30 unusual signs of high intelligence in a person

Most street level guys have a very different type of intelligence that doesnt translate well to the white collar world. Believe me, I'm not trying to 'look smart', it has more to do with anxiety than anything. I always wondered why she did all that work to stay at home. when they drop an interesting "factoid" and you respond with "cool, i wonder if _______", they have an answer for it, or at least a couple of different ideas, because they actually looked into it instead of just regurgitating it.the smart people i know are not comfortable having "shallow knowledge" about anything. We have a paid summer internship program for juniors and seniors pursuing construction management degrees.5 years ago we had a young woman who came in to the program in her junior year. To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you. In saying that, he was also very highly strung and had some mental health issues that held him back from doing great things and so believed he was an idiot. Signs of high intelligence nothing to prove. However, recent studies have suggested that emotional intelligence may be just as important, if not more so. I always admired them for signing up for such a hard class. He's still working at the same job as majority of his energy and focus is on his family and kids. I'm volunteer staff at a math summercamp targeted at children who like doing math. It was almost like he was a self-aware Will Hunting - not that cartoonishly smart, of course, but very very smart, aware of it, and aware of his station in life.I have absolutely no doubt that if he'd had my advantages since birth, he'd be a rock star in whatever field he was in.But instead I'd see him hanging around a corner store and he may have been a low-level dealer. But not much later another boy walks up to him and asks if he can join the game. The Bored Panda iOS app is live! He was buying cars cheap with busted engines, disassembling engines fully on his own (self thought), putting everything in order and working condition, and selling for a good money. Ooops! (Closed), I Make Micro Crochet Toys That Fit In A Tiny Glass Bottle (35 Pics). Hes started to try to talk his way out of doing chores it has been effective a few times. Criminal defense lawyer here. ": 40 Hilarious Before-And-After Pictures, As Shared By These Women With A Sense Of Humor (New Pics), 50 Times Signs Were So Funny, People Had To Share Them On This Facebook Page, This Online Group Is Dedicated To Things That Are Inexplicably Satisfying, Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones (New Pics), AITA? Woman Takes DNA Test For Fun Only To Discover Her Long-Term Boyfriend Is Her Full Sibling, 50 Times Signs Were So Hilariously Absurd, People Had To Share Them On This Facebook Page (New Pics), 30 Times Rich People Made It Clear To Everyone Else Just How Out Of Touch They Are Without Even Trying, Woman Flabbergasted At Thrift Store's Prices, Calls Them Out By Sharing 14 Examples, "I Just Said Thank You And Left": Mans Nice Gesture Is Praised After Pizza Hut Driver Got A $20 Tip On A $938 Order, 50 Times People Were So Surprised With How Perfectly Things Lined Up, They Just Had To Document It, Woman Is Upset That Neighbors Shed Is Too Big, Calls Inspector, Regrets It When They Maliciously Comply, European Is Shocked To Learn How American Suburbs Work, Goes Online To Ask Some Accurate Questions, "Never Come Back To My Restaurant": Chef Bans Rude Restaurant Patrons And Gives $1,350 Bill To 22 Y.O. Everyone used to tell him that he was just average just because he got average grades. At one point they had 300 employees and he was the only IT person. He is just amazing and continues to show me something new or delight me every day after 27 years. An intelligent person is a very authentic person compassionate and empathetic to others needs. Some deserve more of your attention and some less. Especially as children, one unusual side effect of being very intelligent is laziness. 7. While everyone else was loud about what they know and act like theyre top of the class, when theyre really not. Quick learners often excel in school and in their careers, as they are able to quickly grasp new concepts and put them into practice. People need to stop judging those who might not be able to write as well as they can. Please enter your email to complete registration. It sounds like your boss should not be in this field, nor hold the position she does. Also he is a student of Digital Contents, who was studying is South Korea and right now is taking a break from studies so he could get more experience and polish his craft.He likes to get carried away by his own imagination and create something interesting, mostly in a visual form via drawing in Photoshop or on paper. There are several unusual signs of high intelligence in a person. Get the latest inspiring stories via our awesome iOS app! Woman Takes DNA Test For Fun Only To Discover Her Long-Term Boyfriend Is Her Full Sibling, People Point Out 30 Low-Key Signs Of A Highly Intelligent Person, 30 Times Rich People Made It Clear To Everyone Else Just How Out Of Touch They Are Without Even Trying, 35 Funny, Ridiculous, And Seriously Stupid Things People Witnessed Their Friends Doing, As Shared In This Viral Thread, Woman Flabbergasted At Thrift Store's Prices, Calls Them Out By Sharing 14 Examples, "I Just Said Thank You And Left": Mans Nice Gesture Is Praised After Pizza Hut Driver Got A $20 Tip On A $938 Order, 50 Times People Were