sticky note, even when no obvious connections exist. The first order of business should be to create group agreements as a way to introduce the framework for the retreat. Students will be able to identify and locate important office resources pertaining to effective retreat preparation, execution and reflection. Combine two pairs and have a group of four accomplish the same task. In the middle, students list negative self-talk they find themselves using. Wrap up this process by using. We did a study of Esther and how she handled her lemons and how we as women of Christ can learn to handle our lemons. If you plan to travel on an airplane, then ensure that the airline regulations permit fishing gear on the plane. Welcome party is particularly great for a group of four accomplish the same ole uninspiring goal-setting exercise, not! '' jFr @ ; KJ2i1SL.e90dXNjo * qd: [ dtZQ can either their! 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