when do clare and eli sleep together

She picks it up and it's revealed that it is the ultrasound picture of their son. Sean Illing. In Finally (2), they said that they will continue a long distance relationship for the next year. She smiles and says no. Nickname Eli acknowledges he's had troubles in the past and Clare reminds him that he punched Drew just 3 weeks ago. I don't feel like I can trust you." Eli then drives up to the dot to see them talking. Eli says they can do this and their real mistake was not talking about it before. After being in the hospital for awhile, Clare's strength crumbles. Clare smiles and asks if it's like a date. "Clare Edwards, you are the most incredible person I've ever met. If I was worthy then I'll be worthy now, right?" Clare assures him she will be fine and take care of herself and tells him that if he comes home, she will be mad. Clare is immediately disappointed when Asher sends her away to get him coffee. Adam tells him not to pity him, and Eli replies by telling him to stop acting like such a girl but quickly adds, "Not like that." Just as she's speaking, Jake waves from over by the greenhouse and she waves back. Eli searches for Clare and finds her crying in a closet. They head back to the dorm and sleep. Clare shaves her head, and Adam and Drew are the first to see her with no hair. In The Time of My Life, Clare helps Alli and Jenna look for dresses in town. Clare starts to yell at Eli. Eli follows up with, "won't you be liable to slack if your early assignments aren't being marked?" In Don't Panic (2), Eli has decided that he needs to help Jake win Clare back. Clare says maybe when she comes to visit him. Clare and Eli show the school that they aren't afraid of PDA by making out in a group of high school graduates (and it won't be the last time). She then confidently throws her glasses away in a nearby trashcan. Eli reassures him that Fiona wasn't thinking straight and Clare adds that she will change her mind. Adam tells Eli to make it up to Clare by getting her a gift, Eli decides to get her internship back and goes go speak to Asher, Asher tells Eli, Clare is obsessed and in love with him and that's why she got fired. That worries Clare and he tells her that he won't ever do it again. Eli assures her he would have been beautiful and amazing. In Scream (2), Clare is mad at Eli for telling Ms. Oh the truth about what happened with Asher and the internship, When they are in the hallway, Clare tells Eli to go to hell before attempting to walk off, Eli tells Clare he thinks her revenge plan isn't going to work and doesn't believe it's the right thing to do, Clare asks Eli if he is in or not, Eli says he's not and Clare tells him to go to his stupid play, Eli hesitates and when Clare repeats herself. He says "I want him to have it or her." They stop dancing and Clare says that isn't what it's about and that she loves him. Irene thinks that this discovery would be enough to get Clare out of her life forever. Eli suggests they share the bed head to feet. Feeling embarrassed, Eli asks if he mentioned he was sorry and smiles at her. In Ready or Not, at the Dot, Eli gives Clare and Alli their coffee orders on the house, making Alli happy. Clare says, "next stop, New York City.". Eli and Clare arrive at The Dot with others and they are very impressed to see it all decked out thanks to Drew and Dallas. Alli changes the subject to Drew. Alli tells her that he is manipulating her and that breaking up with him wouldn't make her a bad person. Fiona adds that the color of Clare's shirt does nothing for them. He requests that he takes her and Clare agrees but demands they follow GPS directions and that there's no funny business. Clare says she can't tell him before bailing to a bedroom. Co planned Queer and Disability conference in 2002 San Francisco. Eli then tells Clare she has pretty eyes. Then at The Dot Clare and Adam are talking then they notice Fitz is working at The Dot. In Ray of Light (1), Clare asks Fiona to ask Eli to do the video yearbook to help get him of his slump. Clare says she knew he didn't support her and gets out of the car and Eli says he does support her but there are a lot of things to consider. Clare says she didn't know she could feel barfy and hungry at the same time so she just feels different. He asks her how it was, and she tells him it was beautiful. Clare tells Eli it is a boy. After finding out that he is the father of Clare's baby in, Eli and Clare's baby was revealed to be miscarried in. Eli, Clare, and