spiritual person vs religious person

Experiencing and developing joy, spontaneity, and compassion on the spiritual path helps us to feel as though were truly living life to the fullest. In religion, there is often a promise of punishment or reward for maintaining beliefs or following rituals. Spirituality teaches sacredness or that the Divine can be experienced, felt, and embodied. Spirituality is a part of humanity thats seeking a purpose in life. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases, this means whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on this website, we receive a small percentage of its price at no extra cost to you. And yet, regardless of where we stand as a species, we all have an innate drive to seek something higher and greater than ourselves whether that be God, Enlightened Consciousness, our next-and-best consumerist purchase, or a dogmatic belief that Science is the only true way of seeing the world. Spirituality is a solitary experience of the divine, while religion involves a group of people brought together by their common faith or beliefs about the divine. For thousands of years, humanity has passionately pursued the Truth with a capital Tthe ultimate answers to life and the universe. Religion includes a preacher or religious leader who defines what the truth is to their congregation. But if you seek more depth, more enrichment, more support, more ensoulment, why not try to walk this third way? Conversely, there can be individuals who are devoutly religious but are not what most would consider deeply spiritual. Religion, contrary to that, usually teaches that there is a Divine being (or beings) that are greater than human beings. Everyone has their own unique path, so if you dont feel called to invite spirituality or religion into your life, that is totally okay. Start here . Spirituality vs. Its focused on internalizing different teachings about the Divine, and is, therefore, more theoretical and thought-based. You can create a hybrid of the two concepts, allowing what resonates with you individually to be your guide. It's believing without having it proven to you. Feeling lost, confused, or alone? Focuses on experiencing internal Divinity, Focuses on obeying or devotion to an external Divinity, Present-oriented (heaven is within you now), Future-oriented (heaven is where you go when you die), Duality-oriented (good/evil, right/wrong, heaven/hell), Promotes joy, spontaneity, and compassion, Promotes self-sacrifice, devotion, and service to others. WebSpiritual beliefs can significantly affect ones ability to cope with disappointment and adverse events in life. This refers to both a more flexible and adaptive mindset toward core teachings of the great wisdom traditions but also reflects the understanding that, as the name implies, spiritual growth is an evolutionary process. Spirituality is more personal. Sometimes aspects of it get split up and parsed out among the other categories. A religious person is committed to following the guidelines set by his or her religion. Master meditation and learn how to give others their own personalized mantra. Or as Christina Puchalski, MD (leader in trying to incorporate spirituality into healthcare), puts it, Spirituality is the aspect of humanity that refers to the way individuals seek and express meaning and purpose and the way they experience their connectedness to the moment, to self, to others, to nature, and to the significant or sacred.". Unit #2007 Mahwah, NJ 07430, in fact, in this article we talk about 54 strategies, 4 Differences Between Spirituality and Religion. This is understandable in that all religions wish to preserve the essence of their teachings so they may be accurately transmitted through history. We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land, the Whadjuk people of Noongar Boodjar. Getting ongoing spiritual guidance from someone else will also help to protect against ego inflation. We just need to look deeply into both and find their undercurrent of similarities to realize that theyre not as opposed as we once thought. Americans who are spiritual but not religious are somewhat more likely to be women than men (54% vs. 46%, respectively). There's no questioning it. While religion has various rules that others may or may not agree with, spirituality focuses on an individuals aspect of a belief. Usually one has access to a priest, bishop, rabbi, monk, nun, etc. And without water, a cup is empty and lifeless. Take well-being with you wherever you go with the Chopra app. Members of a religion often also follow distinctive dress codes (especially religious leaders), moral codes, and actions that are mandated by a supernatural being. Religion: Religions are most often based upon the lives, teachings, and beliefs of a historical or archetypal figure (e.g., Christ, Buddha, Moses, Krishna, Muhammad). Its a deeply personal journey that has no outward structure or dogma attached to it. WebMuslims vs other people |The world beautiful religion|Muslims attitude status #shorts subscribe my channel Were encouraged to find the truth within ourselves. On the other hand, religious Earn the highest Chopra Certification available and expand your toolbox of offerings. Any text will do. Bring into your life the opposite quality of whatever youre used to practicing or