edfu texts translation pdf

please confirm that you agree to abide by our usage policies. For instance, archaeological excavations in the western and northern parts of the town have uncovered material from the earlier periods of the towns occupation. Known for their equestrian skills and bravery in battle, they played a crucial role in expanding the empire and establishing its dominance. The shrine was incorporated into the Ptolemaic temple to provide continuity between the old and the new. Each of the three sides of the courtyard is surrounded by 32 columns. The four temples are grouped together as the Pharaonic Temples in Upper Egypt from the Ptolemaic and Roman Periods., Top image: Temple of Edfu passage with glowing walls of Egyptian hieroglyphs on either side. Horus standing on the back of the Hippopotamus-fiend, and spearing him in the presence of Isis. In every fight the Blacksmiths performed mighty deeds of valour, and in reward for their services a special district was allotted to them to dwell in. The result was eight volumes of hieroglyphic texts (a total of 3000 pages), two volumes of sketches, and four volumes of photographs. Behind stand Isis and Heru Khenti-Khatti. Along with the Temple of Dendera , the Temple of Esna, and the Temple of Kom Ombo , the Temple of Edfu has been nominated as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Due to the temples simple plan, the Temple of Edfu is considered to be the finest classic example of an ancient Egyptian temple. ), as it is NOTaesthetically pleasing to the eye (like say a standard king's crown)juststrange! SAK-43_Druck_x3_2014-12-15.pdf 4 Dezember 15, 2014 13:50:52 f Hibis Varia (1-3): Diverse Liturgical Texts from Hibis Temple David Klotz Abstract Miscellaneous texts from the inner chapels from Hibis Temple are better understood by considering textual parallels from other temples and papyri from the New Kingdom through the Ptolemaic Period. As part of our mission to create a world where everyone can belong, we help connect more than 300 million Arabic, and Hebrew-speakers with support for right-to-left (RTL) languages - including enhanced support of cursive scripts, rendering of complex text layouts, document layout mirroring, and text alignment for bidirectional languages. It was during Zep Tepi Gods established their kingdom on Earth in Egypt and performed their deeds that were later described in myths. Worth every penny. After this the enemy fled to the North, and took refuge in the swamps of the Delta, and in the shallows of the Mediterranean Sea, and Horus pursued them thither. It covers the original texts with the major mss witnesses. As a consequence of its burial, the Temple of Edfu is one of the best-preserved temples in Egypt. The Annenberg CPB/Project provided support for entering this text. } By the end of the 4 th century AD, however, the temple was abandoned, following the banning of paganism throughout the Roman Empire by the Emperor Theodosius . Closeup of the god Horus statue in front of the pylon temple entranceway (Walwyn / Flickr). During the Egyptian New Year Festival, the image of Horus would be carried to the temples rooftop via an ascending stairway attached to the hall. PLATE IX. Now by some means or other Set came to life again, and he took the form of a mighty hissing or "roaring" serpent, and hid himself in the ground, in a place which was ever after called the "place of the roarer." In addition, the pylon has four grooves on each side. The perfect god, son of the lord of Hermopolis, divine seed of the lord of largesse who reckons the amount of the measured fields of Egypt, filling the healthy eye of that which is necessary, satisfying the gods and goddesses by means of their offerings, the lord of gardens, the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, heir of the gods Euergetai, select of Ptah, who acts justly, living image of Amun-Re. Text 1 of Section 1 presents a news story about the possibility of Saudi Arabia stopping of war in Yemen if US suspends its support while Text 2 highlights the imp act of Russia's military intervention in Syria. @kindle.com emails can be delivered even when you are not connected to wi-fi, but note that service fees apply. Then enter the name part Click to enlarge Temple of Horus. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Edfu Texts or Inscriptions: Copied, Studied and Translated. Xenophon in Seven Volumes, 3. and it is probable that the facts recorded in it are fragments of actual history, which the Egyptians of the late period tried to piece together in chronological order. This is an invaluable resource for modern scholars, as the texts have been used to help them understand older religious sources. 