Adam start to film. Alli tells her to find the perfect words before he hears them from someone else. Alli crosses her arms and raises her eyebrows at Clare. Clare's mom,Helen Martin, comes in at exactly 8 pm and tells Eli it is time to leave. She says that she wasn't because back then she didn't even know what love was. Eli confronts Clare after she told Fiona that Eli shouldn't work on the yearbook. I'm here to prove you wrong." Fitz then apologizes to him. He refuses to give up on their relationship and leaves to toss his cap, taking Clare with him on stage refusing to let her go for even a moment. Clare admits to Eli she lost the internship cause Asher thought she wasn't a good enough writer, Eli seems to believe her and watches Clare enter a classroom and sit down looking upset. He asks if that sounds like a plan. During school, he and Fiona practice for his interview for NYU. He goes on about how your mind will trick you, and that he was the one who was wrong and he was the one who hurt people, implying he was talking about his relationship with Clare and jerking around Imogen. Clare says she knows he's angry, to which Eli says he's beyond angry at her for throwing their future together away. to be the best term ever, Clare asks why And Eli tells her that the NYU Grad Brett Barnet will beguest starringin his class this week so he can get him to write him a reference for NYU, Eli puts his arm around Clare as they walk off. In Finally (2), Clare and Eli are with Jenna, Connor, and Alli, sadly sitting on a bench, eating burgers and fries, and talking about how their prom is ruined. He replies that he guesses she will, smirks, and drives away. Adam tells them Fiona never wants to see him again. And for Clare to all of the sudden think it would just be her following Eli is ridiculous. She thanks him and says she'll see him around. Eli tells Clare he loves her and Clare says forever and always and they kiss. I'm so excited!" She throws her arms around him and gives him a hug. Eli says that given recent developments he's not sure that's how things are going to go to which Tristan asks rhetorically, "why not, doesn't love conquer all?" Later, Eli still struggles to write. Eli says it's just another lie and asks her why she even cares. Eli hesitates and asks Clare if she's leaving with him. She asks him how he is at jumping out windows, he gets out of her bed shirtless and replies by telling her, "That's high, I'm highsorry I'm such a bad boyfriend.". In class, Clare is grabbing a book from a bookshelf when Alli walks up to discuss prom planning. He says the way he feels about her is like he can't breathe and he isn't ready to walk away from that. L-O-V-E! Clare adds that there should be a no pointing it at peoples face's rule too. Ms. Dawes says her writing, though good earlier in the semester, has gotten impersonal. Eli denies this but rejects her once more when she asks to come over again. Eli tells Clare that they have to stop him and Clare asks him how. He explains to her how he got there, and jokes wondering what she's doing in the woods all by herself. Clare kisses him before they leave. Imogen thinks thats dumb and doesn't understand why people would ignore it because "how's the world gonna change if we ignore injustice?" The teacher then begins to tell the guys that they have to reaffirm their love and reaffirm the capability that the mother can have this baby. While she is getting upset, Clare grabs her hair and more of her hair falls out. Jenna also asks "where is Mama Clare." In Summertime, Eli is now in New York as an intern and Clare is living her life as usual. Eli and Clare arrive for their birthing class. Eli seems pleased, but Clare is still skeptical and worried. Eli yells out that he knocked up his soulmate, ruined his life, and asks if that's all he has to say. After Fitz leaves, Clare comes outside to find Eli sitting in Morty will his head down. They are later found on a bench (which later becomes "their bench"), Eli and Clare start talking about the English assignment and Eli tells Clare that she needs to write about something that pisses her off. Jake calls up and says Clare's prom date has arrived and she asks how she looks before running excitedly downstairs to greet him. Alli guesses baby stuff and Clare replies sort of. However, Eli tells him he already has plans with Clare but promises to call him after. Clare, who notices the weird behavior, says thanks awkwardly. Clare and Adam walk into their next class and Clare is distracted thinking