embodying. It is a structured, frequently rule-based construct that to some degree governs the behavior of its members. This kind of statement perfectly summarizes the kind of (rightfully justified) cynicism and disillusionment that we carry toward the popular patriarchal notion of a white dude sitting in the sky, judging all our actions. Keep in mind that the distinctions below are very, very generalized and dont account for the many nuances that exist between religion and spirituality. Somatic Bodywork: 7 Types For Psychospiritual Healing, 7 Vagus Nerve Exercises For Nervous System Healing, How to Begin a Spiritual Journal (Start Here! This may be a spiritual teacher you trust, a leader from a religious path you trust and feel safe with, or even a counselor/therapist. The two dance together, hand in hand or at least, they can do. A spiritual person focuses on the here and now. This encourages exploration and understanding of what lies beyond our physical boundaries, including nature, the universe, or even different spiritual realms. | A religious person is committed to following the guidelines set by his or her religion. He or she observes the rites and practices, such as regularly attending church services on a Sunday for Christians, observing the Sabbath for Jews, and fasting during Ramadan for Muslims. For spiritual practitioners, find a source of accountability that will help to keep you focused and committed. For example, churches are slowly accepting LGBTQ acceptance into their congregation, which before was unheard of. Our purpose, according to many religions, is to serve, worship, and obey such beings because, by their very nature, they are holier than us. A way to practice both in a healthy manner will take some adjustment. Spirituality is an individuals inner sense of connection with the universe or a higher power, and for some people, it is an essential part of living. Are Zoomies a Sign of a Happy Dog or a Crazy Dog? Increasingly, North American millennials identify as spiritual as opposed to religious. For example, one national survey found that about 65% of Americans label themselves "religious and spiritual" 15 to 20% of Americans call themselves "spiritual but not religious" Regardless of whether were religious or spiritual, the human psyche, the human soul, innately craves for something greater than itself. Studies show that most people in the U.S. describe themselves as both religious and spiritual. It suggests that those with strongly held convictions in their Christian faith, or who held no-religious belief, strengthened belief in their positions following the pandemic's onset. A spiritual person cares about people, animals and the planet. Spiritual people often learn and develop their beliefs through their own experiences (often through trial and error). A spiritual persons set of beliefs evolves as they learn more through their personal study of their own spirituality. Some examples include Rumi and Hafiz (from the mystical branch of Islam, Sufism), St John of the Cross and St Teresa of Avila (from Christianity), Ramakrishna and Anandamayi Ma (from Hinduism), and more modern Western figures like Carl Jung and G. I. Gurdjieff. A spiritual person cares about people, animals and the planet. There are no rules because the spiritual path is entirely self-directed in an informal, go-at-your-own-pace process. Here are five essential differences between spirituality and religion to consider: Religion focuses on outward structures and traditions, whereas spiritualism directs its attention inwardly toward self-discovery. ), and has been on the spiritual-but-not-religious path for over a decade, I find myself in the middle. Spirituality urges people to break free from obedience or conformity in order to create their own path and journey in life. However, according to a survey published by TODAY, over 70% of participants believed its better to be spiritual than religious. h3>What are the differences between spirituality vs. religion? To set things straight, Im not in either the religion is evil or spirituality is nonsense groups. Its more about what resonates and feels right for you personally. within the religious organization. (Traditionally religious people scored highest.) Their beliefs, which are often transcendental, are passed on from members to converts, and are based on either a formally documented creed or established cultural practices. Inspired by our world-class Chopra Health Retreat, this kit includes all the ingredients and guided rituals you need to: Well send you content youll want to readand put to use. By understanding what sets these two ideas apart, we can better decide what works best for ourselves and our individual journeys. He or she observes the rites and practices, such as regularly attending church services on a Sunday for Christians, observing the Sabbath for Jews, and fasting during Ramadan for Muslims. The way we relate to whats perceived as divine or what some may call God is different between spirituality and religion. Belief vs. Do you rely on the rituals of a certain church to carry you through times when your faith begins to wane? The results were sorted by age. And knowing the difference between spirituality and religion will help anyone decide which path they should take to discover their truth. How is one initiated? Spirituality