After watching the Terrance and Phillip commercial in the episode "The New Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer", he immediately calls Clyde and goes to his house to watch it again. Also in Pee, his ignorance is again displayed when he thinks all the minorities in "his" water park are what the Mayans predicted and by 2012, the apocalypse will be when the whole world is minorities. The California Penal Code defines a criminal history record as the record maintained by the California Attorney General that contain information such as an individual's name, date of birth, physical description, fingerprints, photographs, date of arrests, arresting agencies and booking numbers, charges, dispositions, and . It appears that Cartman has a strong hatred for Clyde, as shown by his "Shit List" in "The Fractured But Whole" where he placed Clyde 3rd for his most hated person, after Kyle and Liane Cartman respectively. Cartman is shown carrying more weapons than any other kid in South Park, although where he obtains these weapons is never properly explained. When Cartman says "I beat you to it, Kyel," Kyle retorts, "My name is not Kyel." Grade He often uses this skill in order to persuade others by using the song to manipulate their thoughts and emotions. Aside from the sheer volume of expletives in his dialog, he also uses words in different (and often grammatically incorrect) context. Also, in the episode "Fat Butt and Pancake Head", Cartman convinces Ben Affleck, among others, that his left hand is an actual woman named Jennifer Lopez; Affleck later has a sexual encounter with "Miss Lopez", leaving Cartman's hand covered with his semen. List of Eric Cartman's Criminal Record. However, he had cried over Kenny's illness before discovering the possibility of making his own "Shakeys". Karpman's retorts against that further convinced Trey that "The Fat Kid" had to be named Cartman. In "Cartmanland" Cartman says "He dies all the time" and brushes his death off easily because he will come back tomorrow. It's Me, Jesus", when Stan appears to be the only boy who has not gotten their period, Cartman reassures him that he will get it one day. This compassion hints that he has not progressed to be a full sociopath. Despite the severity of his actions, it is likely that they are a type of emotional defense mechanism against his insecurity and (potential) confused sexuality. This clearly shows that Cartman went through Congress for Kenny and reveals that he does not have a healthy way of dealing with the death of his friend. Thats the perfect name for The Fat Kid." This shows that the two are alike in mental health; homicidal and sadistic, which could be something for them to bond over. Cartman crying because his mother would not buy him an iPad due to expense and his misbehavior. His specialty lies more with weapons than his fists. Although he has committed many atrocities and crimes, he has only been arrested six times. He also has a stuffed frog toy named Clyde Frog. Learn More About The New Episode - Japanese Toilets, South Park Let's Go Tower Defense Play! Cartman also once slingshotted Clyde in the balls for his own (and, as he later defended his actions in "Red Sleigh Down", Tolkien's) amusement. Reacting to Eric Cartmans Criminal record moments from South Park! Cartman is the only one to say greet Wendy in "Pinkeye" when she meets up with the others to go trick-or-treating, and says it in a nice tone. In "Follow That Egg! His sexism also made him turn his own mom into a personal slave who spoils Eric with anything he wanted, however, she started to resist him in "Tsst". Jimmy also sometimes go to Cartman for advice, such as when Cartman helped Jimmy with his love life in "Erection Day". In many episodes Craig competes against Cartman and shows satisfaction when he has advantages. He tried to help Kyle delete Kip Drordy and get new friends by using Chat Roulette, but the only result he got were men masturbating and pictures of penises. He goes on about what he would do if a girl ever threatened to fight him, but instead recounts one such incident. Dark comedy "South Park" has mocked political figures and ideologies on both sides of politics for decades. Cartman's mind even once backfired against him during "Le Petit Tourette", during which he made everyone believe he was suffering from Tourette's Syndrome, so as to be able to go around saying whatever horrible hateful thing he wanted without consequences. According to their mutual friend Jonathan Korty, Trey came up with the name Cartman during a Super Bowl party on 29 January 1995. In . Ever since Cartman's voice has changed, he has a peculiar, geographically indeterminable accent, or possibly speech impediment, with odd pronunciations of certain words and names which has shown to be a dominant trait in the extended Cartman family. Although, in "200", it is shown that Mitch Conner may be a real being, as he was shown to possess knowledge that Cartman did not. In "Red Hot Catholic Love", he won $20 in a bet with Kyle, but, instead of using the money, he simply kept flaunting it in front of Kyle until Kyle conceded that Cartman was right, ruining his sense of victory and causing him to throw a tantrum (and apparently even