You are knowledgeable about different things, and you have an open mind approach. The Empress card in Tarot is defined by receptivity and motherly intuition. You feel exhausted, confused, and mentally drained, not knowing how to proceed forwards or who to trust and believe. Thus, as an action card, the reversed High Priestess asks of you to drop the burden that keeps you motionless, be receptive to experiences and invitations, and move towards what you desire without inhibitions. What does the High Priestess Tarot Card mean reversed? It is a bond that words fail to describe. The High Priestess gets her wisdom through intuition and the Hierophant from the books he reads. 2 is the number that symbolizes duality, intuition, harmony, and union. A person who suffers may sometimes feel spiritual pride, bear the torment upon their chest, and glorify the pain. Have you ever wanted the sound of the ocean splashing in the background as you work at your desk, or cook dinner in the kitchen? The High Priestess indicates that you choose to look further into the future, not to invest yourself in petty arguments that in the big picture wont have any effect. What is Kim Kardashians Zodiac Sign? Her knowledge and her wisdom are as old as the Earth itself. If the High Priestess appears reversed in the future position, you may go through a time of mild depression and loneliness. You want to try new things, but you first analyze if it's better for you. Also, it advises you to be mindful of your behavior because you may not be the person to cause a jealousy scene, but if you come to be that person, you should look into yourself if you are that person or if your partner has pushed you to that point. Try to stay calm. It means that you may get the opportunity you wanted but in an unexpected way. It can also refer to libraries, studies, secret rooms, and the workspace of someone who practices divination and witchcraft. An inner conflict is present when the High Priestess shows up reversed. The High Priestess would remind you that a work environment can turn toxic pretty soon because careers, jobs, and money are on the line. - as a hothead, a person with an explosive temper, someone who blows their top; - it could be that person 1 sees person 2 as a fated friend or mate; - he/she has achieved all he/she could from you. They do not feel like they have to always take action and find the next distraction. After the Magician, who is active on all planes of existence, the High Priestess signals a pause from action to learn and reflect. Maybe youll read an interesting book, meet a mysterious person who embodies the traits of the Priestess, or start meditating and just let go of all the stress! You will learn an important lesson, or a secret will reveal itself. The 10 of Pentacles indicates someone sees permanence with you. - as someone who is on the same page as them with a good bond and connection. It usually advises you follow and listen to your gut. The best you can do is to try and help them see that suffering is a perceived impurity that begins in the mind, and therefore, an illusion. That is the way of least interference. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. - Page of wands is a bit immature, as all wands; - a hot temper, fiery, passionate, go-getter wham-bham here-today gone tomorrow 'Right Now' attitude; - as someone who's incapable of keeping her fire in check, i.e., hot-tempered; - Feelings suggested are probably very intense and warm toward you; - you have the potential to be loving and kind. Her wisdom is to know when to be silent and listen, and when to offer advice. They're not going to see you that way if you weren't part of their past, etc. Whether it is by meditation, writing a journal, or talking about it with a considerate friend, let it go, for the truth will eventually reveal itself, no matter what we do to deny it. Sometimes I use it when I go to bed, or even in my office with my Asakuki Diffuser giving off the gentle scent of lavender in the air. Shes cautious, not shallow, nor celibate, offering herself so entirely that its beside the point to question the purity of her motives. It is the deafening silence of isolation when we lose our genuine connection to the world. The High Priestess card points to a quiet, mystical and ancient place, like a shrine or a secluded temple. The figure raises his other hand with two fingers pointed upwards. The seeker or the person of interest may be judging, repressing, and questioning their feelings instead of trusting them. This is an inner battle of emotions and logic, fighting for a decision to be made, or fighting against those inner demons. In the Rider Waite deck introduced in 1910, the image on the card shows a cloistered woman holding a scroll in her hands, seated between two pillars that mark the entrance to the Temple, and bearing a cross on her chest. Others may appreciate you being understanding and outspokenness. A person who is close to you may behave in a cold and strict way, giving you the silent treatment, and leaving you to wonder what you did wrong. You project your best qualities and catch the spotlight, but unknowingly avoid and hide your weaknesses. You possibly have not considered all the factors in play and wont know for sure until you discover the truth for yourself. The High Priestess as How Someone Sees You. There may be two opposing feelings that are building up and have not surfaced yet. How someone sees you or feels about you? What does the High Priestess Tarot Card mean in Friendship? Any existing tension will find relief, and conflicts will soon be solved. Whilst this confusion is temporary, your soul is eternal. You can fight for your opinions and your