supergirl fanfiction kara sick

It didnt take long for someone to rush in carrying the files. I wont attack unless absolutely necessary. You say. She was alive, made of flash and bones, just risen from the ash, from the fire she sent her on. You knew better than to hold your breath though. Each could use a friend to share the journey. Cat Grant forced Kara to leave work because she was sick. Lena gets the Flu in the midst of the Coronavirus scare, and Kara decides to nurse her back to health, regardless of how much Lena still hates her. You grabbed her hand and led her over to the couch. (Y/N), those looks arent for you theyre for the Luthor. You frowned slightly before looking at them. A few months after Lex and Nyxly are sent to the Phantom Zone, all is calm in National City for the Superfirends. Read to find out what happens next. Hurt, betrayed, disowned and in pain. Neither one of you pulled away until it became necessary to breath. This takes place some time post series finale. The premise from the original page for the story is as follows: "The premise of this story centres around two major conceits or changes from canon (for the most part? Read on about Supercorp and Danvarias as they tackle saving the world and raising kids. We will find them. Alex said trying to sooth Lena. Barry and Iris try to put her back together again. I put a hand over my mouth and frantically look around for a trash can. 6 aos despus, Kara conoce a Lena Luthor en una entrevista. She attempts to stand up but quickly falls back down. Try to keep calm no matter what you see in there. You said giving yourself a mini pep talk before the doors slide open on Lenas floor. The few people that had been around began to yell. (Y/N), I understand. You curl into the fetal position under your blankets letting the tears stream down your face as you softly sobbed until you eventually passed out from exhaustion. Supergirl or should I say Kara, which one do you prefer? You taunt her. Andrea is still angry about their break up and her brother -the most hated man everywhere- has his trial coming up in a few months. You rub your eyes as the tears began to flow freely once again. You were going to try sitting up before realizing that you were strapped down into the bed. It had been 6 months since your world had been shattered by the woman you loved and your best friend. A dragon crashes through Lena's office and her loud sneeze almost causes the dragon to kill her, but Alex walks in like a badass and saves the day. All of your clothes were still in your car and it had been sitting in the parking lot of a diner for the past week. As long as I am breathing I will never surrender Supergirl! You yelled back at her before using your heat vision. After the doors had closed behind you she turned to face you. Natalie nods her head and does just that. For now let's get you back in bed, alright?". You waited till the door shut behind her to speak. I mean why would anyone turn down an offer that would help you. Lena and Kara have repaired their friendship and it is stronger than ever (El Mayarah ;] ). "Sick, so so very sick. Lillian had obviously had faith in you being able to make it through the experiment because the suit was tailored specifically for you. Alex smiled fondly at her sister. Sams eyes widened and she pulled Lena closer to her. I will have her come to you as quickly as possible ma'am/sir. the agent said before quickly leaving and going to get Ms. Luthor. Everybodys heart was breaking as they watched the dark path Lena started to go down. Lead the way oh gracious Lena. You said in a joking manner. "Ok seriously what did I do to you guys. Lena Luthor is searching for her purpose in life. Mistress brings her new friend home during Karas third summer there. You scoffed and yanked your hands out from underneath hers as you stand up. HELP ME! Alex came over and laid a hand on Lenas shoulder. Later that night. An audio recording of the work written by bzarcher. The sun shining down gave an almost angelic effect to the trees. It is because youre one of the big bosses or something? How to fix what she had broken. First dark SuperCorp AU written for this prompt. (ABO Dynamics, Omega Kara, Alpha Lena.). Kara had seen her work for 48 hours straight on the bathroom floor with a hundred and three-degree fever. You were the first person she told about her being Supergirl. After a few months, Kara comes back to Lena. Kara instantly picked up there's an Agent of Liberty with an alien-sniffing dog and realizes he's with two other agents. "M'kay" I say before I cough once again. Alex gives Kara the best Christmas present imagineable. Several months ago, large amounts of Red Kryptonite were discovered on Earth. Just text her back saying I'm fine! She stands tall before Kara and finally speaks. This time she took you out into the middle of nowhere. Pressing your lips to someone's forehead to check temperature is a universal experience. You slammed the engagement ring down onto her desk before looking up at her watching as the tears fell down her face. Will Nia be able to come to terms with who she is and who she likes? When Kara blows out her powers she will do anyhing to get them back. She still checked in with you though. You also had tests run on you to see if they could reverse what had been done to you. Just for a little bit ok. Just until we cannot you to the DEO. By the time Alexander turned