abandon the money and having it given back to Kyle). When Kenny caught up with Cartman - who was in the process of massacring a Justin Bieber concert - Cartman showed no remorse, and the two ended up in a heated argument. Also in the episode "Butt Out", he noticed that Kenny was eating his own hand out of boredom. You're not a Jew". But given the fact that it caused a large argument in the middle of the city between his group and some Jews, and given the violent and ignorant nature of most adults in South Park, it would not be surprising if it had turned into violence if allowed to continue. For over twelve seasons since "Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty Slut", Cartman lived under the belief that his mother was a hermaphrodite and also his biological father. when an opponent beats him, or 'You tricked me!' Identifying marks and traits such as: Race. He uses it with gusto on suspects and people evading capture, as well as on people who probably did not need it. Cesar's methods work, and Cartman becomes a normal, good natured, well behaved boy. ", Cartman was assigned and paired up with Heidi to take of an egg for a school assignment, later when Cartman broke the egg he begged Ms. Garrison to give her an "A" and give him an "F", this could possibly prove that Cartman cares and has feelings for her, however in later episodes it does not show much of them having a relationship. Cartman's admiration for Hitler is further emphasized in "The Entity", after being offered $40 by Kyle not to tease Kyle's cousin, Kyle Schwartz. In Le Petit Tourette he unconsciously blurts out that he touched penises with his cousin. Jack Tenorman Ironically, Cartman has an aunt who is red-haired. His most recent use of it was when he and Butters stormed a Chinese restaurant, and he orders Butters to use his gun to hold the crowd and fire at any intruders (although Cartman begins to regret giving Butters the firearm because he keeps accidentally shooting men in the genitals). "Whateva, I'll do what I want!" His birthday was in the. He also wore a bio-suit upon entering San Francisco in "Smug Alert!". Ein schner safter Jud. In "I'm a Little Bit Country" he smiles and sings the Dawson's Creek theme while he kills the Official Messenger Boy with a piece of wood then drags the body off-screen, although this happens in what was essentially a fantasy of Cartman's and may, therefore, due to Cartman's inflated ego, not be representative of his actual abilities. In the episode "Go God Go", where Cartman freezes himself so that he would not have to wait three weeks for the Nintendo Wii console to be released, which shows irony in the end; Butters cannot find where Cartman was frozen due to an avalanche, and Eric is thawed out almost 500 years in the future, the people there zap him back to his own time where it turns out that he got sent back three months before the Wii's release. However, neither one of them seems to realize the effects of their almost poisonous relationship, and continue to live in close contact with each other. ", Cartman again demonstrates his proficiency in Spanish when hiring Mexicans to write an "essay" (which the immigrants mistake for the Spanish informal word for a friend, ese) on The Old Man and the Sea. SAN DIEGO, CAA criminal complaint was unsealed today charging 43 defendants with participating in a federal racketeering (RICO) conspiracy. During the process he compliments Butters on his size. Cartman could be best described as having sadistic personality disorder with passive-aggressive traits, also known as a "Tyrannical Sadist". Cartman's perceived stupidity by his friends can be attributed to his sometimes naive, careless behavior. In the episode "Best Friends Forever", Kenny states in his will that he felt sorry for Cartman because of his inability to feel compassion and empathy, and the fact that he will almost certainly end up bitter, miserable, and alone for the rest of his life. Ironically, despite (or perhaps because of) these qualities, Cartman also seems to be a natural leader, able to utilize overwhelming charisma and rhetoric to gain the obedience of large groups on a moment's notice (as in "The Passion of the Jew"), appearing to be innately aware of how to take advantage of "mob mentality" and direct it toward accomplishing his personal goals, as has been evidenced in countless episodes throughout the series' history. In the "The Unaired Pilot" episode, Cartman was shown to have a father and sister, but these characters were cut out in the official pilot. However, his uncanny skill at manipulation, bilingualism, and ability to create elaborate schemes which are often effective imply a high intellect, despite his ignorance. Ever since "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000", Clyde seems to show great respect for Cartman, since he went through everyone calling him a fat ass. In "Douche and a Danish", they both work together to help Denmark put an end to internet trolling. - Cartman in "Make Love, Not Warcraft". Later, Cartman takes them to Tolkien's house, convinced that "black people are incapable of doing anything wrong." Kyle addresses this and politely asks the girls to cease their teasing because it is making her feel