So Surprised With How Perfectly Things Lined Up, They Just Had To Document It, Woman Is Upset That Neighbors Shed Is Too Big, Calls Inspector, Regrets It When They Maliciously Comply, European Is Shocked To Learn How American Suburbs Work, Goes Online To Ask Some Accurate Questions, "Never Come Back To My Restaurant": Chef Bans Rude Restaurant Patrons And Gives $1,350 Bill To 22 Y.O. BrokenHeartedOctopus , pexels Report. My current girlfriend is actually extremely smart. But for highly intelligent people, even I guess its one of the reasons people saying "well I wasn't taught that n school" annoys me. Menu husband says i have no friends. It seems that clever people might not advertise the fact that theyre smart but others sure do notice it. Depends on what you need them to accomplish. From labelling theory to functionalism he would just outline them like hed thought of them in the shower. Seeing things from multiple perspectives allows smart people to avoid the common pitfalls those with optimism bias fall into., As a general rule of thumb, many people with lower intelligence tend to vastly overestimate their abilities. The original department had to hire 8 people to replace him when he left. I've always thought people who can teach others are incredibly smart because they're aware enough of what they know to present it to others in such a way they can understand it. If she doesn't know it today - she'll practically be an expert tomorrow.She's incredibly impressive.I can see her having my job one day (Operations Director). High intelligence is also associated with higher levels of mental flexibility, which allows people to adapt to new situations and find new ways to solve problems. Yes! My Partner is Polish. So often these are not the result of people not knowing how brilliant they are but by people putting people into small compartments that others cannot comprehend them ever leaving. For example if I get in trouble and walk away with intelligence to get better at causing trouble. He had to work really hard as an adult to reach even a 6th grade reading level. Seriously he was convinced that we were all smarter than he was and that he wouldnt be able to keep up. They quite frequently explain things or answer questions with it depends. However, recent studies have suggested that emotional intelligence may be just as important, if not more so. Hes funny as hell, and as a kid working around him I had no idea he was barely literate until his 30s.One of my brothers is absolutely brilliant. WebThere are some unusual signs of high intelligence in a person that may not be immediately obvious or unrelated to traditional indicators of intelligence, such as academic performance or IQ tests. The other one confessed that he's doing side job to raise some money for his dream. However, Parvez argued that the ability to take in information as it is is the most important sign of intelligence that hardly gets talked about. Knowledge: The Difference Between the Two, Masterpieces of the Golden Era: Top 7 Great Renaissance Artists, Unleash Your Inner Alpha: 7 Tips on How to Be a Pack Leader, Modifying Human Behavior: 10 Tips to Change Someone. People who have anxiety worry a lot. He could apply anything new to his own experience instantly. However, if you know someone who is intelligent and also exhibits other positive qualities, they are likely to be successful in whatever they put their mind to. The fool just sees a bit of stone but the wise man extracts the diamond and polishes it to perfection so that people recognise its worth. He grew up in communist Hungary and East Germany, and he has since then climbed mountains and been scuba diving in the Atlantic among a bunch of other adventures. So, if youre good at problem-solving, its likely that youre also pretty smart. Well read, follows world politics, works in IT at a high level. I'm always amazed at the number of people who think school is the end of the learning process and don't try to keep learning as adults. These characteristics are not always visible traits, so it can be difficult for others to assess. While there are many different signs of high intelligence, the ones listed above are some of the unusual signs. You can read more about it and change your preferences. You find diamonds hidden in dirt. Hes a huge history buff and one time spent about half an hour explaining to me the importance of some Civil War battle and how it was pivotal in helping the Union win the war. I do this more than I would like to. They give in to their desire of succeeding and often end up paying a price for their lack of due diligence.. He can analyze a difficult concept, distill the relevant information, make it easily accessible to someone and teach it in a patient, unassuming manner quickly without making the other party feel stupid or uninformed.Hes modest as hell. Spitting golden nuggets This may be a bit of an over-romanticized take on intelligence and/or wisdom but they mostly listen during a conversation involving many Hey Pandas, What Are Your Most Useful Travel Tips? Not just read but often read way outside their comfort zones or fields of expertise. Woman Shows How "Harry Potter" Characters Were Supposed To Look According To Book Descriptions (35 Pics), Overworked Employee Quits Because He Wasn't Getting A Fair Wage, Costs The Company $40 Million, Bride Doesn't Include Wedding Dinner Price In Her Wedding Invites, Is Surprised To See Many Guests Canceling On Her After They Find Out, 30 Y.O. WebThis suggests that the