about Eli, when Adam tries to hand her a binder. Eli attends the party and is amazed at how many people showed up. Clare says they should do that and that tonight after school is the perfect time. Eli reaches out his hand to touch Clare's arm but she steps back and says "Four, no physical contract of any kind." Later, Eli finds Clare talking to Jenna and Alli. In I Wanna Be Adored, Alli takes Dallas, Connor, Jenna, and Drew through a proposed prom idea based on Van Gogh's Starry Night. While her mom isn't lookingClare steals Jake's truck and meets Eli in town. Alli says she could've told him in a worse way before he finds out in another way before Drew yells at Clare upon knowing that Eli was the father of her baby, she says it was a mistake before Drew says he sacrificed everything in his life for her. When Clare is writing the article for the newspaper Asher has made due at 6pm, Eli is sitting on her couch doing homework. She agrees to "be zen." Clare, expecting a congrats gift from Eli for getting into Columbia, is stunned: Eli surprises Clare with the gift of his presence. He says he cares about her and that's it, but she thinks it has something to do with Julia. Eli looks at her with a tear rolling down his cheek too. He smirks, shakes his head, and walks away. She goes upstairs to find Eli, after talking to her mom and covering for Jake. Clare smiles into him and Eli kisses Clare on the head and asks if she's ready to go. At dinner, Helen pardons Clare's untalkative behavior, saying she just got over a difficult breakup. Alli says the two has always been the weirdest couple, high-fiving after a date. Eli sarcastically replies, "Oh yeah, I burned down the school," but then asks if she's serious. She gets out of the car and asks what he's doing here. In Spiderwebs, while Clare was mad at Eli, she kissed Drew, but later forgave Eli and took him back after he made a romantic gesture. A thing happened, a tiny one-time thing with Drew; a mistake. Clare asks him what he thought about the changes she made to his story. After Clare asks if he's OK, he slams his fist hard into the table, causing Jake to come over and check on Clare. Season 14 Episode 17 Eli tells Clare to tell him right now, but Clare says it'll change everything. Clare, flustered, replies "I think you just passed it." She asks him if he took her diary, he avoids the question and jokes by saying why and if she's worried he'd find out her deep, dark secret. Eli and Clare after they announced their relationship status. Clare tells Eli if he wants to do this then he has to accept that Drew is going to be involved. Eli asks her if he should be jealous of Asher and if anyone gets in between them he'd have to kill them but Clare responds that she only has eyes for Eli. Clare says she knows who she is with him but it's been so long she doesn't know who she is on her own, Eli says he knows. They then proceed then with practice. Clare wonders what he's doing at Degrassi. Clare tries hard not to smile at his words. He sees Clare out in the hallway crying and looks away. Eli says he doesn't care; he can't do this anymore/ Clare starts sobbing and tells Eli that Asher kissed her the night they re-wrote the article for the play and says that she thought she handled it, but then he tried again and she complained to his boss and she got fired. After he starts to say they should consider what the doctor said, Clare threatens to pull the car over, calling him Goldsworthy. I'm so sorry." Then, coldly, Eli says, "Tears, Clare? They shared their first kiss for a project on Romeo and Juliet in. In Lose Yourself (1), Clare interrupts Eli and Fiona's work on the play to convince Eli not to gossip about her around Jake. Clare doesn't grab the binder so it falls to the floor. (2), Eli is first seen reading in an empty classroom when Clare comes up to him and apologizes about talking to Fitz and freaking him out. He shouts for her to go when she tries to look. And while the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended in 2016 that parents and babies sleep in the same room together for at least the first six months of life, and preferably for the first year, they stopped short of recommending that parents and babies share the same bed. At the spring formal, Alli tries to convince Clare to break up with Eli, but Clare is hesitant do so. Clare asks what he's talking about, and Eli says that he is talking about him and Clare. Eli says they get drunk and get a room. Clare, faking confusion, asks what he's referring to and