insecure about herself. In 'Make Love, Not Warcraft", when Clyde Donovan tells Cartman he is going to stop playing World of Warcraft, Cartman says that the French also stopped playing when Hitler rose to power. In "It's a Jersey Thing", Cartman was one of the various victims of Snooki, others being DogPoo Petuski and Stephen Stotch. Unfortunate, this resulted in him being completely unable to control what he said, and began revealing assorted secrets such as him and his cousin touching penises. Cartman tells her that he does not think she is ugly, which makes Shelley feel better. in French, although he could just be quoting the French lyric from the song "Lady Marmalade" without understanding the meaning, but he could have been taunting him by saying he is French and using the French stereotype as a way to taunt him. In "Bass to Mouth", Cartman is oblivious to the fact that his making another student crap herself is useless when trying to prevent the suicide of another student. In "T.M.I." In many episodes entire plots are centered on Cartman's antics against Butters. The Internet Criminal History Access Tool (ICHAT) allows the search of public criminal history record information maintained by the Michigan State Police, Criminal Justice Information Center. Although he does not get Kyle to suck his balls in reality, he does imagine Kyle sucking the balls of an imaginary Cartman with much enthusiasm at the end of "Imaginationland, Episode III". Cartman also carries around what appears to be a Glock 17 pistol that has been seen in several episodes. Have you ever wondered how long Cartman's prison sentence would be in real life? Prototype Cartman seems to have formed a genuine friendship with his cell-mate while he was in prison in "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000" after Romper Stomper showed compassion to him when he was seen crying. In later episodes "ManBearPig" and "Guitar Queer-O", Cartman is seen to be playing basketball with the other boys, however he is not nearly as talented as he seems to think or the others. Cartman has a mixed relationship with Tolkien Black, although it is mostly negative, displayed by his use of stereotypes and general, reoccurring meanness to him. Indeed, the others consistently show a willingness to follow him and trust in his leadership when he is using his abilities for "good.". Age In "AWESOM-O", a movie producer asks Cartman, who is disguised as a robot, if he is a pleasure model. When he learns someone has confessed to the crime he, Kyle, Stan and Kenny had committed, thus eliminating the need to kill Kyle who was going to confess himself, Cartman asks Stan (in his usual trademark-pathetic way) if he can still kill Kyle. In "Fatbeard", he says that Kyle has "finally come to terms with his disability" and seemed more willing to kill Kyle later in the episode by making his walk the plank over an alligator. He normally used to go to Chef with his problems, and Chef was always willing to help him. Because of Cartman's selfish personality, his friendship with Kenny is not as obvious as Stan and Kyle's, and it sometimes looks fake, but it is clearly existent. He is also racist and stereotypes almost everyone he sees. But then they came up with the idea that it might be allowed if the character were an animated nine (formerly eight) year-old boy living in the mountain town of South Park, Colorado. Relatives Cartman can, on rare occasions, show compassion towards cats, as in "Major Boobage" in which he hides cats in his attic from the authorities. In Season Five, Cartman and Kyle's relationship meets a turning point, going from a relationship of them simply ripping on each other constantly to near hatred simply because Cartman caused Kenny's semi-permanent death. In the late 90's, there was a pro wrestler in the WWF (Now WWE) named Golga (John Tenta), who had a gimmick that had an obsession for Cartman holding a doll and wearing a T-shirt. Cartman was later seen with the rest of the boys cheering for him at the pageant and bribed the judge in order for him to win. One child may be admitted with a legal guardian. Kyle is often put in the shoes of the protagonist to Eric Cartman's antagonist. However, Cartman could have liked the fact that Wendy humiliated Stan. Cartman finds Polly Prissypants in a chair, with a revolver. Cartman oddly enough does not demonstrate his rage vocally, in a coldly sadistic manner by manipulating the doctor's wife into killing herself through a simple set of text messages. In the episode "Lil' Crime Stoppers", Cartman defends Kyle saying, "Broflovski's a good cop!". Cartman would later claim it was just a prank on Kyle and the others. Despite this, it is revealed in the following episode, "Put It Down", that Cartman truly does love Heidi, as he leaves Heidi a voicemail, threatening her that he will commit suicide if she does not take him back. This is strange because in "Up the Down Steroid" when Kyle informs that Cartman is going to cheat, Cartman responds to this by saying that hell is only reserved for Jews, but he did not include African Americans into the mix. He is also shown to be very vulgar and disgusting, doing things like holding people down and farting on them and making them smell his