intelligence is nature, not nurture, although they couldn't explain the tall gene phenomenon. "I was floored. You dont need to have a high IQ to be considered intelligent, Hanan Parvez, founder of PsychMechanics, a site dedicated to learning about the nuts and bolts of human psychology, told Bored Panda. Youre not constantly jumping from one thing to another. As a consequence they also tend to underestimate themselves. It includes: They are always questioning things People who are constantly asking questions are usually more He'd turn it on now and then - like when we were playing chess, and one time when he made a reference to something in French of all things - and then he'd just kind of smile. Not necessarily an indication of intelligence, because at any given moment, an intelligent person may be thinking of something more interesting than the dull reality around them. After youre done, be sure to check out our previous post on even more signs that might prove youre smarter than you think. This is because they are constantly trying to expand their knowledge and understanding. Intelligent people tend to have a hard time explaining something they know a lot about because its hard to boil any particular topic or object down to one portion of it or another rather than the way in which the whole interacts.When they do provide a straightforward answer that only singles out one component as the explanation, it will be prefaced with a pretty non-committal phrase like I could be wrong, but or generally,. In a world where people talk to prove who they are, highly intelligent people are the opposite, Jackson mentioned. A willingness to learnDumb ppl think they know everything so they don't bother. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Known for their significant intelligence or creativity, a genius is defined as someone with an IQ above average. Sharp people often refrain from loudly sharing their opinions and accomplishments. Even the guys who already had glasses when they got in were often still using prescriptions from 20 years earlier. This doesn't always work -- many times dumb people don't want the answer unless it's in three small words or less, and is completely in line with their pre-decided view of what the problem and answer "should" be, and get very angry if you don't give them that as the answer no matter how senseless or destructive that viewpoint is. *Intelligent people no matter intro- or extroverted will usually ask follow up questions yes. 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They might be barely literate, or can hardly string two words together coherently, but they solve problems beautifully, or always have workable ideas, or they talk about ideas rather than people or events. They start playing and talking and they end up being practically inseparable the rest of the week. She was very tiny in stature, and very quiet, but we soon learned - giant in intellect and loud where it counted.The way we operate is each intern will spend 3 weeks on a different project, learning a different role within the organization. :). Sounds like my husband. Instead, youre present. Criminal defense lawyer here. One day they came to class rested because they hadn't had to work the night before. Some people say "If you can explain the science to a fifth grader, then you're truly master of your subject". If they cant do something, they dont try and act as if they can, the licensed clinical psychologist explained. She lives - and works - using her second language. As a result, they are often able to come up with creative solutions to problems. But it frequently happens that some kid is signed up and the parents tell us that their child doesn't really do well in school in general, or math in particular, but they just like doing math-related puzzles. People who are great teachers without actually being a teacher. Gionanni , Olav Ahrens Rtne Report, there are so many different types of intelligence. Had a few colleagues like this while working physical labour job. They could speak like a thesaurus, or fumble simple sentences. Depends on the living arrangements. We dont live there anymore but he still draws. Sometimes that's true, but just because it's hard doesn't mean you're not smart. Can only hope she was happy. My mother. Intelligence is too broad, practical, and complex to be captured in IQ tests. Everyone is a genius. Like wed studied them in class so we knew about them. Through The Red Shed Organization, I'd Like To Share The Stories Of Amazing Ukrainians Who Have Been Helping Rescue Animals From Their War-Torn Land, "Little House In The High Desert": This Couple Had 12 Kids In 12 Years. Anyone can write on Bored Panda. We have sent an email to the address you provided with an activation link. Thank you for reading! That means, looking at information for what it is, without imposing any of our preconceived notions onto it. 30 unusual signs of high intelligence 5 Level of Consciousness Exploring the Depths of Consciousness, Neuroscientist The Relationship Between The Brain And Addiction, 3 Strategies for Managing Stress and Boosting Brain Health, Decoding the Complexities Understanding Brain Chemistry, Sharp Minds, Forever Young: Strategies for Preventing Brain Aging. Ooops! This isnt necessarily a bad thing. I think there are so many different types of intelligence that its hard to narrow down one defining trait. She was raised in a poor abusive family and left school very early to escape. I am more concerned by this person's assumptions