8mb pdf Les Textes des. Text 1 of Section 2 features a news story about the war on Gaza while Text 2 relates to talks in Saudi Arabia about Aden standoff. The Temple of Edfu. The Long Discourses. On our tour in October of 1999, we went to the Temple of Horus at Edfu and found the inscriptions on the walls ourselves. Apart from its size and state of preservation, the Temple of Edfu is also notable for its large number of inscriptions, collectively known as the Edfu Texts, which seem to cover every available surface. His Greek name was Apollonios. PLATE II. The four temples are grouped together as the Pharaonic Temples in Upper Egypt from the Ptolemaic and Roman Periods.. After these things Horus, son of Ra, and Horus, son of Isis, each took the form of a mighty man, with the face and body of a hawk, and each wore the Red and White Crowns, and each carried a spear and chain. Ptolemy III Euergetes. Click to enlarge Edfu Building Texts - Graham Hancock Official Website Mysteries : The Official GrahamHancock.com forums For serious discussion of the controversies, approaches and enigmas surrounding the origins and development of the human species and of human civilization. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and relief drawings on one of the walls of the Temple of Edfu complex which are all recorded in the Edfu Texts. Edfu. Located at Firestone Library Classics Collection (CLAS) BQ1292 .D544 1899. The ancient Egyptians, for instance, knew the city as Behdet, while the Greeks and Romans called it Apollonopolis. Credit: Adobe Stock -olab214. During the Egyptian New Year Festival, the image of Horus would be carried to the temples rooftop via an ascending stairway attached to the hall. PLATE X. The ancient Egyptians believed that the god was re-energized by the heat and light of the Sun. As a consequence of its burial, the Temple of Edfu is one of the best-preserved temples in Egypt. The construction of the temple continued for a total of 180 years. Find out more about saving content to Dropbox. It is believed that these would have been used to anchor flags in the past. The temple gateway is also adorned with reliefs of Horus, who watches the pharaoh as he punishes his enemies. Roughly speaking, the Temple of Edfu consists of a main entrance, a courtyard, and a chapel. The Edfu Project is a long-term project that is devoted to a complete translation of the Edfu inscriptions that meets the requirement of both linguistics and literary studies., Today, the Temple of Edfu is a popular tourist attraction. Source: Konstantin / AdobeStock, ancient-egypt.co.uk, 2020. Today, a modern replica of the barque can be found in the Sanctuary, which gives visitors a good idea of how it would have looked like. If this is the first time you use this feature, you will be asked to authorise Cambridge Core to connect with your account. PLATE XII. Click to enlarge The Temple of Edfu , dedicated to the god Horus, is the second largest temple in Egypt. Click to enlarge The last great fight in the North took place at Tanis, in the eastern part of the Delta. Horus, it seems, now ceased to fight for some time, and devoted himself to keeping guard over the "Great God" who was in An-rut-f, a district in or near Herakleopolis. The inner hypostyle hall is the oldest part of the Temple of Edfu and is known also as the Festival Hall. The barque would have also been used to transport the gods statue during the Festival of the Beautiful Meeting. In Coptic literature we have the well-known legend of the slaughter of the dragon by St. George, and this is nothing but a Christian adaptation of the legend of Horus and Set. One of the scenes in the relief depicts the Feast of the Beautiful Meeting, which was an annual fertility festival celebrating the reunion of Horus of Edfu and Hathor (his wife) of Dendera. Reliefs in the Sanctuary depict Ptolemy IV worshipping Horus and Hathor. In the passage separating the temple from the enclosure wall, engravings tell the great myths: that of the genesis of the temple, the Horus myth, the rite of net hunting, and the feast on the first day of the month called Tybi. In the oldest times the combat was merely the natural opposition of light to darkness, but later the Sun-god became the symbol of right and truth as well as of light, and Set the symbol of sin and wickedness as well as of darkness, and ultimately the nature myth was forgotten, and the fight between the two gods became the type of the everlasting war which good men wage against sin. The Temple of Edfu , dedicated to the god Horus, is the second largest temple in Egypt. Click to enlarge Although most of its inhabitants drowned, the few who managed to survive became the Builder Gods, who fashioned in the primeval time, the Lords of Light . Horus and Isis capturing the Hippopotamus-fiend. Each of the three sides of the courtyard is surrounded by 32 columns. In 2005 we made the important discovery of the Like many other ancient gods, and semi-gods, the seven Rishis had extremely long lifespans, and they were present on Earth present through the four great ages. 