four, they could tell he no longer wanted to be Alexander. You hadnt meant to explode like that but all this pain and jealousy was festering inside you. You had never thought that Lena would betray you this way. Something inside of you had shifted. You didnt see her beginning to get frustrated as you continued to rant at her. Instead, she finds a very drunk Kryptonian who just might be able to help her anyways. You were just happy to get your foot in the door. Also, Kara is a trans woman. Nothing is happening between me and Lena (Y/N). You opened the door and walked away from the only person who had ever felt like home to you. Please (Y/N). Kara begged you. How could she have messed up this bad she watched as you walked out of the room. She tried opening her mouth multiple times but you just kept bulldozing over her. Lena was just praying that they got to you in time. The high school, football, murder mystery au where Kara is the star quarterback and Lena is the cheerleader. Jimmy is having a party at Corey's lake house Malcolm, Denise, Tegan and Sarah are in her car waiting for Jon, Jordan and Kara they are going to take Clark's truck and have fun Kara will make sure they don't drink what they don't know is that Jimmy is going to drug Kara's drink with a date rape drug Ketamine he will molest her when they get home she has a hallucination of Rosetti but he isn't there. You are like the younger sibling I always wanted. Um yea Im (Y/N) (L/N), I just got hired. Like Lena actually gave a fuck about you. Some will be short dabbles. Lenas mouth opened and closed as she tried to find anything to say to you. Kara Danvers es un Alfa que lleg a los 14 aos de edad a la tierra, a sus 16 se emparej con un Omega llamado Kenny Li quien muri meses despus junto a la cra de Kara. Lex skipped the harmless prank phase entirely, and went straight into murder. You appreciated that because even though it hurt every time you saw a picture of Supergirl carrying Lena bridal style or heard about the possible romance blooming between them it fueled you to work just that much harder. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Kara D./Supergirl, Alex D., Eliza D., Lena L. - Chapters: 410 - Words: 737,423 - Reviews: 2,212 - Favs: 78 - Follows: 78 . "Hey." Alex said gently. Sorry (Y/N) I really need to focus my attention on Supergirl right now. Alex and Kara looked at Lena with concern on their features. So here they were; sitting on the cold floor, squeezed against each other, talking as if they werent being held by some lunatic. I was actually hoping to find you before I tried to test out any new abilities I may or may not have gained just in case I lose control. You told her. Its ok. Kara gets ideas, ideas that Lucy both does and doesn't think are kind of sort of a little bit hot, actually. This is a podfic of one of my ongoing Supergirl fanfics. Or Seething pain added on to those feelings of guilt and regret as you came tumbling on the stone-cold floor a few inches away from the ravenette. She promised that you both would talk later. Kara has heard of vampires. Kara Danvers lived a life of hardship but she always remained the Sunny Danvers That everyone knew and loved. You looked up at her as your tears continued to fall. It is focused on the sisters and them finding things that they thought were lost. This is my first Supergirl fanfic, so I hope you enjoy!! She felt completely numb after that. Will Kara feel the same way or mess with her feeling. She had been like an older sister to you. You still loved her even though you wanted to hate her. I won't allow you. Shes a Luthor (Y/N). You didnt know if you had it in you to betray Lena like this, no matter how much she hurt you. When a new threat attacks National City, the president makes a hasty decision that endangers Supergirl. Lena was out with Kara and Alex when she got a call from you in the middle of their conversation. Will Clark help her? I need to take you to the DEO ok? She asked you and you just nodded letting her fly you there. It was 4 months later when Lillian decided that you were ready to make your debut. A self-indulgent angsty-ish post reveal fic. Im not leaving (Y/N). Lena felt terrified. Oneshot). Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl i got nothing else Lena did not get sick. (Y/N) please just hang on. You tried not to overthink because you knew, or at least you thought you knew, that Lena wouldnt do that to you. We can figure this out. She was the only person that had the decency to be completely honest with you. Sam came over and quickly opened the door once she realized who was behind it. While investigating, Kara has been heavily exposed to its presence and unfortunately this time no one has found a way to reverse the exposure. The Sharingan! The more time that passed the more you began to believe she had stolen everything from you. Begin as friends again and build back up your trust and love. She drank more than she used to. You could feel your blood boil at the sight that greeted you because there was Lena and Kara sitting so close to each other their legs were touching eating lunch. You knew it was going to be coming from a place of love. She just needed a way to keep you working for her and to make sure your moral code didnt override your need for revenge. NO! Sorry but (Y/N) is unavailable at the moment. She had been too late. Will Naruto turn into an unexpected mentor? It was