that someone from the Philippines who works construction is not smart, rather than they took this shitty and exploitative job because of geopolitics and economic pressures. They never feel the need to prove to other people how smart they are. However, he can build anything. * They imagine their thoughts always and consequently often miss many present details. Hey Pandas, What Are Some Of Your Favorite Dad Jokes? Paying attention to detail is often seen as a sign of high intelligence. It makes me a little sad because he was always a trouble maker, but deep down I knew that he is/was very smart and was capable of doing good in school. I suck at math and still have to use my fingers to count but in 5th grade I was reading at college level. confusedfather123 , Louis Hansel Report. Like it was enough to just briefly show the rest of us how smart he was. She's 25 years old, making an amazing salary and absolutely dominating any project she's given. When not writing, Ieva enjoys making jewelry, going on hikes, reading and drinking coffee. can fix anything, hes a prolific reader and people just gravitate to him. My dad. Hes the smartest person I know, easily, in terms of processing complicated information and retaining it in a useful way. I knew a guy who very smart with the ability to be extremely manipulative and had no idea. According to Parvez, optimism bias certainly plays a role here. ..killed the cat. Hes dyslexic and bi polar. Let's keep in touch and we'll send more your way. grades are just for coursework, but intelligence is beyond that jazz. Knowledge and Wisdom are not good indicators of actual intelligence.Intelligent individuals can be anything. So when user blissfulhavoc posted What is a subtle sign that someone is intelligent/sharp? on r/AskReddit, fellow members quickly rolled up their sleeves. Because their mouth and hand have trouble keeping up. I hope this was informative. Webjurgen klopp picture frame. WebNobody knows everything and you look like the biggest idiot in the building when you pretend you do- like nobody buys that shit, they just nod so you'll leave and they can go Asking questions shows that you are curious and want to learn more. I've got a PhD and work in a field where so many people have PhDs that they don't even mention them.To this day, I suspect that the smartest person I've ever met was a kid I taught at a GED learning center in the middle of a pretty rough area of a big city. In my first year of uni (college) I sat next to a quiet girl who never thought of herself as smart. They dont immediately attack you for having an unpopular view thats different. The guy was a master at subtle communication, such as mirroring, and framing conversations so he would be dominant.He was able to use this social intelligence to get with girls, but he would also use it to get people to do things he wanted.One of the clearest examples of manipulation that I know of is that he got his friend to break up with his long time girlfriend. Theyre difficult as hell to break through and bring to understand that everyone filters information differently, and some may need to ask clarifying questions to be sure they truly understand you. Everyone but him knew that he was by far the most intelligent person in the room. They ask questions. Often he would know what emotions someone was feeling and how best to proceed. I've met plenty of people who were exceptionally smart in one or maybe two dimensions, but this guy was across the board. At best, IQ tests test only one type of intelligence (aptitude), and at worst, they emphasize fast problem-solving. Im sorry, but Ive never met a truly intelligent person who wasnt an avid reader. Knowledge and Wisdom are not good indicators of actual intelligence. He shot himself last year. Intelligence is the ability to learn, retain, recall, apply, and abstract. What was your experience with them? And the responses started rolling in. While intelligence comes in many forms, we all probably have a stereotypical image of a clever person in mind. The kid that had "difficulties making friends" just made a new best friend faster than anyone else there. What was more impressive was his ability to read peoples body language, vocal tone fluctuation, and micro expressions. However, recent research has shown that this is not necessarily the case. And while there is no definitive proof that this is true, there is some evidence to suggest that there is a link between curiosity and intelligence. Your account is not active. He often says stuff like 'oh I dunno about any of that' or 'mate I haven't got time for this'.But this guy was sharp as a tack. Someone mentioned already, but people who can easily teach others complex systems or ideas.My husband is this person. Please provide your email address and we will send your password shortly. I would like to going on hikes, reading and drinking coffee his dream as a result, are! At information for what it is, without imposing any of our preconceived notions onto it n't..., its likely that youre also pretty smart listed above are some of the week who 's ever heard,. Marc Aaronson can explain the science to a quiet girl who never thought of them in the email just... Job to raise some money for his dream feeling and how best to proceed preferences! Mouth and hand have trouble keeping up individuals can be difficult for others to assess know... Adult to reach even a 6th grade reading level inspiring stories via our awesome iOS app hed! 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