focuses heavily on the now. Religion: At its core, religion is about faith. In this way, religion requires people to be obedient with their beliefs, keeping them fixed to scriptures or what is taught to them by religious leaders. Lets break down the individual differences as well as the light and darkness within spirituality and religion below: While spirituality focuses on the personal connection with the Divine, religion encourages a community-centered connection with the Divine. Thats where my experience, reflections, and discoveries can help. (Meanwhile, the habit of gratitude can also increase your long-term happiness. They found that both traditionally religious and nonreligious but spiritual individuals scored higher on measures of life satisfaction than nonreligious/non-spiritual individuals. When someone is spiritual, they do what they feel is right, despite any potential consequences. Although some spiritual traditions offer theories and practices to help people on their journeys, they are not meant to be adopted as a set of beliefs. Why Are So Many Young Men Single And Sexless? Acceptance and surrender to the divine are taught as the path that leads to ultimate salvation. It often depends on individual personalities and goals- what could be beneficial for one person could be detrimental to another. If you notice, others abuse religion to inflict fear into anothers mind. 1. The word religion comes from the Latin word religionem, which means, respect for what is sacred, reverence for the gods; conscientiousness, sense of right, moral obligation. (1) Religion is connecting to the Divine through someone elses experience. They then asked participants to complete a series of psychological scales, including: The researchers then tested to see whether any of the three groups (traditionally religious, nonreligious but spiritual, or neither religious nor spiritual) differed on the measures listed above. We spend hundreds of hours every month writing, editing and managing this website. 1. Religion may be centered on a belief in the supernatural, moral codes of conduct, and how one should live and behave. Moral rules, laws, and doctrines, as well as specific codes and criteria, create the organized structure that contains the religions specific belief system. In fact, some may find that their spirituality is closely linked to a religion, while others may have their own personal relationship with a higher power. This empowers people to discover their own truths without setting any limits as to the depth of one's understanding. The word atheist originates with the Greek atheos, which is built from the roots a- (without) and theos (a god). A spiritual person cares about people, animals and the planet. Likewise, Muslims are encouraged to participate in daily prayers five times daily, with men particularly urged to perform the prayers in the mosque. The more religious than spiritual group declined from 16.7% in 1998 to 11.9% in 2018 ( - 4.8 percentage points) and those saying they are equally religious and spiritual also decreased from 64.8% to 55.1% ( -9.7 points) . A spiritual person is selfless, perhaps ascetic, one who strives to imbue his life with a higher meaning, to think of and serve others, not himself, to see the purpose and goodness in In the study, the researchers asked participants to denote their religious affiliation, either as (1) traditionally religious, (2) nonreligious but spiritual, or (3) neither religious nor spiritual. Participants from these two groups showed similar patterns on all the major variables of depression, delusional ideation, subjective well-being, and sense of meaning. Listen to your Souls calling. For example, that might be Shiva, Buddha, Mother Mary, Kali, Quan Yin, Avalokitesvara, etc. The key distinctions between them mostly involve what each is at its core. Our names are Aletheia Luna & Mateo Sol and were spiritual educators and guides currently living in Perth, Western Australia. These rules are public so others draw near, all in order for a church to increase their congregation. Spirituality does not feature such characteristics. You can belong to a religious group and still be spiritual, and vice versa. In fact, some may find that their spirituality is closely linked to a religion, while others may have their own personal relationship with a higher power. Others seek the meaning of life through their connections to nature or art. The mystic experiences spiritual growth and discovery in unorthodox ways and isnt big on intellectualism. Spirituality focuses more on the quality of the message that is being offered than the differences in the details of the original story. For example, spiritual people are more likely to: Volunteer or donate to the poor. I dont believe that were done with religion or spirituality yet in fact, I believe that were not only craving these paths as a species, but we need them. It is safe to say that spirituality has greater potential for exploration within ones faith than religion does. Yes, you can be both religious and spiritual. So, you can go to church every Sunday and say your prayers every day, without caring about loving yourself, others and the planet. So first, what are the specific differences between spirituality and religion? A new article published in the journal journal Spirituality in Clinical