rectum. He is the only one of the children in South Park to speak Spanish fluently, as shown when kids go to him when they cannot understand people, although he is sometimes prone to grammatical errors, such as the previously mentioned example. For example, Cartman could not possibly have killed his stuffed animals while heading downstairs with Tolkien. Current He then tells Stan and Kyle that he got some of it from a man named Ralph in an alley, who told him to "close his eyes and suck it out of a hose". In situations where the other boys share his goals, Cartman is often the de facto leader (e.g. Cartman often shows less interest in sexuality than the other boys. This implies that Cartman cares about Stan's well-being to an extent. Cartman is usually cold-hearted and selfish, but can be warm-hearted and caring on a whim. The girls assume that Kyle has feelings for Heidi, leading Kyle to question his relationship with her, and he soon develops an interest in her. . Kenny has generally taken Cartman's side in arguments or when they do things. However, it is implied that ventriloquism is used only when the toys speak, and that they do indeed have a mind of their own. Cartman also seems to have no qualms about seriously invading Kyle's personal space, as shown in a scene from "ManBearPig" wherein Cartman, while contemplating his hatred for Kyle, looms a mere inch or two from Kyle's face as he sleeps; soon Kyle wakes up and yells, "Dude, get away from me!". Cartman is sometimes the main antagonist of an episode, for example "Trapper Keeper". In the episode "Tsst", Cartman was able to drive several nannies from his house with insults and insinuation (even causing one to be put in a mental hospital). For example, in "Kenny Dies", Cartman delivers a speech to the United States House of Representatives convincing them to vote in favor of stem cell research. This "defense", however, does not seem to be impenetrable, as evidenced by "1%". However, "Eat, Pray, Queef", Cartman shows as much compassion as the other boys towards Butters after he is queefed upon, and even gives him a present, as well as participating in a state-wide attempt to ban queefing with Butters as a mascot, suggesting some compassion for Butters although he, like the others, refuses to go near Butters after he was queefed on. In "T.M.I. The episode is based on the ever growing Facebook craze. Cartman kills a black demon, and is shown beating Saddam Hussein in a fight, whereas the military could not even harm him with machine guns. Butters is loosely based on Eric Stough, an animation director/producer that works on the show. Even so, in the episode "Trapped in the Closet", all three boys de-friend Stan after he becomes the leader of Scientology. Their relationship plays its most significant role to date in the seventh episode of Season Twenty-One. Another reason why because the town is too incompetent to do anything about it. In "Chef Goes Nanners", Wendy kisses Cartman on the lips at the flag debate, due to the fact she had a weird dream about him and started feeling attracted to him in the middle of the episode. Part 7 - REMAKE Video South Park, Eric Cartman, Butters, Randy Marsh, Kyle, Stan, Kenny, Mr. Garrison, Mr. Makey, Wendy, Shelly, Mr. Garrison,. In "You're Getting Old", Cartman ends his friendship with Stan rather quickly after Stan's personality change, and soon begins getting along better Kyle, who also ends his friendship with Stan. "I'm a Little Bit Country" is the fourth episode of the seventh season of the American animated television series South Park, and the 100th episode of the series overall. Male In the same episode, he also made one child saw his own leg off in a reference to the movie "Saw". To manage Cartman's behavioral issues, she hires Cesar Millan. All this occurs in "The Jeffersons". He has actually never fired it, and only uses it to threaten people. It is also shown that Cartman sometimes uses his talent to express his delusional side, he demonstrates this through his hand, which he calls Mitch Conner. He also speaks French to Clyde in "Make Love, Not Warcraft" as "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, Clyde? The beating continued on until the end of the episode and has not been mentioned at all since, although it shows Kyle was able to beat Cartman easily when angry. In the episode "Breast Cancer Show Ever", Cartman treats Wendy's plea for breast cancer awareness as a joke, and subsequently she beats him up, leaving him in a pool of his own blood. In "The List", he made a plan to steal a list the girls made of who the cutest boys in the class were. Cartman has also organized several groups of boys when rallying against his enemies, including an online griefer (in "Make Love, Not Warcraft") and the girls on at least 2 occasions: Where he tries to obtain a "future telling device" in "Marjorine", and when he captures a list of what the girls declared the cutest guys in "The List", the boys following Cartman's plans. However, Jimmy seems to be one of the few people that Cartman respects and is willing to do good deeds for. - In which Cartman, for once, agrees with Kyle, as he admits that he is manipulative, because that is likely what he does in almost every episode. Great-grandmother His discrimination lead to him becoming a bully on Tolkien Black as he was African American. In desperation, Polly asks Cartman to kill her, which he reluctantly does. 