he responds "our baby." She sits down on the bed with Eli. Eli reassures her that when the police figure out he and Fitz aren't who their fake ID's say they are, then they'll be released. While they practice, Fiona tells him that he doesn't have to do the video year book anymore. Later when Clare returns to the hospital after going to Degrassi with Drew, Eli runs into her room and finds her. With the drama club creating its newest play at Degrassi, Clare has her hands full and her schedule filled up for months. The first was, Eli is still unaware that Dallas kissed Clare in, They are both each others second relationship. He sees her old entries about her love for Jake. Eli scares her by coming up behind her and saying, "hiding from the po-po?" Clare says it was too awesome. Eli comes back and smiles, saying they get to delve into Romeo and Juliet. have been joined by the mad, sick, stimming, and wheezy, clamoring together for a collective politics. Then Clare tells Eli that the gift is nice; he then puts his arm around her as they continue to sit on the bench. While shopping, Alli and Jenna tease Clare for not doing anything sexy with Eli after they read Clare and Eli's texts. It aired on June 21, 2013. She says that they only have one night left in disbelief. She explains this to one of the staff members at the university's admissions office and they give her a second. He then asks why she's treating him like he's fragile and she says he has a lot going on and didn't want to upset him. Dallas says they don't have to if they aren't ready and Clare says they're ready to do this for the rest of their lives. Later Adam leaves The Dot and Clare walks up to Fitz and asks why he needed to talk to her and that he should keep a distance from her and Eli. Clare says she's gonna fight it and all three of them share a group hug. In Finally (2), they said that they will continue a long distance relationship for the next year. The next day, he tells her that he finished the story and changed the ending after being inspired by what happened with them and Fitz the previous day. Eli catches Drew outside The Dot and asks for a word. Eli looks at her surprised. In Get It Together, Clare is spouting off facts about how to raise boys to Connor, Jenna, Alli and Dallas she learned in a book. She gets in and apologizes for calling him heartless and says she didn't mean it. He says, "Are you going to raise a family together? Clare admits that she hasn't told her mom yet either, and she says she has to do this all very carefully so she can keep her life on track. Eli and Clare come up with the plot of their assignment, with Clare saying that Juliet could wake up just after Romeo drinks the poison and Eli adding that they could have a final kiss together. Clare's stern face breaks into a smile and she turns around and she forgives him. Eli's first line was spoken to Clare. They find a channel with a hospital scene where a patient asks if she is going to die. They both agree it was a "great" night. Clare tells Eli she has to know the truth. Alli is shocked and Dallas says "Woah dude. As she walks in she sees several students look up at her and then look on their phones. Clare reminds him that he will be working in these types of situations when he's at college, but Eli believes that this musical won't get him into NYU. At Above the Dot, Clare introduces Jake to Sadie, Dave, Alli, K.C., and Eli. She repeatedly says "no" when she sees him. He looks over to the main lobby where Jake and Clare are talking. Eli pulls Clare to one side before getting everyone's attention and tells Clare that she is the love of his life. But yes, Clary and Jace are together again. Didn't expect to see those from such a whore." In Breakaway (2), Eli and Clare firstmeet after Eli runs over Clare's glasses with Morty, Eli's hearse. Eli tells Clare he's going to take her out to lunch to celebrate his play idea. Clare learns she has cancer and returns to her bedroom and is shocked to see Eli completely naked and under his covers. Main Plot Imogen and Eli are rushing to meet Fiona, who has asked them for some last minute additions to prom. In Nowhere to Run, Eli finds Clare in the woods. Clare, fed up, sees Cliff still outside the store and runs over to him. Eli says it's "Like a something." He tells her that Bianca broke up with her, and she tells him that Eli cheated on her. He immediately responds that he's coming home. They will both forever miss their best friend Adam Torres. Clare is hurt later on when Eli becomes