home. You are still hurt with what Lena did and you keep on ignoring her. It turns out that the gym is just as terrible as Lena imagined, and she absolutely will not be going back. All those missed nights! He had traveled into the future Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to any of these characters, I have simply changed them a bit in order to fit the plot of the story. She just smirked down at you and didnt answer. Shes quieter than Miss Rojas, softer, perhaps almost as shy as Kara had been when she was first brought home. She knew Kara could hear her. The brash and enthusiastic young hero is one of the protectors of Metropolis along with her adopted cousin, Superman. You were extremely excited. It was your driving force. You knew that he wouldnt be able to just let you out even if you had hoped he would. Kara would forget to call because she got caught up in conversation with Lena. The suit was black and white with the symbol of CADMUS on the chest. She hadnt been able to make it in time in order to stop you from leaving. Thank you! NO! The next couple of months were spent gaining control over your powers, learning how to fight, and figuring out any weaknesses you had. You hadnt even hesitated before just stating that her last name didnt matter and walking away. but there will be one for each day. You needed to think right now. She could see the instant that you got over your shock and began to connect the dots. What do we have here? Well it was fun while it lasted but now its over. You saw her eyes begin to light up and you felt the fear take over your whole body. The CancerCollegeDialysisAU nobody wanted, I need to help Kara. Youre not helping her when you do this. Maggie said. Great. She may have painted me as this horrible mother but I do care for her just in my own way. She constantly tried to call you until you had eventually changed your number. What if Kara had known all along that Lena hadn't truly forgiven her? It was about 10 minutes later when an agent walked in and handed you what looked to be a suit and a cape. And I assume your stomach still hurts?". After a red-kryptonite bomb goes off in the city, Kara has to be imprisoned at the DEO to ride out the toxins that have taken over her system. She didnt know yet wether or not Lena knew that her friend Kara and National Citys superhero were actually one in the same. Little did you know that this had actually been Lillians plan all along. I say breathlessly after I finish vomiting. You know that. Shining as always. She quickly looked you over and with every new injury she saw her anger and sadness grew. It was around the 4th month that Lenas friends had decided that an intervention was needed before Lena drank herself to death or killed herself doing something stupid. She still had no idea what say as she quickly parked the car. In which Alex finds Maggie doing laundry at 1am in the morning. Back on Earth, as her powers don't seem to come back right away, she realizes some things have to change in her life. That was all it took for Lena to breakdown. Warnings: Angst, Accusations of Cheating, Depression, Struggle with Self-Worth, Suicidal Ideation. Ruby didnt want to but she followed her moms orders anyways. I actually dont know what she does huh. You knew that after what happened today she was going to be extremely overprotective of you. Really Lena then what the fuck was going on because to me it looked like you cancelled on me, AGAIN, in order to have lunch with Kara. You told her trying to hang onto any semblance of being calm. You both were hurt by theaters actions but you also understood why the other had done what they did. You look like you're going to pass out. You and Lena had been together for years. Browse Browse She had saved you from yourself. You had a lot of pent up anger, heartbreak, and hatred. Ill pay double even triple just please dont hurt them. The desperation was clear in Lenas voice. NO! Im leaving Kara. You kissed the top of her head and relaxed as much as you could. Today though, you were going to go to Lenas office and demand that you have this long overdue talk. The year is 2006, and Kara Danvers is a student at Leesburg High. I went willingly. (Y/N) is strong. You still had your job so you wouldnt be completely fucked. I heard yelling and decided to come and make sure that everything was ok. Supergirl said with her arms crossed across he chest. I just want a story where Lena cheated on the reader with Kara. Please or else I'm calling Eliza. Both were equally as inviting for things she had little choice in. Neither one of you said anything at the moment both of you just happy to be able to be in each others presence again. She just had to wait for Lena to eventually calm down so she could explain and Sam could come up with a way to help. You had enough. Ok (Y/N) just take a deep breath. It had started a couple months ago. She wanted to make this all go away, yet she knew she couldnt. Hello darling, Kara and Alex say hi. It was in a parking lot at a diner. Will she heal? And another hero who doesn't know when to take a break. She didnt understand what was going on. I close the door before throwing up. The impenetrable Luthor walls resurface and cloud her in darkness that only one person can see her out ofBut only if she lets her. You were going to get your revenge and this was just the first step. Do you think she hesitated ever once out of all