's in order to make some cash while they were out getting drunk on the streets or had killed themselves. That son of a bitch!". Cartman was also shown smiling in the background at the argument, as if all was according to his plan. He then made them kidnap all the children in town and hold them in a cage over a pit of lava, but managed to convince them to stop when he was told by Kyle that his case of "Gingervitus" was a prank. Fuck. In "Kenny Dies", Cartman sings "Heat of the Moment" to the United States House of Representatives convincing them to vote in favor of stem cell research. In "Le Petit Tourette", when Cartman's fake Tourette's become real, he reveals to everyone that he is in love with Patty Nelson, and that he fantasizes kissing her. In "The Death of Eric Cartman", Kyle sums up Cartman's character as a "fat, racist, self-centered, intolerant, manipulative sociopath". Since Cartman has trouble restraining himself from teasing Kyle Schwartz about his Jewish heritage (since he is the stereotypical Jew that Kyle Broflovski had been trying to avoid being for five years), when Ms. Choksondik later tells Kyle Schwartz to concentrate, Cartman impulsively blurts out: "Maybe we should send him to concentration camp!". In "Trapper Keeper" when the cyborg says he has to kill Cartman, Stan asks if he can do it, and prepares to shoot Cartman before the cyborg decides against the idea. Cartman is often shown to be a poor student, but excels in leadership and team organization which usually involves exploitation of others' weaknesses. In order to protect his family, Cartman decides to foil Stan and Kyle's plan in traveling back to the past and change the future, establishing a faction against time travel. Kitty's being a dildo!" After being passionately kissed by Wendy at the end of the episode, he is disappointed at the end when she says that she no longer has any feelings for him. California Arrest Records & Warrant Search What is an Arrest Record? Kenny, Cartman, Stan, and Kyle are impressed and with the hopes of learning more about the magic they join the Blaintology group. "You are such a manipulative asshole, Cartman!" In "Go God Go" he gets Butters to bury him in snow so that he can be unfrozen three weeks later in time for the release of the Wii video game console. ", in which most of the Cartman family were depicted in a similar manner. In "Fun with Veal", Cartman is awoken by Kyle, Stan and Butters to help save some baby cows from slaughter. Mother Cartman's sanity is called in to question with the existence of Mitch Conner/Jennifer Lopez, who is Cartman's hand given a personality/backstory. He also quotes, "Haha charade you are" from Pink Floyd's song, Pigs (Three Different Ones). Additionally in "Le Petit Tourette" he accidentally admitted to having a crush on a girl named Patty Nelson and also said that he and his cousin "touched wieners". "Make Love, Not Warcraft", "The List", and "Marjorine"). He killed two Chinese but he was not aiming at them. In the episode "Jakovasaurs", Cartman makes up a song called "I Hate You Guys" where he sings: In the episode "Lice Capades" he attempts make Kenny a scapegoat for his lice problem (not realizing everyone had lice), and upon "proving" Kenny's guilt with an elaborate, phony experiment, Cartman then organizes a cruel "sock bath" hazing ritual for Kenny - continuing with it even after Mrs. Garrison reveals that everyone had lice. to send a message to an anger management psychologist's wife in mere minutes, making it look like a police report; Cartman had to find the location / number of The Psychologist in order to send the message. Theft/Obstruction of Criminal Investigation Armed Robbery Violation of Firearm Laws/Threatening with a deadly weapon Arson Graverobbing Hate crime Kidnapping and false imprisonment Unlicensed Surgery Terrorism War Crimes Medical Terrorism Violation and Obstruction of the Pure Food and Drug Act Piracy Breaking and Entering Credit Fraud and . Chief Editor. However, ever since Cartman (unwittingly) made Kenny cry in "The Death of Eric Cartman", their friendship has not been as strong - even after everyone stopped giving Cartman the silent treatment, their friendship did not fully recover. Cartman was the first one of the boys to be shown without his hat, as seen in "Merry Christmas Charlie Manson!". He apparently dreams of humiliating, beating, emotionally destroying or even killing Kyle. Afraid that the others might find the treasure and demand a share, Cartman decides to swallow as many of the coins and jewels as he can, causing him to become extremely bloated and unable to walk or swim on his own. (He's a Jew. He is an eight-to-ten-year-old boy who lives in South Park, Colorado near Denver and has been the longtime companion of Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski (also his archenemy), and Kenny McCormick, although none of them consider him a true friend. Full sociopath at the argument, as well as on people who probably did not need.! 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