Practice suggests that there are fewer differences between people who are part of an organized religion and those who practice spirituality on their own than might be expectedat least from a psychological standpoint. Sometimes people can have negative stereotypes toward people who practice non-religious spirituality (e.g., thinking they are in a cult), says Zhang. All paths Arjuna, lead to me.. They are merely general markers meant to better explore the qualities between two equally valid approaches to seeking the truth. And religion teaches holiness or that the Divine cannot be touched, directly experienced, or even looked upon because it is that much greater than us. Spiritual people often develop their own beliefs as they explore what resonates with them. Sign up for self-paced courses designed to deliver balance and health. Because every human's essence is the same, it means that any differences are superficial. It inspires people to trust their hearts and follow their own instincts. Spiritual philosophies teach that heaven is within us right now with an emphasis on mindfulness, presence, and tuning into our Higher Selves. It creates practical implications for everyday behaviors in adherence to the beliefs, rituals, and practices of the group. Reviewed by Jessica Schrader. It has caused wars and major conflict between ecocentric groups and countries. WebAs Table 1 shows, from 1998 to 2018 there have been major changes in peoples religious vs. spiritual identification. Psychology Today 2023 Sussex Publishers, LLC, If You Need to Pull an All-Nighter, This Should Be Your Diet, Mass Shootings Are a Symptom, Not the Root Problem. Spiritual people can feel a stronger connection when their beliefs are intertwined with religion. Often, people believe that if they do not live their lives according to their religions, they will go to hell. In other words, there is usually a greater focus on the externals: This is the equivalent of object-referral in which your attention is placed upon the objects in your experience. For spiritual folks, try finding an image of the Divine outside of yourself that you deeply admire and look up to. On the other hand, a religious person accepts the truth as defined by his or her religion, and these truths are often documented and shared with others. Spirituality: By contrast, spirituality is more often based upon the practical application of the founders teachings. Meditate to cope with stress. Unfortunately, most people assume that spirituality and religion are one and the same, but this assumption is wrong. They believe in sacred scriptures and expressing their own translation. Spirituality, on the other hand, doesnt necessarily involve worship at all. Instead, spirituality helps others focus not just on their own well-being, but for others, nature, or any sacred being. When it comes to using the mind, spirituality focuses on cultivating wisdom. Instead, its more of an inner connection to what lies beyond what we can perceive with our physical senses. Religious beliefs and spiritual beliefs differ in the ways in which they are practiced. While religion has various rules that others may or may not agree with, spirituality focuses on an individuals aspect of a belief. [Read More]. Read through the list of differences between spirituality and religion at the beginning of this article. Religion: Despite the best of intentions, religions can sometimes contain a subtle (or not so subtle) undercurrent of fear woven into their teachings. This god helmet generated weak magnetic fields, applied to the temporal lobes. With spirituality, self-discovery has no boundaries. Yes, someone can be both spiritual and religious. Unlike religious beliefs, which tend to have strict rules and organized doctrines, spirituality is highly individualized. Religion maintains a defined, tangible code of ethics, while spirituality is largely undefinable. And to learn more about this topic, check out this article to learn about the 10 types of spirituality practices to try in your life. Spiritual people listen to their hearts and their own conscious mind in order to do what is right for their unique self. It is primarily concerned with finding, experiencing, and embodying ones true spiritual nature. check out this article to learn about the 10 types of spirituality practices to try in your life, 16 Strategies to Forgive Yourself for Past Mistakes, 60 Proven Ways to Make Someone Else Happy, 21 Best Films That Explore Mental Illness, 41 Words of Encouragement for Someone in Jail, 101 Toxic People Quotes to Stay Away from Negativity, 57 Strong Mom Quotes About Being a Powerful Parent, 7 Steps to Deal with Emotionally Unavailable Parents, 35 Best Songs About What Its Like to Have Anxiety, 111 Self-Discovery Questions to Ask Yourself While Journaling, 49 Positive Morning Prayers to Inspire Your Day, 101 Ice Breaker Questions for Kids That Theyll Love. As I explored in my previous article entitled what is spirituality, I define spirituality vs religion in the following ways: The word spirituality comes from the Latin word spiritualis, which means, breath; of the spirit; air. (1,2) Spirituality is connecting to the Divine through your own personal experience. Take a dive with me to explore one of humanitys timeless conversations! For example, you may know people who consider themselves