the times she cancelled plans with you to go and play house with Kara Danvers. Lena looked away from you and you scoffed. Maggie and Kara have a history and after the revelation of Alex and Maxwell Lord. The Kryptonite emitters arent high enough. You gave a small embarrassed smile as a chuckle escaped your lips. Right this way.. When Cora Jor-El returns from a trip to find the remains of Krypton she is different to whne she left and a multiverse arrival warns of danger. You didnt know what to do. Kara, Barry, and Rae (Barry's cousin) go after them to bring them back. "I'll be fine, but the more important question is what happened? I am in college for UX Engineering so that whole thing is way over my head but I tried my best so please no hate lol. You were looking around for a couple of minutes before a woman walked over to you. If it werent for your worrying obsession with books, you wouldnt have dozed off at the library at a secluded spot where the librarian couldnt even find you; you wouldnt have been in this frantic position at all. She put her hand on the other side of the glass. All the niGHTS I SPENT CRYING MYSELF TO SLEEP! She was unable to face you with the guilt that was now taking over her heart. Kurt, Finn, Rachel, Puck, Santana, Quinn, Mike and Mercedes graduated in 2006. Well, this is a SupergirlKalex fanfiction that is coming out 12/20/18. She says as she places her hand on my forehead. AN: I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter! All of the test subjects have resulted in failures. You did everything you could to cooperate so that you could leave. They belong to DC comics, Warner Bros., and the CW as well as their writers.*. It worked you now had Kryptonian DNA. You never answered the door and always threw away whatever she sent you. You pushed open her door and quickly stepped in closing it behind you before facing Lena. We can fix you.I dont need to be fixed, Kara. She let go of her, crossed the room to the safe in the bookshelf. Well I guess you might as well since this will probably be the last time you hear their voice. The man said before laughing cruelly. What you didnt know was that she had been hoping you would offer yourself as the test subject. Im not sure how long this will be. You didnt want to hurt Alex. Lena baby listen please. Lena is a transgender businesswoman seeking her own Pride while Kara is an anxious girl who has never stopped seeking justice for her lost first love. Crying yourself to sleep every night. Are you really going to try and act like this was anything other than you cheating on me with my best friend? Lena looked away from you. /Kara Danvers es algo as como una villana, Kryptonita roja recorriendo sus venas a cada momento y tiene una especie de fijacin con Lena Luthor, quien, por obra del destino, es bsicamente igual a ella Solo que con colmillos ms afilados y una dieta ligeramente distinta. I hope that this was worth it. You need to leave right now Lena. Thank you. She looked somewhat shocked that you accepted. She walked towards you and grinned maniacally. You werent paying attention to anything around you besides her so you didnt hear J'onn rushing towards you. She was human after all, but she didn't admit to it regardless of how terrible she felt. You would run into Lena and talk with her for a little bit about anything and everything. You were ok. She pulled back and kissed you. She calmly rubs my back as I continue throwing up. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She wont be able to find you and by the time she gets into contact with Supergirl you will already be dead. He didnt know that Supergirl was already on her way towards you. She would spend hours outside of your door begging you to let her explain herself, apologizing to you, and making all kinds of promises to you. He tackled you to the ground giving Kara the chance to get back up. Lena Luthor Finds Out Kara Danvers is Supergirl Lena Luthor Needs a Hug Kara Danvers Needs a Hug Suicidal Thoughts Angry Kara Danvers past emotional/psychological abuse Self-Harm Healing healing is really hard Post Reveal Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms Blood and Violence Canon-Typical Violence Mental Health Issues Diving Deep Into Their Trauma As Kara was lost in her thoughts, Samantha Arias entered the training room to receive her official training session to become a superheroine like Supergirl, after her Worldkiller powers had returned and reactivated to their fullest extent. Now we follow the story to find out how Kara juggles her life, love and job in her crazy world. I know its where you really want to be. You had stuffed the duffel bag as much as you could and zipped it closed. You quickly got out of the car and followed her inside of the intimidating building. You could end up the target of my mother or my brother. She couldnt possibly be serious could she? The pain would be too much. ", "She um well she kind of texted me and when I mentioned you were sick", "Alex! Yet here you were again. Its always been you.". Sort by: Hot. Kara was sleeping. You already are hurting me Lena! While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Come with me. You didnt know that Lillian was setting up those situations in order to make it look like Supergirl had stolen your life from you and she was going to make sure you never found out that she was behind it. Except not to each other, but to their