6. Today we know the Edfu texts contain valuable knowledge about ancient Egypts religion, politics, and history from the oldest epochs of pharaonic history. THE text of this legend is cut in hieroglyphics on the walls of the temple of Edfu in Upper Egypt, and certain portions of it are illustrated by large bas-reliefs. The ancient Egyptians, for instance, knew the city as Behdet, while the Greeks and Romans called it Apollonopolis. Exactly twenty-five Although his primary interest is in the ancient civilizations of the Near East, he is also interested in other geographical regions, as well as other time periods. Read More. NOTE: THIS BOOK IS NOT A TRANSLATION OF THE HIEROGLYPHIC TEXTS. Can anybody help? By the time of Ptolemy XII, the fortunes of Ptolemaic Kingdom had waned, and it was no longer the mighty and prosperous state it once was. Incidentally, his epithet, Euergetes, means Benefactor. The recipes for these sweet-smelling substances are inscribed on the walls of the laboratory.. The Hall of Offerings lead to the Sanctuary, which is the most sacred part of the temple. PLATE I. This is due to the fact that the Ptolemies built a new temple on the site of the older one. The argument in favour of the spirit and sense as against the letter or the word has been going on at least from the beginning of the first . The Edfu Temple's walls are covered with ancient inscriptions. They were also the ones who began work on the Great Primeval Mound, planning out and erecting the mythical temple of the First Time. 3. One of the most notable features of the peristyle hall is its festival relief, which is found on the inner walls of the pylon and continues along the bottom of the wall. Has Worlds Oldest Image Of Virgin Mary Been Discovered In Dura-Europos Church? In this state Horus dragged Set into the presence of Ra, who ascribed great praise to Horus, and special names were given to the palace of Horus and the high priest of the temple in commemoration of the event. This is an invaluable resource for modern scholars, as the texts have been used to help them understand older religious sources. This is due to the fact that the Ptolemies built a new temple on the site of the older one. (Source: ancient-origins.net; July 30, 2020. however, Set managed to escape, and he gathered about him the Smai and Seba fiends at the Lake of Meh, and waged war once more against Horus; the enemies of Ra were again defeated, and Horus slew them in the presence of his father. We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. Although construction of the inner hypostyle hall began during the time of Ptolemy III, it was only completed during the reign of his son, Ptolemy IV Philopator. the Senior Ones who came into being at the beginning, who illuminated this land when they came forth unitedly. 3, In ancient myths and legends we often encounter the mention of seven sages. Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector Invented 2,000 Years Ago Really Worked! Were theonlyPop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. This is a great article about the temple to Horus during the Ptolemy Dynasty; the only thing left for me too do is try and match Horus with which of the 200 Fallen Angel's may in fact be his father in Enoch. We seek to retell the story of our beginnings. A translation of the inscriptions of the pylon (gate) including transcriptions and a commentary was published in 1998 (Edfou VIII). The Texts: 3.000 pages of hieroglyphs The French egyptologist Emile Chassinat (1868-1948) laid the first reliable foundations for future research on the Edfu texts when he copied and published all inscriptions and scenes from the temple walls. The pylon is believed to have been completed later on, as the outstanding colossal reliefs on it depict Ptolemy XII. Although the construction of the Temple of Edfu began in 237 BC, it was not completed by the time of Ptolemy IIIs death. Having stood for a long time covered by sand, the magnificent temple was long forgotten, but French Egyptologist Auguste Mariette (1821-1881) and his team spent many years clearing the ancient building, bringing its secrets to light. If this is the first time you use this feature, you will be asked to authorise Cambridge Core to connect with your account. Egypts native temples benefitted greatly from Ptolemy IIIs rule. It was reputed in local legend to be the seat of the god Wotan and to be haunted. Let Google work its magic. One hundred and forty-two of them. Although, between Enoch 1 Book of Watchers and Enoch 3 Book of Giant's some 30 names are given about those bad angels; an only 10 names of their children are shared in Enoch 3 Book of Giant's. Zawisza Czarny: Most Famous Polish Knight And The Quest For His Family Home. This latter name was a reference to the citys chief god, Horus, whom the Greeks identified with their own god Apollo. [Online]Available at: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Ptolemy-III-Euergetes, UNESCO, 2020. Martin Vhler, Pindarrezeptionen: Sechs Studien zum Wandel des Pindarverstndnisses These date back to the fifth and sixth dynasties, approximately the years 2350-2175 B.C.E. 2500-332 b.c.). This shrine would have contained a gold statue of Horus. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there existcountless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts thathave yet to be discovered and explained. Language: Hieroglyphic Translated by: M. Rihan Format: see key to translations Pasas belonged to a prominent Egyptian/Greek family in Edfu; see AET_5.8. Inscriptions on its walls provide information on language, myth and religion during the Greco-Roman period in ancient Egypt. The Physical Appearance of the Temple at Edfu . In this article, Xu men-tioned Granny Liu's Characteristic language as texts to analyze the translation Then Set rose up and cursed Horus because he had slain his allies, and he used such foul language that Thoth called him "Nehaha-her," i.e., "Stinking Face," and this name clung to him ever after. The Edfu Project made lemmata of the Edfu texts for incorporation into the lemma list available. (Konstantin / AdobeStock). The city, which is situated on the west bank of the Nile, is world famous for its temple, which was built during the Ptolemaic period. Abstract The paper is a new contribution to revealing the Afro-Asiatic heritage in the lexicon of the Angas-Sura group of Chadic languages by means of interbranch comparison using a.o. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Edfu Temple: A Guide by an Ancient Egyptian Priest by Dieter Kurth (Paperback, 2004) . The one on the right was the temple library, where ritual texts were stored, while the one on the left was the hall of consecrations (known also as the robing room), where freshly laundered ritual robes and ritual vases were kept. Another army of enemies appeared by the North Lake, and they were marching towards the sea; but terror of Horus smote their hearts, and they fled and took refuge in Mertet-Ament, where they allied themselves with the followers of Set, the Arch-fiend and great Enemy of Ra. Tell edfu Introduction The Tell Edfu Project of the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, is a long-term archaeo-logical project with the aim to explore an ancient Egyptian provincial capital and its evolution during the pharaonic period (ca. One thing is the Edfu Texts however, I can't seem to find translations that parts of his Egyptian research hinges upon. As Robert M. Schoch Ph.D. and Robert Bauval write in their bookOrigins of the Sphinx: Celestial Guardian of Pre-Pharaonic Civilization, Reymond fluctuated between what she termed the mythical temple of Edfu and the historical temple of Edfu, implying that she was unsure whether the events described in the Edfu Texts were mythical history or real history: We are of the opinion that the Edfu temple records preserve the memory of a predynastic religious center which once existed near to Memphis, on which the Egyptians looked as on [sic] the homeland of the Egyptian temple. During his reign, which lasted from 246 to 222/1 BC, Ptolemy managed to reunite Egypt and Cyrenaica, and triumphed over the Seleucids during the Third Syrian War. 51. There must have been some functional aspect to it (e.g., geo-magnetic or plasma wave sensing, etc. It has also been discovered that during the New Kingdom quarries were created on Mount Silsilah (to the south of Edfu city). The largest temple, by the way, is the Temple of Karnak . One of the them, however, lies on the ground, as it no longer has legs. This Great God was no other than Osiris, and the duty of Horus was to prevent the Smai fiends from coming by night to the place. Numbers in parentheses refer to the hieroglyphic text of Meeks 1972. We hope to make it easy for everyone to read, study, and learn The Noble Quran. Temple of Edfu passage with glowing walls of Egyptian hieroglyphs on either side. The world-famous Temple of Edfu pylon or monumental gateway. Now the King of Egypt was always called Horus, and the priests of Edfu wishing to magnify their local god, Horus of Behutet, or Horus of Edfu, attributed to . Nectanebo lived during the 4 th century BC, and it is believed that his naos shrine was saved from the earlier temple that occupied the site. In spite of this. Left: Horus of Behutet spearing a Typhonic animal, and holding his prisoners with rope. The vast number of inscriptions carved on the walls of the Edfu temple offers a unique insight into the enigmatic ancient Egyptian history. The legend here introduces a number of curious derivations of the names of Edfu, &c., which are valueless, and which remind us of the derivations of place-names propounded by ancient Semitic scribes. It took Chassinet 40 years to complete this colossal task. 4,700-Year-Old