spiritual, but not religious. What Im speaking about here is quite Taoistic (without me necessarily being a Taoist). For a religious person, the concept of God is predetermined, named, and comes with an established method of how to worship that God. Either one can lead to the other, but might not necessarily lead to a creator/god. RELATED: 4 Simple But Spiritual Ways To Deeply Connect With God Without Going To Church. People are inclined to think that these two lifestyles are the same, and on the surface they are. While some may find what resonates within the traditional confines of religion, others may take a more personalized approach to their spiritual practice. Spirituality teaches us that All is One (non-duality), that there is ultimately no separation between the spark of Divine within us and the Divine that pervades everything. As a community or group sharing the same beliefs, religion functions as an extremely supportive social network. In contrast, spirituality encourages individuals to seek out what truth means to them by diving deeper into what they feel is right. The recognized authorities of the religious group reinforce or communicate changes regarding the ideologies for members of the religious group to follow. Enjoy a renewed sense of health with this 7-day Ayurvedic cleanse. Bear in mind that there are no absolutes in these distinctions. Ultimately, spiritual paths are what you make of them and what resonates with you as an individual, making them unique. To be fair, not everyone clearly hates religion or thinks spirituality is woo-woo. Nothing is set in stone, so what one may find to be right or wrong today may change down the line with new life experiences. This research may help reduce negative stereotypes and stigma surrounding non-traditional religious practices and affiliations. Help people find meaning and purpose in life. In other words, from a spiritual perspective, no one has a monopoly on the truth. BEING RELIGIOUS Being religious means belonging to an established religious order, whether large or small. This is very harmful to both self and society. It can happen in any religious group, as an element of child abuse, elder abuse, or domestic violence. 2023 Oldtown Publishing LLC 479 State Route 17 N Whether you're a beginner or an advanced meditator, the Chopra App has you covered with personalized practices and guided meditations for all, available now. Spirituality: By comparison, spirituality is often less focused on the rigidly traditional approach and often favors an evolutionary mentality. PostedDecember 1, 2021 When wondering, Am I religious or spiritual? think about whose rules you follow. What they both have in common is connecting to something larger than themselves. On the other, we have spirituality, which is a very yin force. Religion and spirituality can: Offer comfort in times of grief. Thats very important. Religion emphasizes the content of followers' beliefs and how those beliefs play out in their everyday lives. These practices are not typically associated with a particular theology but can be tailored to what works best for each individual. Being spiritual involves holding one's personal set of beliefs and practices and searching for the purpose of life. WebMuslims vs other people |The world beautiful religion|Muslims attitude status #shorts subscribe my channel For example, they may believe in God while asking for positive energy through their journey of self-discovering. However, spirituality encourages people to focus their energy on positive things and to act based solely on love. Lives in the present moment and grateful. WebHere are six characteristics of a spiritually gifted person. Spiritual aspirants heed the advice of Japanese poet Matsuo Basho, Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. WebWho is a spiritual person? Thats why you follow the rules of the relevant religion. (12 Signs Youre One) article. We value a raw, real, and down-to-earth approach to spirituality. The world has no perimeters, races, or cultural partitions. Advance online publication. Spirituality: By contrast, spirituality typically discards the vestiges of fear and worry in favor of a more loving, compassionate approach to lifeand death. The same goes for the protective qualities of religious belief and spirituality. Meanwhile, if you're looking for ways of adding meaning into your life, a habit of gratitude is one way to start. This is not to say that worship is not a part of spirituality; its a matter of where the devotion and worship are directed: Religion: One of the hallmarks of religion is its organization. Spirituality and religion have been an age-old debate in human society. A major difference between religion and spirituality is believing versus being. Not spiritual but religious: people who are less spiritual than average, but more religious than average; Conversely, women are more likely than men to identify as both spiritual and religious (33% vs. 24%, respectively). Also, try our spiritual awakening test to see if you are experiencing an awakening! So, what is the difference between religion and spirituality? So instead, to fill the empty hole that religion once occupied, we have replaced it with rationality, logic, and an over-emphasis on mechanistic ideas of reality. 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