distant and rejects her in class. Alli questions this and Clare says it's not just going to be them in the picture anymore. Clare then says what was the point of any of this if she was just going to lose the "stupid baby." When she turns around, Eli immediately tells her to listen to what hehas to say. Eli and Clare talk about Fitz, and Eli says "the only way to avoid a bully is to keep him scared." They are later seen at the J.T. She asks him what he's doing and she walks away when she hears the answer. He begs her to talk with him so they could settle things out, but she refuses by saying "Just GO!" He crumples up a paper napkin that he was about to hand her. Eli adds it's thanks to Adam, adding that he's a hero. Everything has changed!" Eli asks how they are suppose to make plans and Clare replies the old fashioned way: she'll stop by after his shift since she has spare last period anyway. Eli says he doesn't care and walks away from Clare. In Gives You Hell (1), Clare is seen outside prepared to eat her packed lunch when Eli walks by, takes it and throws the sandwich away. Clare and Eli are officially endgame as they share a kiss. As they walk to begin filming, Clare asks who will play Romeo, since she's obviously playing Juliet. Eli argues that he should be "top dog" because he is more familial with Degrassi's drama club. Eli tells her that she shouldn't blame herself; Adam wouldn't want them to be sad, or angry, or guilty. Later on, Clare and Eli are hanging out on top of Morty in the woods and Clare starts to dance when a song she likes comes on the radio. Afterwards, he hesitates and then calmly says "not anymore" before raising the gun and shooting the picture of the two of them. They all enjoy it. She continues angrily, "'Take a break Clare,' the universe keeps telling me. Later, When they all leave the cabin, Clare invites Eli to ride along with her and Jake, since it would be a long trip back by bike. Clare says she doesn't want Eli to see her like this. Alli says she hopes Clare has a good excuse and Clare pauses before saying she had to talk to Eli. Eli then says "ouch! Eli then asks, "If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?" Later, while alone with Clare, Fitz threatens to hurt Eli unless Clare goes to the dance with him. She finds him in a hallway, but it's too late. Adam confesses he wants what they have. Clare tells him she doesn't feel she can believe him, but Eli insists it meant nothing. Alli says she joined prom committee so her class could have the most amazing night of their entire lives. In My Body Is A Cage (2), Eli and Clare are seen in a hallway talking on a bench when Adam comes up to them to tell them that he must be escorted to every class by a teacher. Clare says her and Drew were just working on student council stuff and gets Eli to stop walking away. Clare, feeling uncomfortable, tells Eli he doesn't have to do it but Eli, smiling, says he's not going to responsible for her first failing grade. Eli, hearing this conversation, turns around and tells Alli he thought she'd be a bit more understanding. Eli says he actually doesn't because all this time he thought he was mad at Drew but really he's mad at Clare. Eli asks why she doesn't talk to Drew instead and Clare tells him she has something to say that will fix things between them. The two make up and dance together. He tries to convince her to celebrate and Clare thinks that they should talk about what happened to Cam. He expresses his shock by questioning "Jake?!" Clare doesn't want to deal with it and asks Eli to throw it out but Eli tells her to wait a minute because there's a reason people do it and thinks they should consider it. Then he shows her a stuffed wolf named Clarence, explaining that it was his stuffed wolf from when he was a baby. Clare seems to be upset about this and Eli tries to convince her not to worry. Eli then gives angry Mr. Simpson a hug. She finds him sleeping in her bed, and wakes him up. Clarence, explaining that it is time to leave he wants to see him around Jake win Clare back Cliff... But demands they follow GPS directions and that 's all he has to know the truth her... She just feels different do this and Clare agrees but demands they follow GPS and. In disbelief Clare helps Alli and Jenna look for dresses in town her couch doing homework council stuff and Eli! But Eli insists it meant nothing that 's it, but she thinks it has to! Now, but it 's like a something. Morty will his down. 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