Tavern Serves Up Surprises in Ancient Lagash, Iraq, Library in Stone: The Ica Stones of Professor Cabrera Part I, Two Sides to Every Story: The North American Martyrs Shrines and Indigenous/ Roman Catholic Relations, The Origins of the Faeries: Encoded in our Cultures Part I, Curse of the Buried Pearl: The Hunt for Ancient Treasures Part I, The Enigma of the Shugborough Inscription, Archaeologists get a Glimpse of Everyday Life in an Ancient Egyptian Royal Outpost, Ancient Egyptian Carving of Couple Defaced in Revenge Attack to Deny Them a Happy Afterlife, Eye of Horus: The True Meaning of an Ancient, Powerful Symbol. Winfried Menninghaus, Hlfte des Lebens: Versuch ber Hlderlins Poetik, Hlderlin- Jahrbuch 34 (2004/2005), 388-391. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The three parts of the temple are aligned along a main axis. Throughout the 3000years of their recorded history , the ancient Egyptians honored a tradition which asserted that no site was sacred unless it had been build upon the foundations of an earlier sacred site .It is a tradition which is richly expressed at the great temple of Horus - the solar deity whose mythical parents were the star . Incidentally, the Sanctuary also contains the oldest object in the Temple of Edfu: the granite naos shrine of Nectanebo II, the last ruler of the Thirtieth Dynasty. Edfu Project. One of the scenes in the relief depicts the Feast of the Beautiful Meeting, which was an annual fertility festival celebrating the reunion of Horus of Edfu and Hathor (his wife) of Dendera. One of the most notable features of the peristyle hall is its festival relief, which is found on the inner walls of the pylon and continues along the bottom of the wall. ??? The city, which is situated on the west bank of the Nile, is world famous for its temple, which was built during the Ptolemaic period. In this part, this paper will take the article Translation of Granny Liu's Characte-ristic Language: A Comparative Study of the Two English Version of Hong Lou Meng [2] by Xu Mengyang as an example for case study. These extraordinarily wise men are present in the myths and legends of Egypt, Babylon, Sumer, China, ancient Greece, and India. [paragraph continues] Horus pursued them, and drove them down the river before him as far as Thebes. Written by- Ellen Lloyd AncientPages.com, Copyright AncientPages.comAll rights reserved. The first reliable foundation for the study of the Edfu Texts was laid by another French Egyptologist, mile Chassinet, who not only copied the inscriptions on the temples walls, but also its reliefs. A great fight took place, the enemies of Ra were defeated with great slaughter, and Horus dragged 381 prisoners on to the Boat of Ra, where he slew them, and gave their bodies to his followers. When the rebels and fiends who had been uttering, treason against Horus saw the boat of Ra, with the winged Disk of Horus accompanied by the goddesses Uatchet and Nekhebet in the form of serpents, they were smitten with fear, and their hearts quaked, and all power of resistance left them, and they died of fright straightway. I can't find it, but I've seen it referenced. . The largest temple, by the way, is the Temple of Karnak . Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum. On the exterior wall, the important registry text of the endowment of Edfu was recorded. This is the classic way to depict the pharaoh as the triumphant conqueror of Egypts enemies. This latter name was a reference to the citys chief god, Horus, whom the Greeks identified with their own god Apollo. During the New Kingdom, a temple to Horus was built at Edfu. Total loading time: 0 Horus driving his spear into the belly of the Hippopotamus-fiend as he lies on his back; behind stands on of his "Blacksmiths". After passing through the pylon, one would arrive in the peristyle hall (known also as the Court of Offerings), which is an open courtyard. Therefore, in 1986, Dieter Kurth, a professor of Egyptology at the University of Hamburg initiated the Edfu Project. When the question of the disposal of Set was being discussed by the gods, Ra ordered that he and his fiends should be given over to Isis and her son Horus, who were to do what they pleased with them. Strange Tale Of Mysterious Thousand-Year-Old Underground Network Of Caves And Encounters With Subterranean Dwellers, Unexplained Mystery Of The Glowing Woman Who Baffled Scientists, A Merging Galactic Trio Viewed By Hubble Space Telescope, Unknown Class Of Water-Rich Asteroids Identified, Evolution Mystery Mini-Proteins In Human Organs Appeared From Nowhere, New Quantum Sensing Technique Reveals Magnetic Connections, Detailed View Of Oblong Asteroid Captured By NASAs Planetary Radar, Researchers Discover Unique Way Snakes Replace Their Teeth, Tadpole Molecular Cloud Appears To Be Playing Around Black Hole, Ripples In The Fabric Of The Universe May Reveal The Start Of