believes, and you have no fear of being different.With the 8 of pentacles it could mean you put a lot of efforts and energy to reach your goals when it's important to you. The High Priestess implies waiting patiently and trusting in your intuition. Even five minutes a day, or one short hour when you particularly need it, will clear your mind of clutter and illusion. They admire your ability to speak the truth. It is their intuition that allows them to see with clarity beyond the surface, and when somethings wrong, they are the first to know. Here, on the threshold of the temple, there is no choice but to stand still and listen to the voice within our hearts. The High Priestess Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees you, The High Priestess Reversed as How Someone (He/She) Sees You. Have a little faith, both in yourself and other people, but never forget that only you can know how to live your life. The High Priestess is seen as a beautiful, balanced person with profound knowledge of life. She sits between light and darkness, black and white, sun and moon, masculine and feminine, yin and yang, life and death, conscious and unconscious. Or it could be inactivity and wondering about what-could-have-been that gets to you. When the High Priestess card appears in relation to a conflict, it advises you to hold on to your personal power. This fight will be completely under your control if you do not let it affect you; remain steady in your inner quiet. You will never truly know a person who is like the shadow of the High Priestess because they will never let you get too close. Its too soon to tell what will occur, so you might as well keep your thoughts to yourself for now. All we have to do is learn to wait until the time is ripe, listen to our inner voice, and look beyond the obvious. Observe your problems from a distance and, in time, more choices and solutions will present themselves. Find someone you trust, tell them of your troubles, and listen to their insight. They might also try to share their weight, or even impose it on others, in an attempt to earn sympathy and get rid of something that doesnt even exist! Confucius said that silence is a true friend who never betrays. Do not actively interfere before youve seen the entire picture. The stability of the two pillars is frail, and quite possibly you and your partner are refusing to meet with each other on middle ground. Or how it is going to happen. On a more everyday level she can personify how someone sees you, your personality type and your feelings in general. Theres a great potential for progress if you pay attention to your teachers. This card is about having faith in yourself and the universe, learning something new every day, and trusting others without letting their opinions affect you. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Affiliate Disclosure | Contact Us | About Us. - someone willing to sacrifice something or part of themselves for something better/greater. They think you are worthy of praise, why, even exaltation! The two sides of all creation may clash in conflict and confusion but they are complementary to each other, and together they form a greater picture. Upright Position: If you pull the card in an upright position, it means Yes. Because, hiding behind the pious ethical mask, lies the lonely suffering, the sediment of religion, and the root of all confusion. Again, this card urges you to calm down, listen to your own voice, and tune in! In reverse, the High Priestess is a sign that your relationships are not what you think they are. The feminine principle of this card is all about receptivity and acceptance, where two become one, not by summation and union, but in a spirit of progression and conjunction. In this comprehensive guide, we shall explore the symbolism of this mysterious and divine woman. Unlikely to give up. Frigid, bitter, and withholding, the High Priestess in reverse becomes a statue of beauty and warmth that are slowly fading. The High Priestess Tarot card is a deeply powerful and spiritual card, and if she has shown up for you in a reading, then her energies have a powerful meaning for you at this time. Whether it is rare knowledge or an investment tip, keep this a secret and discuss it only with close friends and trusted colleagues. Indeed there is no need for change or action; everything has already been done and established. In any case, this will be a time when nothing much happens and tension builds up. Ask unlimited questions. If you are interested in getting a psychic reading, then as a VekkeSind reader, you can get 5 minutes free. The High Priestess as an obstacle is a reminder to quiet your mind and listen to your heart. They are people who think they know, while they know nothing, and in their path towards oblivion, they would desecrate and diminish even the noblest heart. Sometimes, he may even be fake about his confidence. She carries the scroll of Divine Law and has been associated with science, religion, and tradition. In business and career, The High Priestess is a good omen that indicates you are putting your skills and abilities to work. Wait, and be patient. This can be . Let go of rigidity and make way for the excitement of the Empress. Nine of wands tarot card meanings upright. This card is mystical, intriguing, spiritual, and feminine all in one. Her love is immortal and fills the heart with joy. You may bring their secrets to the grave. The High Priestess is a quiet person, even mysterious sometimes, someone who can offer great advice and help you solve your problems with an aura of certainty and integrity. Your heart will know the answer. Have faith in your abilities and choices. It indicates