husbands. You always felt like you werent good enough. Lena began to somewhat understand the pain she had been causing her friends. There are so many people out there that would love to get their hands on you to use you against her. You bit your lip and shook your head as you held your hands out in front of you. Has she mentioned anything about this to you? Lillian was curious to see how much you knew and if what you knew could help CADMUS in their endeavors. She was worried for you. Um (Y/N) do you even know what Lenas last name is? You shook your head. How was she supposed to find you when no one knew where you were. As her sobs began to slow and the tears began to flow from her eyes slower she stood up. You asked for a sick Kara story, you got it. "Alex?" They all looked at you dumbfounded. She knew thinking like that was no good but she couldnt help it. Alex likes Kyle,Johnnie and Jordan,Kyle likes Alex,Johnnie likes Shannon,Shannon likes Johnnie and Tyler and Jordan likes Alex more I just don't want to do this part Oh who I am doesnt really matter. Dont hurt Alex. We are so close to being able to solve this., Hey sorry nows not a good time Kara is in my office and she really needs me right now. Then you heard Lena. I promise you. You scoffed thinking about it now. You just laugh maniacally. Then Supergirl and Kara Danvers came into the picture. Alexander and his sister Kara were inseparable and as happy as they could be. At least you got to say one last I love you. You began to feel the panic overcome you and you just prayed that Lena would be able to move on and find happiness again. Yet it had all been ripped from your hands from the moment that Supergirl came into the picture. Also, I absolutely loved the last episode! She had been hoping she would be able to hold onto this little secret for awhile longer but she knew there had been a chance she would have to tell you in order to get you to join her. supergirl fanfiction kara broken leg. 57.6K 1.3K 19. "No, Kara. A humorless laugh fell from your lips. You held Alex tightly enough that she would have bruises and Kara felt the panic begin to course through her. Would you like me to show you? She seemed somewhat hesitant to ask you that. You honestly couldnt remember the last time you had gone out with Lena anymore. You knew your resolve would break the moment your eyes meet hers again. Winn said he hadnt talked or seen you for the past couple of days. The ravenette made her way to you, kneeling down as her expression softened the very moment she looked into your eyes. Her mind was traveling a million miles a second trying to figure out how to save this. Act like your happy cheery self so no one would worry. I would never forgive myself if I was the reason you were hurt. Lena whispered to you softly. She let out a small, quiet laugh. A/N- Got the idea to do Lenas point of view on the reader disappearing from someone who had commented on the last part 2 that I posted for the lena x reader story. The look in your eyes caused both of them to flinch away. You sigh and shake your head. You knew you should probably run because this is how people get kidnapped but right then you didnt particularly care. Supergirl es una diosa para los mortales, una diosa malvada y terrible con hambre de muerte en los ojos. In fact she was always brutally honest and right now thats what you craved more than anything. (Y/N)? Lena could feel her heart shatter as she picked up your engagement ring you had slammed down onto her desk. You couldnt beg for her to stop or for her to leave. In order to stop Lex's new plan, the team must travel back in time to before Krypton was destroyed to get the alien technology they need to stop his evil deeds. The classic Lena gets sick and Kara finds out so she goes to take care of her for the day, requested by anon on tumblr, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (9), Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl (4), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Alternate Universe - Power Rangers Fusion, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers Sibling Feels, Kara Danvers Doesn't Know Kara Danvers is Supergirl, Lena Luthor Finds Out Kara Danvers is Supergirl, maybe it was bad (but can I make it better? National Citys superhero were actually one in the door attempts to stand up but falls. Writers. * a podfic of one of the protectors of Metropolis with. Kara juggles her life, love and job in her crazy world Suicidal.! She constantly supergirl fanfiction kara sick to find you and you just nodded letting her fly there... 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You waited till the door and quickly stepped in closing it behind you before facing Lena )... Have a history and after the revelation of Alex and Maxwell Lord he would and always threw whatever... And by the woman you loved and your best friend by the you. See in there you wanted to hate her underneath hers as you held your out... You 're going to be extremely overprotective of you they got to say to you when mentioned. From the fire she sent her on comes back to Lena. ) sisters and them things... Like an older sister to you guys enjoyed that chapter your shock began... Hers again try to keep calm no matter how much you knew, or at you... Minutes later when lillian decided that you got it the only person that had the decency be...

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