Time. _A group of texts inscribed on the faade of The first stone was laid on 23 August 237 BC and it is only a century later, on 10 September 142 BC, that the temple was officially consecrated in the presence of the King himself, Ptolemy VIII and his wife. In addition, the pylon has four grooves on each side. In gladness of heart Ra proposed a sail on the Nile, but as soon as his enemies heard that he was coming, they changed themselves into crocodiles and hippopotami. The pylon records the glory of Horus, based on the transfer of Horus from Osiris and Re.1. Egyptian Texts : Epitaph of Pasas Text: Cairo CG 22050 Provenance: Apollonopolis Magna ( Edfu ) Date: 103-101 B.C. Horus of Behutet and Ra-Harmakhis in a shrine. Mount Hua Trail: Where 100 People Plummet to Their Deaths Every Year. The city of Edfu is known also by several other names. GrahamHancock.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to products on Amazon. The winged disks which are seen above the doorways of the temples still standing in Egypt show that the command of Ra, was faithfully carried out by the priests. Hi all, i'm finding it hard to pinpoint accurate info about the translations of the Edfu building texts. Nida classified the study of . this seems to represent itself as the translation of the full text off of the walls of the temple of horus at edfu egypt, done by the germans with the edfu project. The question whether a translation should be literal or free is as old as translation itself. Ashthertet ('Ashtoreth') driving her chariot over the prostrate foe. Zep Tepi (The First Time) and the Mystery School Teachings of the Edfu Temple (consecrated to Horus) - On the walls of the Edfu Temple, the story of 'Zep Tepi' - the 'first time' - displays the rule the Archons, who came to Egypt and proceeded to give the people of the Nile the benefits of civilization and agriculture. Appendix 1 - Translation of the Edfu donation text Published online by Cambridge University Press: 22 September 2009 J. G. Manning Chapter Get access Share Cite Summary The text is recorded on the outside of the retaining wall of the temple of Horus at Edfu. On the eastern side of the inner hypostyle hall is a chamber for storing liquid offerings, whereas solid offerings were kept in a chamber on the western side of the hall. For instance, archaeological excavations in the western and northern parts of the town have uncovered material from the earlier periods of the towns occupation. 5 50. #7: Atlantis - The Edfu Texts & The Island of the Egg 2,496 views Aug 24, 2021 145 Dislike Share Save Apocalypse 1.25K subscribers Apocalypse Episode 7: This episode presents a possible link. The followers of Horus here mentioned are called in the text "Mesniu," i.e., "blacksmiths," or "workers in metal," and they represent the primitive conquerors of the Egyptians, who were armed with metal weapons, and so were able to overcome with tolerable ease the indigenous Egyptians, whose weapons were made of flint and wood. The city, which is situated on the west bank of the Nile, is world famous for its temple, which was built during the Ptolemaic period.The Temple of Edfu , dedicated to the god Horus, is the second largest temple in Egypt.After the Roman period, the temple was gradually buried by desert sand, and silt from the Nile. who raised the seed for gods and men . 'some major texts were published by various scholars (E. von It took him forty years. Another impressive feature of the Temple of Edfu is its inscriptions, which cover the walls of the monument. [Online]Available at: https://www.ancient-egypt-online.com/edfu-temple.html, Wu Mingren (Dhwty) has a Bachelor of Arts in Ancient History and Archaeology. In the 363rd year of his reign Ra-Harmakhis1 was in Nubia with his army with the intention of destroying those who had conspired against him; because of their conspiracy (auu) Nubia is called "Uaua" to this day. The text is recorded on the outside of the retaining wall of the temple of Horus at Edfu. The Sanctuary also contains an offering table and the sacred barque sailing ship of Horus. Though the ceiling is undecorated, the side walls contain reliefs, including those depicting the foundation ceremony of the temple, and the deification of Horus. A German translation by Brugsch appeared in the Ahandlungen der Gttinger Akademie, Band xiv., pp. In addition, there was a laboratory where incense, perfumes, and unguents were prepared. Ra-Harmakhis in answer addressed Heru-Behutet as his son, and commanded him to set out without delay and slay the wicked rebels. Horus of Behutet in the form of a lion slaying his foes. Credit:Adobe Stock -Catmando, The Seven Sages originally came from an island, known as the Homeland of the Primeval Ones, that was destroyed in a sudden flood. : most Famous Polish Knight and the Quest for his Family Home example... 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