that you have found peace and security in your relationship. Intense, almost enchanting emotions may develop, along with an everlasting bond. Cards combinations of High Priestess Thats all they really want. This card could also indicate that where others seek to win over others with physical fists or immoral power plays, you should instead seek wisdom and clarity. Do research, if necessary, and stay strong and focused. It refers to falling in love with the idea of love itself, or to the desire of the forbidden, that which we cannot have. We pride ourselves in offering clean, comfortable, family-friendly environments with an emphasis on excellent customer service. The High Priestess Tarot Card as an Obstacle / Challenge, The High Priestess Reversed as an Obstacle / Challenge, The High Priestess Tarot Card as an Outcome, The High Priestess Reversed as an Outcome, The High Priestess Tarot Card in the Future, The High Priestess Reversed in the Future, The High Priestess Tarot Card as a Person, Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. Finally, the High Priestess is also a symbol of the chasm between the worlds. What does the High Priestess Reversed mean in a Love or Relationship Reading? Possibly even a soulmate; - Fours are about stability and Cups are about emotion, so it's about emotional stability. The High Priestess, in reverse, retains some characteristics of the card in its upright position. The High Priestess - Reversed Tarot Card Meaning Key Symbolism overthinking, being lost in the inner world, illusions, You may meet someone special or learn something new. They are already thinking about how to take your relationship to the next level. The answers will appear when you will have accepted yourself completely. I would expect that he sees you as someone who presents herself as if her life were put together. He wants to feel elevated and confident; I'd said the person see you as someone who has a strong personality. How Someone Sees You: The card signifies a strong-willed, diligent, brave, and controlling person. If that be the case, consider the complications and consequences of wanting such a relationship. The High Priestess Tarot Card in its core usually represents inner knowing and letting things unfold to respond at a later moment. All you need to know about yourself or other people, you can draw for your intuition. In this person's eyes, you can do anything your heart desires and seem to attract and command an audience. Simply let what has already formed blossom without trying to control things. Therefore, the card will often refer to reading, writing, and studying. The Swords Suit has a reputation for being a negative suit. Being too eager and hasty will bring you no closer to your goal. Think about whether you are projecting your true self in your daily life or if you are casting illusions, hiding your face with a calm yet cold and unreal mask. The Swords Suit, along with The High Priestess, is also an interesting drawing. You may have guessed wrong, or your question may be misplaced. When she appears in a reading, its a sign to still the mind, listen to your inner voice, and look for answers within. Well-balanced, you are exactly where youre supposed to be. How can you trust your feelings when your mind is blocking the way? Concerning possible career choices, the High Priestess usually signifies a well-educated person or a healer. Sometimes it is your partner who does. In this kind of drawing, The High Priestess may come up straight, as well as reversed. The answers we are looking for can only be found within. It could be by investing your money in a financial scheme, taking a job opportunity without proper knowledge, or know who youre working for. However, what they desire most is, perhaps, mental clarity and living a meaningful, personal life. The High Priestess's planetary ruler is the Moon. Be completely honest with how you feel deep inside. And the 3 of pents being the master craftsmanmeaning what will be created will be of high caliber; - someone who is giving and generous unless ill dinified; - they respect you and hold you in high regard - They sense they can control you; - materialistic and only looks out for themselves without thought for other people; - The Emperor, for me is about taking control, or taking charge. When the High Priestess appears reversed as the current or imminent state of affairs, it means that you have lost your patience, forgotten to trust your inner voice, and made a mistake that goes against your moral code. Even if youre feeling overwhelmed by projects and unsure about the future, keep at it and answers will arrive. She can, however, seem somewhat problematic. Let them know that their emotions are important to you and that its safe to talk about it. While they may even adore you with reverence and devotion, they may be somewhat reserved towards you because of your mysterious aura. Bad blood can only lead to more enmity. A reversed High Priestess in your love reading means that you are perhaps thinking and judging when you should be feeling. Their unfathomable melancholy and sadness are only surpassed by the bright moonlight of their disarming smile. The High Priestess represents this concept more than any other card. You'll always come back. And if youve been keeping a secret that day by day weighs down on your soul, it will eventually find its way to the surface so why not find a way to address it while you can? It could also lead to a miscommunication on how much income to expect from such an endeavor. Have patience and listen to your intuition. You dont want to be trapped between notions of right and wrong, pride and shame, or other mental objects that are of no help at all. Shes admired for her talents, her intuition, and her steadfast, albeit introvert character. Consider your options. This occurs in many people who suffer from OCD or anxiety. Shes beyond desire, passion, emotion, and petty thoughts. This card in reverse might mean a couple of things. They see you as someone they can learn a lot from and grow with. In their attempt to justify their destructive patterns, they will find problems everywhere and often say hurtful things to establish their sense of superiority and false righteousness. If you pull The High Priestess in reverse, it indicates a day when you may feel exhausted, lacking mental clarity, and having emotional outbursts. Can indicate them seeing person as willing to surrender perhaps; - that he feels deeply for her, his feelings shine brightly for all to see, and his feelings are probably very pure as well, untainted by selfish desires; - convention, an almost unsurmountable obstacle in my own personal experience and therefore somewhat discouraging; - very intuitive, wise and yes mysterious; - The person either is from their past (and judged them harshly, or changed their life) or they're not. He may also see your connection as spiritual in some way. It is a sign to search your feelings, acknowledge them, and encourage stability. Regarding finances, it may indicate that you are going to make a financial mistake. Maybe the answer is unclear because its too early to tell, or you have the answer but feel uncertain. The Cup Suits represent emotions, feelings, relationships, and contract-ships. The scroll shes carrying contains sacred knowledge hidden in plain sight, accessible to those who know where to look. They may not be able to figure you out because you are always talking about something else. Behind her, we see a curtain decorated with palm trees and pomegranates, symbols of victory, abundance, life, and fertility. Unify Cosmos is dedicated to seed the positive aspects in everyone life and we do this through promotion of spiritual initiatives. You may be very controlling, jealous, and overall toxic for the other person. Feelings can overwhelm us to a point where we can neither describe nor control them. She is the nurturer. You may feel like hiding and isolating yourself, or someone you care about may act out all judgmental and give you the cold shoulder. Nevertheless, in the crossing position the High Priestess card becomes an irrational fear of the outside world. The High Priestess in reverse is your metaphoric life reins. The High Priestess, along with another card of the Pentacles Suit, foretells job and business opportunities. This spread indicates that you are receiving lots of offers, that may be job opportunities or business partners coming to you with deals. They know not to lie to you or try to manipulate you. She stands for perfection, fairness, truth, the law, and decisions made with a sharp and balanced mind. Our piercers are competent in performing any body piercing and we . What they could see them as is a someone who will transform them, make them face their past and come to terms with it, etc. If single, its a sign to develop trust and open your heart. Knowing what you feel means realizing that you are not your feelings, but you experience and radiate those feelings without letting them control your actions. When reversed, the High Priestess urges you to disclose the secrets and feelings that have been gnawing at your mind. She represents unconditional love and wanting whats best for the other. Because the High Priestess is so mystical, the answers from this card can be shadowy and hard to understand. We cannot stress this enough. Perhaps no-nonsense. Or you could be a little hot-tempered. She may indicate anxiety, doubt, ignorance, passivity, a crippling feeling of loneliness, the inability to trust in your intuition, or someone whos been keeping secrets from you. She whispers of a quiet, even invisible torment. This card is often a sign that you will meet someone who will greatly affect your emotional domain. You know how to do the right thing at the right time. In other words, she has mastered the virtues of patience and meditation. As an action card, it might be a sign that you have been avoiding life for too long. If you need to make a decision, it is easier first to notice the choices you or others make to perceive where their desires and intentions lie. In terms of what not to do, it would advise you to control your emotions before you talk with your partner if you feel a rising of anger, jealousy, controlling behavior. Such a person wants to attain perfect knowledge of themselves and the world they live in, develop their intuition, and have a stable routine. When reversed, the High Priestess implies that youre out of your depth. Well, youre not fooling anyone! Just like a forest path covered with a blanket of fallen leaves; scrape them away and you will reveal the direction you must take. Get the answers you need about your unique situation. The religious connotations are clear, but the main theme is one of wisdom and teaching. This is not the time for changes, bold moves, and risky, new enterprises. Whenever desire is quelled by shame and self-restraint, and logic is overwhelmed by emotion, youll find that out of pure emotion there will always sprout inklings of a practical truth, and droplets of yearning will tug upon self-control.And so an inner push and pull ensues, where you can never seem to settle on a certain balance. The nurturing and sensitive nature of the High Priestess resembles the gentle soul of the Cancer sign. She is the total purity of spirit; intact, sacred, and eternal. 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